Tumblr API integration

5 000 руб. за проект • безналичный расчёт
11 января 2019, 16:18 • 4 отклика • 52 просмотра
Write function:
- arguments:
hashtag, start_date, end_date
- body:
- use https://api.tumblr.com/v2/tagged to get posts
- process posts to get data
- returns:
pandas DataFrame with info about posts for specified time period
-columns of dataframe:
Date, author, title, text, likes, comments, reposts, link

- data types:
- hashtag - string
- start_date - naive datetime
- end_date - naive datetime

- Date - naive datetime
- author - string
- title - string
- text - string
- likes - integer
- comments - list of strings
- reposts - integer
- link - string

- code requirements:
- code style - PEP8, pylinter
- no try/except statements
- no selenium usage
- no pytumblr usage