Мы с важной новостью: с 28 февраля 2025 года сервис Хабр Фриланс прекратит свою работу.
Купить услуги можно до 28 февраля 2025, но пополнить баланс уже нельзя. Если на вашем счете остались средства, вы можете потратить их на небольшие услуги — служба поддержки готова поделиться бонусами, на случай, если средств немного не хватает.
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 600 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более 10 лет
- Форма собственности:
- Юр. лицо
- Способы оплаты:
- наличный расчёт, безналичный расчёт, электронные деньги
Меня зовут Асрор Закиров. В сфере разработки программного обеспечения работаю уже более 12 лет. Готов приступить к разработке интересных и перспективных программных проектов, реализуемых с использованием современных технологий программирования, в частности, PHP7 (Yii2, Phalcon, Laravel), C # (.NET Core, ASP.NET Core, RabbitMQ, SimpleInjector, EF Core), JavaScript (Node. Js, Vue.js, vue-native.io, Electron.js, jQuery), Java (Spring Framework, Hibernate, GWT), база данных (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra). Имею большой опыт работы с зарубежными (USA, Canada, Italy, China, Russia, Ukraine) и национальными Узбекскими компаниями. Основные технологии/инструменты с которыми плотно работал или имею опыт работы: -PHP related Technologies/Tools (Yii-2, Active Record, MVC, Composer, ZFrame, Apache, Nginx, WAMP/LAMP, FPM, OOP, NuSOAP, XML-RPC, JsonRPC, PHPStorm, Smarty, XDebug, XSS, SQL/PHP/Shell Injections Prevention, etc.) -C#.NET Based/Related Technologies/Tools (MSBuild, JetBrains Rider, Visual Studio, AutoItX, Winium.Elements.Desktop, Wndows.Automation, Azure Bot Service, ExtraLINQ, Morelinq, LinqAF, LinqFaster, Entity Framework Core, EntityWorker.Core, Config.Net, Unifiedconfig, Serilog, DeepCloner, PathLib, DevExpress, Ookii.Dialogs, Telegram.Bot, NetTelebot, MailKit, FluentEmail, System.Net, etc) -Java/J2EE/Spring related Technologies/Tools (Spring Framework / Core / Context / MVC / IoC / AOP / Transactions / ORM / Security, Maven, Ant, Tomcat, Jetty, Intellj IDEA, JAX-WS, Spring WS, Axis, Hibernate, JPA, Spring Data JPA, Servlets, JSP, Apache Tiles, JRebel, TeamCity, JasperReports, GlassFish, etc.) -Database Management Systems (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, H2, Java DB, jBASE, MySQL Workbench, Navicat, etc.), including database design, modelling & maintenance. -Billing/Payment Systems & SMS/USSD Integration of external Service Providers (Ucell, Beeline, Perfectum Mobile, UzMobile, Sarkor-Telekom, Sharq-Telecom., Uzonline, TPS, Skyline, ArsInform, Stars-TV, UzDigitalTV, Torg.uz, MegaSkidka, MyJobs, Artel Market, Platinum Mobile, Toshkent Taksafoni, Chirkom, TshTT, UzbekEnergo, TransGaz, MaxsusTrans, Suvsoz, Taxes, etc.) -Banks & Integrated Banking Information Systems (IPS «UZKART»/ЕОПЦ, ASBT, Fido, NBU, IpotekaBank, Uzbek-Turkish Bank, IpakYuliBank, MicrocreditBank, UzpromstroyBank», XamkorBank, AsakaBank, Davr-Bank, Orient-Finans Bank, Trust Bank, Asia-Alliance Bank, Infinbank, Universalbank, etc.) -Software Development Life Cycle (Methodologies, Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, TDD, BDD, Design Patterns, Factory, Singleton, Prototype, MVC, DAO, UML, etc.) -Operating Systems (Debian, Ubuntu Server/Desktop, CentOS, RedHat, BusyBox, Kali, Backtrack, Windows Server 2003/2008/2008 R2/2012/2012 R2/Core, Windows Storage Server, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, OSX, OSX-Server, Hackintosh, Android 2.3 – 5.0, etc.) -Front-End Web Development (HTML, XHTML, XML, JSON, DOM, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, CSS, SPA, XPath, Markdown, Twitter Bootstrap, Client-Side Optimization, etc.) -Server Hardware/Equipment (HP Proliant DL380-G9/DL160-G6/DL380-G5/ML350-G6, IBM Power S822, Dell PowerEdge T610) -Telecommunication & Networking (DNS, DHCP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, LDAP, NTP, RDP, SSH, SOAP, Telnet, SOCKS, SMB, TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4, STP, VLAN, PPTP, etc.) -Version Control Systems (GIT, Subversion, Flyway, LiquiBase), including server & client installation and configuration -Information Security (Vulnerability, Exploits, Trojans, Viruses, Worms, DoS/DDoS, Rootkits, Keyloggers, IPS/HIPS, Firewalls, IDS/NIDS, Cryptography, Stenography, Digital Signatures, VPN, etc.) -Operating System Virtualization (VMware Workstation/ESXi/vSphere/vCenter, Windows Server Hyper-V, Proxmox (KVM), Citrix XenServer, Oracle VirtualBox, AX64 Time Machine, etc.) -Storage Virtualization (SAN, iSCSI Initiators & Targets, FC, FCoE, HBA, RAID-1/0/10/5/50, Drive Pooling, Replication, NAS, SMB, CIFS, etc.) -Application