Fossil SCM - плагин VCS для TeamCity

3 000 руб.за час
29 января 2025, 12:04 • 2 отклика • 18 просмотров
Добавить поддержку Fossil ( в TeamCity через Java-плагин и JNI с libfossil.

Документация по плагинам:

Плагин для Git для примера:

libfossil (JNI нет, нужно написать):

Из документации (нужно всё, включая опциональные части и checkout на агенте):

The server-side part of a VCS plugin is responsible the following major operations:
  • collecting changes between versions
  • building of a patch from version to version
  • getting content of a file (for web diff, duplicates finder, and some other places)
There are also optional parts:
  • labeling / tagging
  • personal builds, which require corresponding support in IDE. This dependency may be eliminated in the future.
The agent-side part is optional and only responsible for checking out and updating project sources on agents. In contrast to server-side checkout it offers a traditional approach to interacting between a CI system and VCS – when source code is checked out into the same location where it's built.