Подружить Vmware и v2ray

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08 февраля 2024, 18:20 • 4 отклика • 53 просмотра
На компьютере включен v2ray и Vmware
Внутри Vmware надо получить IP от v2ray

Google подсказал ответ на вопрос: "The host (Windows 11) is using v2ray protocol proxy, I want the virtual
machine (Ubuntu 22.04) to use the same proxy so that they can both
access free internet. Is there any way to connect the two together?"

  1. Enabled IP forwarding on all virtual network adapters. (not sure if necessary)
  2. Found the host's IP. In my case it was something like
  3. Noted the exact port on which the proxy was running in the host.
  4. Went to the VM and set the default gateway to the host IP and set
    the port to exact number on which the proxy was running on the host.
Но я не могу проследовать этим 4 пунктам, не хватает опыта, чтобы их найти и настроить