5+ years as QA Engineer Java, Spring, Selenide, JBehave, Cucumber, JavaScript 1+ year as Java Developer Java 11, SpringBoot, Maven, MySQL, Hibernate, AWS, GCP, microservices
Tatiana LuchinaJava Developer, QA Engineerцена договорная
Павел АшевскийQA Automation Engineer/ Backenот 150 руб. за час
Более 8 лет в тестировании, из них около 4 лет в автоматизации. Так же возможны работы связанные с Backend разработкой на Java (Spring, Hibernate, Rest/Soap/Mq api)
Aleksey DolgihОбеспечение качества ПОот 800 руб. за час
Achievements: > Quality assurance for customers interested in high competitiveness and reliability of their software and uninterrupted automated operation of all business processes. > Parallelization of all existing and new auto user behavior scenario. > Development of cross-platform and cross-browser auto-validation (horizontal and vertical). > Improvement of user behavior by means analysis of BDD scripts. Use skills: • Strong Software Quality Assurance (Reliability engineering,...