This service is designed to facilitate the management of the family budget.
Features and functions
Registration by email and password
Password recovery by email
Creating, editing, and deleting income and expense categories
Create edit and delete income and expense records
The ability to download all your income and expenses in csv
The ability to upload income and expenses
Viewing currency exchange rates
The ability to add income and expenses in any currency
The ability to set the main currency in which all total values will be calculated.
The calculation of values in the main currency is performed by an algorithm based on the nearest existing exchange rate to the date of a specific record.
For each record, the exchange rate is calculated based on the currency of a particular record, the user's main currency and the date of this monetary transaction.
API with docker-network-only access. With token authorization via Djoser + JWT. It is used by microservices:
a parser of current exchange rates
telegram bot
Currency parser microservice makes a request to the service api every 24 hours and sends the received exchange rates through the API of our SIMBU service, where they are stored in a database and used to calculate all records of monetary transactions in the main currencies of users.
The structure of the service The service consists of several microservices running in docker containers within the network.