Rails Web portal and the Registration system for school pupils using NFC tags. Pupils has to tap their tags at the school entrance at the morning. The system is tracking presence/absence and being late. Parents can sign-in for receiving emails and SMS messages about their children. School administration can generate and print about 10 types of reports using Web UI at App’s backend. Now this project is under generalization to general purpose registration system and new brand: NFCCheckOut. - Development in BDD style. Acceptance scenarios written using Calabash-Selenium framework. Specs written using JUnit 4. - Uses ORMLite as an ORM bridge at Android side. - Uses DataMapper (Ruby) as an ORM bridge at Server side. - Processes both NTAG and Mifare 1K NFC tag types - Support’s OFFline mode for bad ISP channels - RESTful Model 1 Sinatra (Ruby) backend - Rails 4 (Ruby) for NFCCheckOut Storefront