Мы с важной новостью: с 28 февраля 2025 года сервис Хабр Фриланс прекратит свою работу.
Купить услуги можно до 28 февраля 2025, но пополнить баланс уже нельзя. Если на вашем счете остались средства, вы можете потратить их на небольшие услуги — служба поддержки готова поделиться бонусами, на случай, если средств немного не хватает.
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 1 000 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более пяти лет
- Форма собственности:
- Физ. лицо
- Способы оплаты:
- безналичный расчёт, электронные деньги
I have 7 years experience of iOS apps development.
In the work I rely on several principles:
• Architecture of application should be properly designed and must allow easily extend and change parts of a application.
• Following the workflow, so that will be achieved maximally precise execution of the task within the given timeframe.
• It is important to have a deep knowledge of applied technologies, to use all its features.
• It is necessary to keep up with the latest technologies and innovations that will help solve essential problems the most appropriate way.
• Frameworks: Foundation, UIKit, MapKit, CoreLocation, AVFoundation, MediaPlayer, EventKit, EventKitUI, AddressBook, AddressBookUI, Social, MessageUI, XCTest, Core Graphics, AssetsLibrary, Photos, WatchKit.
• Networking: AFNetworking, NSURLConnection, NSURLSession.
• Third party: Flurry, XMPPFramework, Reliant(DI).
• Technologies: Interface Builder, CoreData (NSFetchedResultsController), ARC, Blocks, KVC/KVO, Concurrency(GCD, NSOperation, NSOperationQueue), Auto Layout, Local and push notifications, Predicates, Storyboards, Widgets.
• Tools: git-bisect (Debug tool), genstrings (Localization), Profile (Time Profiler, Leaks), Photoshop, CocoaPods.
• Bug-trackers: Jira, Redmine, Trello, Basecamp, Mantis.
• Project management methodologies: Scrum.
• Version Control Systems: Git (terminal, SourceTree).
• OOP/OOD: SOLID, Layered Application Design, Crosscutting Concerns, Design Patterns (Command, Adapter, Facade, Template method, Builder, Observer, Singleton, Service Locator, Factory, Abstract Factory, Dependency Injection).
• Programming Languages: C, Objective-C, Swift.
• Other: Cocos2d, HTML, HTTP/1.1, CSS, XMPP
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