Архитектурная схема и реализация процесса сбора смс в таблицы

2 000 руб.за час
21 ноября 2022, 23:05 • 2 отклика • 52 просмотра
Feature: Tx data collection to spreadsheet

As a user
I want to see my credit card transactions collected in a spreadsheet
So I can analyze my expenses by:
- tx sum,
- date,
- tx receiver details,
- tx ID,
- tx deatils (goods or service description, provider name, provider description, etc.)

Given I pay with my credit card
And I recieve sms confirmation for each transaction processed through my card account

**Scenario: new tx data recording**
Given a tx is sent from my account
When I recieve an sms messgae with tx details to my mobile phone
Then this tx data is recorded to the spreadsheet

**Acceptance creteria:**
- architecture scheme designed with workflow and modules description
- iOS, Android
- data is taken from sms messages sent by card issuer (bank)
- tx sum, date, tx receiver details are recorder correct
- data is recorded within 10000 ms after sms is receive


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