Внести изменения в существующий код для nRF52840
15 000 руб. за проект
Нужно обойти баг по аномалии:
[218] NFCT: Frame delay timing is too short after SLP_REQ
This anomaly applies to IC Rev. Revision 3, build codes QFAA-Fx0, QIAA-Fx0, CKAA-Fx0.
It was inherited from the previous IC revision Revision 2.
Reader may not accept the response from the tag.
The time between SLP_REQ and ALL_REQ sent by the Reader is shorter than the time configured in FRAMEDELAYMAX.
The protocol timing is violated and a Reader may not accept the response from the tag.
Ensure that FRAMEDELAYMAX is set to the default value when the NFCT is in states IDLE or SLEEP_A. The workaround is included in nRF5 SDK v16.0
Нужно сделать рестарт NFC каждые 2 секунды не нарушив обмен данными по BLE. Компиляция на IAR.
[218] NFCT: Frame delay timing is too short after SLP_REQ
This anomaly applies to IC Rev. Revision 3, build codes QFAA-Fx0, QIAA-Fx0, CKAA-Fx0.
It was inherited from the previous IC revision Revision 2.
Reader may not accept the response from the tag.
The time between SLP_REQ and ALL_REQ sent by the Reader is shorter than the time configured in FRAMEDELAYMAX.
The protocol timing is violated and a Reader may not accept the response from the tag.
Ensure that FRAMEDELAYMAX is set to the default value when the NFCT is in states IDLE or SLEEP_A. The workaround is included in nRF5 SDK v16.0
Нужно сделать рестарт NFC каждые 2 секунды не нарушив обмен данными по BLE. Компиляция на IAR.
В заказе есть исполнитель
При переводе заказа из архивного в актуальный, текущий исполнитель будет снят с задачи.
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