Embedded/firmware Designer. STM32H755IIT, FreeRTOS (v10.2.1), LWIP

50 000 руб. за проект
28 ноября 2020, 17:32 • 3 отклика • 36 просмотров
We develop a device based on
STM32H755IIT + SRAM CY7C1059DV33
Software stack: FreeRTOS (v10.2.1) LWIP (2.1.2) MbedTLS

We have a problem!
FreeRTOS glitches when we turn on the cache for the external SRAM.
When the cache is disabled - everything OK, but some ports of firmware are very slow (HTTPS handshake for example - 20 times slower)

We are looking for an embedded firmware developer who already works with STM32H7 with external SRAM and cache enabled.