Сделать дизайн десяти картинок для игры в Steam

15 000 руб. за проект
29 мая 2024, 21:15 • 7 откликов • 33 просмотра
Необходимо сделать дизайн десяти картинок для выставления игры в Steam (платформа для игр). Текст ниже на английском, но, если потребуется, могу предоставить перевод. Также прикреплен документ с текстом из Steam, чтобы сохранить оригинальное форматирование.

Если Вы считаете цену некорректной - просто добавьте ссылку на пример сделанной похожей работы (не важно кем сделанной) с иными расценками.

Название игры - "Escape From Hell" (перевод: спасение из ада). Сюжет: необходимо решить ряд головоломок для того, чтобы понять жизненный путь человека, и чтобы определить, заслуживает ли грех наказания или нет.

Ожидается тематика этой игры, а именно, желательно загадочность, туманность, какой-то намек на пазлы/решения задачи, на взросление, жизненный путь и так далее. Важно: "желательно" не означает "обязательно".

Подход: Вы создаете три варианта "Page Background" (см. ниже, "картинка 5") без существенных деталей (можно с watermark и пр.), я выбираю один из них, а далее вы доделываете этот вариант, а также остальные картинки, чтобы тематика более менее совпадала. Конечный формат - png (обязателен) + psd (или любой другой редактируемый формат, в зависимости от приложения, которым Вы пользуетесь).

Картинка 1 - Header Capsule:
Design: This image should focus on the branding of your product. For best results, please use the same artwork that you use for any retail box or marketing and make sure the logo is clearly legible.
Usage: It will appear at the top of your page in the store, in the 'recommended for you' section, in 'grid view' in customers libraries in the Steam client, in browse views on Big Picture mode, and for daily deals if applicable.
Sizes: 460px x 215px (A '292px x 136px' image will be automatically generated from this)

Картинка 2 - Small Capsule *231px wide x 87px tall:
Design: These are small, so they should focus on making the logo clearly legible, even at the smallest size.
Usage: These are used for all the lists throughout Steam. Search results, top-sellers, new releases, etc.
Sizes: 231px x 87px (Two smaller sizes - 120x45 and 184x69 - are automatically generated)
Requirements: Small Capsule should contain readable logo, even at smallest size. In most cases, this means your logo should nearly fill the small capsule.

Картинка 3 - Main Capsule *616px wide x 353px tall:
Design: These should be designed to market the product. For best results, please use the key art and logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. Do not include quotes, review scores, or awards.
Usage: These appear at the top of the front page.
Sizes: 616px x 353px

Картинка 4 - Vertical Capsule *374px wide x 448px tall:
Design: This is a vertical asset that is designed to market your game. For best results, please use the key art and logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. Do not include quotes, review scores, or awards.
Usage: These can appear at the top of the front page during seasonal sales, and on other new sale pages.
Sizes: 374px x 448px

Картинка 5 - Page Background 1438px wide x 810px tall:
This should be ambient so as not to compete with the content on the page, so try to avoid high-contrast images or images with lots of text. A template will automatically be applied to your uploaded file, which will tint it blue and fade out the edges. If you don't upload an image here, we'll automatically take the last screenshot and generate a background image from that.
Usage: This is the image that will be used in the background of your store page.
Sizes: 1438px x 810px

Картинка 6 - Library Capsule *600px wide x 900px tall
This should be graphically-centric and give the user some sense of the experience. Please use the key art that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing as well as the name of your game, ideally using the same logo / title as printed on any retail or marketing. Do not include quotes, marketing copy, or other strings of text beyond the title of your application. The art should depict something important about your product. The logo should be easily legible against the background.
Usage: This image is primarily used in the library overview and collection views
Sizes: 600px x 900px (an additional half-size 300px x 450px PNG will be auto-generated from larger file)

Картинка 7 Library Header *460px wide x 215px tall:
Design This image should focus on the branding of your product. For best results, please use similar artwork to the Library Capsule and make sure the logo is clearly legible.
Usage Appears in various places in the Steam Client Library, including Recent Games. If not set, then the Header Capsule is used.
Sizes 460px x 215px

Картинка 8 Library Hero *3840px wide x 1240px tall:
The hero graphic and logo are layered and move independently when the page is scrolled, creating a subtle parallax effect. Consider how the product logo will be placed on top of the hero image (left bottom corner or centered). You'll want to ensure the logo is both visible and legible against the background.
This should be a visually rich image that is easily recognizable. For best results, please use the key art that is used for any retail boxes or marketing. Do not include quotes or other strings of text.

At the center of the template is a "safe area" of 860px x 380px. This area will remain uncropped across scaling and resizing of the Steam client window. Artwork should extend across the entire template, but critical content should be within the safe area. For ex: a main character's face should be entirely in the safe area or risk being cropped.
Usage Appears at the top of a user's library details page for this product.
Sizes 3840px x 1240px (an additional half-size 1920px x 620px PNG will be auto-generated from larger file)

Картинка 8: Library Logo *1280px wide x 720px tall
After upload, you can use the preview tool to select the logo's position. Options include: left bottom corner, centered top, centered middle, and centered bottom.

Note: If a hero graphic and logo are not uploaded, the hero area will display a screenshot from the store, with the application name in text overlaid in the bottom left corner.
Design For best results, use the logo that is being used for any retail boxes or marketing. Youll want to ensure the logo is both visible and legible against the hero graphic background, sometimes a drop shadow can help. The PNG image should have a transparent background.
Usage Appears at the top of a user's library details page for this product, placed on top of the hero graphic.
Sizes 1280px x 720px (an additional half-size 640 x 360px PNG will be auto-generated from larger file) Ensure that the logo extends the full width of the PNG, without extra padding.

Картинки 9 и 10: Steam Broadcast (Beta) Two images, each 155px wide x 337px tall
The live broadcast will appear on the store page above the trailer and the screenshot section. The broadcast video is smaller than the width of the store page. It is centered with customizable artwork space on the left and right of the video. To customize with your own artwork, drag & drop images at the top of this page and choose the 'broadcast panel' and the right/left direction from the drop-down.
Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
4 месяца назад
Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
4 месяца назад