Virtualization (VMware ThinApp, Spoon Studio, Cameyo, BoxedApp, Enigma, JauntePE, Evalaze, InstallAware, MoleBox, etc.) PROJECT EXPERIENCE -HealthSmart® RIS-PACS - Advanced image processing, complete statistics and information analysis and multi-level medical image archiving system. A modern, flexible radiology information system, which optimizes the workflow in a radiological practice. -HealthSmart® Electronic Health Records (EHR) - Systematized collection of patient’s electronically stored health information in a digital format, providing seamless access to reports for fully‐integrated electronic patient records. -Pay.Smst.Uz - Provides perform an E-Payment for Cellular Operators, Internet Providers, IP & HD Television, Internet Markets, Stationary Telephony , Communal Services & Other Providers without any registration on SMST (U-Pay) payment system. However, for all that, credit card number is required and your mobile phone should be accessible (for SMS confirmation of transaction). | https://pay.smst.uz/pay.do -Cabinet.Smst.Uz - Secured personal web cabinet for customers/clients of U-Pay payment system | https://cabinet.smst.uz -SMS Payment Interface - SMS Interface for manage your money/account/cards via U-Pay payment system | You can send any text to 1400 by SMS -SMST Mobile Integration Platform - SMS-To’lov (U-Pay) Server components, APIs, DAO and database for U-Pay iOS and Android applications. Integration provided through REST & XML-RPC -Chamber.Uz - Official website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CCI UZ) | http://chamber.uz -Uzswisschamber.ch - Official website of the Uzbekistan-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UZSCCI) | http://uzswisschamber.ch, http://uzswiss.chamber.uz -Services.Smst.Uz - Interactive corporate web cabinet for service providers integrated to U-Pay payment system | | https://services.smst.uz -Artelmarket.Uz SMST (U-Pay) Integration - SMS To’lov (U-Pay) e-payment system integration & commodity calculation module for Artelmarket.Uz.| http://artelmarket.uz -MQ Enterprise Framework - Software Platform for building corporate information and business-flow automation systems with «eGovFramework» integration capability -BusinessInfo.Uz - Information/Support portal for private entrepreneurs and small enterprises | http://businessinfo.uz -E-Hujjat DMS - Document Management System (DMS) for enhanced document flow automation, coordinate and sign/check/encrypt documents with UzDST certificates | http://ehujjat.uz, http://unicon.uz/en/products-services/products/ind... -E-Xat/SPISS Backend Integration Platform - For interactive sending all treatments/questions to governmental agencies through E-Xat servers in encrypted form | http://my.gov.uz -Ijro Intizomi Software Platform - Organizing, controlling, and tracking state and execution course of commissions from Council of Ministries and separate ministries/departments | http://ijro.uz, http://unicon.uz/products-services/products/index.... -E-Hujjat Enterprise Gateway - Interagency document exchange and document flow integration system -MsOfficeTutor - Interactive Multimedia Learning System for develop skills on Microsoft Office software package | http://uz.infocom.uz/2010/08/09/microsoft-office-2... -ZExam Suite - ZExam Suite (Formerly EZN-TEST) Interactive test engine, which supports most of the question types used in certification exams and allows you to work on an exam using the intuitive user interface. -SepsisMED - Software complex for predicting diseased patients state and determining of medical treatment tactics -List.Uz - Real Estate database of USA, Bulgaria, Greece, Israel, Spain, Italy, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, France, Croatia and Switzerland | http://list.uz -Electrica - Interactive Multimedia Learning System for develop skills on «Electrical Engineering» subject Более детальную информацию об опыте работы, также реализованных проектах Вы можете получить из моего резюме. Резюме приложен к данному письму в двух форматах, DOCX и PDF. Резюме имеет размер 4.5 Мб, т.к. в нем в полном объеме представлены разработанные мной проекты со скриншотами, мои сертификаты, дипломы, курсы и другие данные. Со своей стороны, я гарантирую необходимые знания по всем пунктам CV. ------------------ С уважением
Асрор Закиров Linked-In:https://www.linkedin.com/in/asror-zakirov Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/asror.zakirov Github:https://github.com/asror-z Phone (+99897) 403-72-43 Telegram @MrAsrorZakirov E-Mail: asror.zk_at_gmail.com Skype: asror.zakirov
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