Откорректировать таблицы стилей на сайте вордпресса,

9 813 руб. за проект
11 сентября 2019, 10:10 • 2 отклика • 26 просмотров
Approved design files: _main_013.psd, _main_013.jpg later “design”

in Russian and Ukrainian languages, the font will be Google font Roboto (opensource) in Hebrew, change Roboto to Open sans Hebrew bold/regular/light,

colors #0c4676 (this is general color of texts on white background, all texts will be in CAPS)

Hebrew fonts will be in one point larger than cyrillic analog, for example Roboto bold 12pt in hebrew will be Hebrew open-sans bold 13pt

1)header change logo to white color

2)header background should be dark blue #090f2c , as on design, fonts and elements in white color, font “Roboto-regular 12pt”,

3)Differentiation in 3 languages, change styling from drop down to separated line, which will show only inactive language.

4)main silder, up to 3-4 still pictures, live title in Roboto regular 77pt, line-height 73. It should be able to put a video instead of still pictures. Will play muted, mute icon will be in right bottom corner.

5)On main slider remove 3 vertical lines, sound element and square image with diagonal lines on the bottom.

6)change Title (H2)

“Пришло время, чтобы ваши дадада, ради которых вы так дадада, начали работать для вас!”

to font Roboto bold 31pt,

7)remove blue frame and effects from picture of man and woman sitting next to computer, add feature, to place video instead from link (youtube or vimeo)

8) vertical titles, for example “О НАС”, on the left side of picture of man and woman, remove vertical line. Change font to ROBOTO Regular

9) 4 text blocks under the picture of man and woman, titles change to Roboto-bold 23pt, line height 27pt, text blocks: Roboto-regular 17pt,

10) Big title: “Хотите знать конкретные дада?” Roboto bold 50pt, line height 50pt, spacing -40, subtitle 23pt roboto-regular

11) change three icons and put them to horizontal postion, this is buttons, so there will be hover effect, while inactive, they will get #a7d3ee overall color. (will be sent later as SVG) titles of the icons also will be #a7d3ee, while inactive. Roboto-bold 17pt.


12) make picture of house larger 544x775px,

13) “СУММА БЛА”: title size: Roboto-light: 34pt

14) amount “00000” Roboto-bold: 34pt

15) slider of amounts in green ruler: “00000” Roboto-bold 21pt.

16) green ruler #14c310, circle slider #18ea49

17) “ЗАГОЛОВОК ЕЩЕ ОДИН:” and rest of fonts there is Roboto Regular, 21 pt

18) procent of return (“8%”) roboto-bold 34pt

19)estimate amount values: “400USD” roboto-bold 39pt.

20)vertical line 6x211px #14c310

21) buttons 230x70px with rounded angles, green button #14c310 blue button #0c4676 transparent button with 3px outline white color

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