Нужна консультация по Sharepoint Online, желательно включая Graph API
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Мы разрабатываем интеграцию нашего веб приложения с Sharepoint Online и ищем эксперта, который сможет проконсультировать по вопросам, где мы застряли, чтобы ускорить нашу разработку и не наступать на известные грабли. Список вопросов ниже:
1. Hide browsing of files – is there a way to place files on a sharepoint site but hide them from other users while file is in sharepoint? For example: special views or permissions? If so how? Can this be done at the site level or would we need to set the permission on each file using the graph api?
2. Prevent download/Save As – is there a way to allow user to edit a file in sharepoint but prevent them from downloading it?
3. Prevent Sharing – can we prevent all sharing of files in sharepoint both external and internal? If so how?
4. Deleting files and recycle bin: We noticed we can’t delete files in the recycle bin after we delete them – in sharepoint online can we disable the recycle bin? Or as an alternative can we programmatically empty the recycle bin with power automate or some other tool?
5. Recent files list – we don’t want the user to see the file in their recent files list since it’s already removed from sharepoint. What are our options for disabling or removing items from the recent list?
1. Hide browsing of files – is there a way to place files on a sharepoint site but hide them from other users while file is in sharepoint? For example: special views or permissions? If so how? Can this be done at the site level or would we need to set the permission on each file using the graph api?
2. Prevent download/Save As – is there a way to allow user to edit a file in sharepoint but prevent them from downloading it?
3. Prevent Sharing – can we prevent all sharing of files in sharepoint both external and internal? If so how?
4. Deleting files and recycle bin: We noticed we can’t delete files in the recycle bin after we delete them – in sharepoint online can we disable the recycle bin? Or as an alternative can we programmatically empty the recycle bin with power automate or some other tool?
5. Recent files list – we don’t want the user to see the file in their recent files list since it’s already removed from sharepoint. What are our options for disabling or removing items from the recent list?
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