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Добавлено 17 июн 2024 в 18:12
Matoo is a restaurant marketplace web-service for admin and mobile multiplatform application for clients developed by MobileXApps. This app provides users with a convenient way to discover and order food from local restaurants.

The app allows users to browse menus, place orders, and track their delivery. Users can easily search for restaurants based on location, cuisine, or rating. The app also includes a range of other features, such as the ability to save favorite restaurants and to view order history.

One of the unique features of Matoo is its multiplatform application, which allows clients to access the app from a variety of devices including Android, iOS, and web browsers. This provides users with even more flexibility when it comes to ordering food from local restaurants.

The technical stack used in the development of Matoo includes Kotlin, Android Studio, and Flutter for the mobile multiplatform application, and PHP for the web-service. Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and can also be compiled to JavaScript source code or native code. Android Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) used to develop software for Android-powered devices. Flutter is a mobile app development framework used to build high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for Android and iOS. PHP is a server-side scripting language used for web development.
The use of Kotlin and Flutter allowed MobileXApps to create a mobile multiplatform application that is optimized for both Android and iOS devices. The app runs smoothly and efficiently on smartphones and tablets, providing a seamless food ordering experience. The use of Android Studio allowed for the creation of an app that is compatible with a wide range of Android-powered devices.

The use of PHP allowed for the creation of a web-based version of Matoo, providing restaurant owners with even more flexibility when it comes to managing their menus and orders. Whether you're using the mobile multiplatform application or the web-based version, Matoo provides a seamless and convenient food ordering experience.

Overall, Matoo is a great app for anyone looking to discover and order food from local restaurants. With its multiplatform application, clients can easily access the app from a variety of devices. Developed using Kotlin, Android Studio, Flutter, and PHP, it's a great example of the power of modern mobile app and web development. Whether you're looking to order food or manage your restaurant's menu and orders, Matoo provides a seamless and convenient food ordering experience.

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