Уважаемый соискатель! Я целеустремленный молодой человек ищу новые горизонты для развития, не стою на месте, люблю свое дело, занимаюсь программированием на php а так же разработкой веб-приложений с использованием react (next.js) & vue (nuxt.js) и тестированием b2b-продуктов, гибкий график, готов работать удаленно и в команде, иногда отдыхаю и люблю jazz, folk) Жду ваших откликов!) --- Dear applicant! I am a purposeful young man looking for new horizons for development, I don’t stand...
Даниил ЗайцевПрограммированиеот 1 600 руб. за час
Pavlo KhyzhniakSoftware Developer C#от 250 000 руб. за месяц
Телеграмм @Blackveolet Начиная с 2018 года практикую разработку под Desktop(C# Window Forms, WPF, WCF), Server(C# ASP.NET, ADO.NET),DB(T-SQL, MS-SQL, SQLite, MySQL, Oracle), Web(HTML5, CSS3, JS(jQuery), ,TS,Angular, React, php, Java, Python - Flask - Django) и Mobile( Java - Android). Инженер-разработчик ПО АСУ ТП c 2008 года. Стаж работы более 10 лет с оборудованием фирмы Siemens(S-300, S-400, S1200, S1500, Simatic Manager, TIA Portal v13,14,15, WinCC flexible и прочее) и роботами Epson(серия...
Артём ПоповFlexible UIX Designerот 1 500 руб. за час
В Digital актуальны профессии дизайнера, маркетолога и программиста. Понимание основ работы в этих сферах позволяет смотреть на проблему с разных точек зрения, ставить себя как на место пользователя, так и на места специалистов, которые работают над проектом. Я имею навыки маркетолога, дизайнера и технические скиллы программиста для успешной работы. Однако главная моя пассия – дизайн. Из профессиональных навыков могу отметить пунктуальность, честность, внимание к мелочам. О дизайне можно...
Andrei SharkevichFlutter developerцена договорная
Hello! I am an experienced Flutter engineer with more than 2 years of experience in mobile application development. I actively use Flutter to develop powerful, intuitive, and adaptive applications for the Android and iOS mobile platforms. I have experience working with various libraries alongside Flutter to solve complex software problems. I am passionate about developing apps that provide real value to users and solve their problems and needs. I have achieved success in creating powerful,...
Эдуард ДроздовWeb-designот 700 руб. за час
Портфолио - https://www.behance.net/mwx411c849 Отличное знание Sketch, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator; Понимание, что такое хорошая композиция, аккуратная верстка и удобный интерфейс; Умение делать fixed, flexible, responsive, adaptive, mobile first макеты. . Способы связи: 1. WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber - +375 29 506-97-40 2. Вконтакте - https://vk.com/otiumdesign
Adam OrifkhonovFullstack js developerот 2 700 руб. за час
Orifkhonov Adam Orifkhonovich 23 years old, 4.12.1999 years. +996(507)-550-111 bakhautdinov.adam@gmail.com Reside: Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek Git account React-Native Developer (Full-Stack JS Developer) Employment: part-time, full time Schedule work: remote work, flexible schedule Skills Html5CSS3SASSBemBootstrapJs (es5, es6+)React jsRedux, Redux-ThunkMaterial UIantdesignReact NativeExpoFigmaTypeScriptRTQ WEB3Three.jsGoogle extensionsGit (git-flow)DockerNest jsNode...
Hakob KotshibroyanNode/NestJs engineerот 1 000 руб. за час
My programming journey began with a deep dive into assembly language, followed by a solid grasp of C++. After my experiences with C++, I joined VeeVee Soft, where I worked as a Node.js developer, primarily using JavaScript. Following my time at VeeVee Soft, I moved on to a position at JSCO, where I continued to work with Node.js and JavaScript. Currently, my primary programming language of choice is TypeScript, but I remain flexible and adaptive in my tool selection, always willing to pivot...
Максим КутуковWeb / UI/UX Designerот 850 руб. за час
Привет! Меня зовут Максим, я занимаюсь дизайном вот уже 2 года, имею опыт работы в разработке дизайна и структуры в корпоративных сайтах, онлайн магазинах и многое) с радостью берусь за интересные проекты.
Hamlet ArakelyanFront-End | ReactJS Developerот 2 000 руб. за час
I’m a Frontend Developer with over 4 years of commercial experience. Creating client-side & server-side, responsive & cross-browser web applications. Technologies and tools I have worked with: ✔ React, Redux, REST API ✔ TypeScript, JavaScript, jQuery ✔ HTML5, CSS3, SCSS ✔ Responsive Web Design ✔ Bootstrap ✔ Jira, Trello ✔ Git, Bitbucket, GitLab, GitHub ✔ Basics of Photoshop and design I specialize in creating React apps. I follow React library development, so my code is...
Татьяна ЧерноваLegal, finance, En-Ru, Ru-Enот 500 руб. за час
A versatile language professional, keen to detail and flexible in learning
Витор ХанFullStack, Blockchain Engineerцена договорная
I am a blockchain specialist with over 5+ years experience in blockchain architecture. Development of a cryptocurrency wallet, smart contract, development of a cryptocurrency exchange, development of a Substrate and Polkadot. My experience ranges from building responsive mobile sites that work well across browsers to building scalable sites for the financial services industry. I enjoy working on projects with a team that cares about creating beautiful and user-friendly interfaces. It is...
