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фильтр частот и ээг каналов по научной статье

Добавлено 19 авг 2024 в 01:05
вот фильтр частот и ээг каналов по научной статье

python create_function_chat.py "call Create function with description='read timeflux yaml_file, output content as json string without whitespaces' name='read_timeflux_yaml_as_json' use_cache=true" "call Create function with description='parse response_json string content, and write as timeflux json_file as json with single indent' name='write_timeflux_json' use_cache=true" "call Create function with description='in venv path as parameter start bin/python -m timeflux json_file, and use Popen and stdout.readline to stream its output to console' name='start_timeflux_json' use_cache=true" "call Create function 'description':'Search for articles on arxiv via api, use parameters search_query=, start=0, max_results=10', 'name':'search_arxiv_articles', use_cache=true" "search on arxiv about 'increase working memory using EEG neurofeedback' max_results=1 start=7, also propose which channels locations used in this article to use later in LocQuery params key and which band with exact frequencies used in this article to use later in IIRFilter bandpass" "read timeflux examples/timeflux_brainflow_freeeeg32_ttyUSB0_filter.yaml as json with single indent" "write response_json content as timeflux examples/timeflux_brainflow_freeeeg32_ttyUSB0_filter_test.json with single indent, replace LocQuery params key to channels proposed in arxiv article analysis but leave acquire params channels as is, replace IIRFilter frequencies to bandpass proposed in arxiv article analysis, double check that you use correct number and order of brackets in json, no version number" "in venv_path='venv' start timeflux examples/timeflux_brainflow_freeeeg32_ttyUSB0_filter_test.json"