Денис КозловSenior ASP.NET MVC/JS Developeот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm well-qualified Microsoft Certified .NET Developer with over 13 years of experience spanning ASP.NET 2.0 to ASP.NET 5 (vNext) and MVC in C# including transactional enterprise-level applications, e-commerce solutions, medical applications and scientific projects with team leadership end mentoring experience. Experienced in Agile software engineering processes and methodologies, Test Driven Development practice and I have depth knowledges of Object-Oriented Design and Object-Oriented...
Oleg Фурсовhtml css Java Scriptцена договорная
Начинающий специалист есть пару работ. Flexible layout grid. Bootstrap BEM Git Scss, React, JavaScript,
Алексей КостыревАСУТПцена договорная
· Разработка программных алгоритмов управления различными технологическими и производственными процессами, реализация таких проектов как: Автоматизация установки ректификации (лесохимическая отрасль, производство сосновых масел)., автоматизация установки по выработке инертного газа, АСУ водогрейными и промышленными котлами, различные системы блокировок и ПАЗ, управление процессом гидрирования, автоматизация установки горячего прессования, АСУ...
Илья ИльяHTML-верстальщикот 10 000 руб. за месяц
- знание HTML/CSS - работа с препроцессорами SASS, SCSS, LESS Умение применять Flexible Box Layout, - Javascript на уровне взаимодействия с DOM, а так же настройки и интеграции уже готовых решений. - Адаптивная и кроссбраузерная верстка Правка существующих сайтов; - знание Photoshop на уровне "нарезания" макетов Работа с Figma Знаком с методологией БЭМ Работа со сборщиком Prepros Молодой разрабочтик из Беларуси. Стараюсь следить за миром webтехнологий и внедрять в свою работу самые интересные...
Vladimir BondarenkoSoftware Enginnerот 500 руб. за час
Software Engineer (Front-end, JavaScript) Employment: project work, work placement, part time, full time Work schedule: remote working, flexible schedule, full day, shift schedule Work experience 6 years 2 months October 2021 — currently 5 months EPAM Systems Inc. (Россия) www.epam-group.ru IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more Trainee Stack: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React Job Position: Front-end developer (ReactJS) Project Roles: Project Manager, Key...
Yaroslav MarchenkoFront-endот 2 000 руб. за час
In my short career I have delivered more than 3 web projects for customers: I took part in developing a SPA from scratch, and its maintenance. Also I have a high-quality implementation of the project logic, unit testing, good construction of the applications architecture, .I am interested in creating high-quality products. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate in a team setting. In my previous projects, I took part in developing a SPA from scratch,...
Ilya KazakouFront-Endцена договорная
Front-End Web Developer with 2 years+ Experience. In general I work on user -friendly and -oriented UI, scalable and flexible interfaces, provide a code reusability and maintainability.
Maria ArshakyanSMM specialist , marketolog ,цена договорная
I am 23 years old, flexible-hardworking, I will do the work I do excellently, I have a high sense of responsibility և punctuality
Faisal KassemWeb-Software, Front Endот 8 руб. за час
I am a novice web developer, I have been taking programming courses and studies various literature. I have already had experience making websites, made up my own portfolio project. Mainly I used javascript, SCSS/CSS, frequently JQUERY to make my projects more functional and flexible. I am planning to pursue working in this sphere to enhance my skills, and be professional in this sphere. Freelance would be a wonderful option for me due to the valuable experience and financial profit I can get...
Alina TymofiievaНаписание баг-репортовцена договорная
Objective: Seeking a position of intern QA engineer, utilizing my organizational, analytical and conversational skills for personal and company growth. Education: 2011-2015 - College of oil and gas technology, engineering and service infrastructure 2015-2017 - Odessa National O.S. Popov Academy of Telecommunications (ONAT) Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication systems Experience: 2014 - present - Nail technician Skills: Analytical Planning Time management Hobbies: cms table tennis...
Писанюк Богданвеб-программистот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello! My name is Bohdan and I am freelance web developer specializing in small to medium sized business websites using the most current technologies to provide the best user experience while satisfying customer needs. Currently I have experience working with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Sass, Bootstrap. I am studying JavaScript and Vuejs and have some basic skills of it. My Tools: - Sublime Text 3 - Atom - Brackets - Visual studio code - Slack - Telegram - Messenger - Adobe Photoshop -...
Артем ИсаенковПрограммная инженерияот 300 руб. за час
Дипломированный специалист в области программной инженерии широкого профиля. Готов выполнить работу по направлениям: 1. Проектирование электрических схем 2. Промышленная автоматизация (Siemens manager Step 7, TIA Portal v13 – v16, WinCC Flexible, WinCC 7.4, STARTER) 3. Разработка сайтов 1-5 страниц (HTML, CSS, jQuary) 4. Разработка интернет магазинов, блогов (на популярных CMS) 5. Разработка оконных приложений Windows (Visual studio C#) 6. Выполнение лабораторных, курсовых,...
Nikita LyashenkoFull stackот 1 000 руб. за час
I’m full stack developer. Graduated economy faculty with excellent degree. Have experience in Javascript, Node, AngularJS, Angular, React, ExpressJS, MySQL and others. I’m flexible and always do my best to bring best result possible. Done many web projects in various areas.
Максим ПакинРазработка ПОот 2 100 руб. за час
Senior .NET Developer, Architect, Team Lead. Sigma Ukraine (at past Eclipse-SP LLC). December 2007 – present time. 2011 master degree of computer science at National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute “KHAI”. Languages: Russian – fluent Ukrainian – fluent English – can attend interview, communicate on daily basis and work in English-spoken team. In general: have wide experience in .NET (C#) development: including desktop, web, mobile (iOS and Android platforms support via...