- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 500 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более года
- Форма собственности:
- Физ. лицо
- Способы оплаты:
- безналичный расчёт
- October 2021 – https://freetutorials.ru/.
- May 2021 – Present time: NDA, QA-engineer:
testing the web portal and mobile applications for this portal (functional, performance, usability, smoke, build verification, sanity, regression, installation, UI, UX, API testing); creating checklists, test-plans, test documentation; testing requirements for new features; creation of test scripts in Postman; analysis of site design and design of web applications; cross-browser and cross-platform testing.
- September 2019 – May 2021: CredoLab, QA-engineer:
testing the web portal and mobile applications for this portal (functional, performance, usability, smoke, build verification, sanity, regression, installation UI, API testing); creating checklists, test-plans, test documentation; testing requirements for new features; creation of test scripts in Postman; performance testing through JMetter; performance testing Android and iOS SDK; analysis of site design and design of web applications; release of new versions to production servers; release and update mobile applications in Play Market.
- 2017-2019: freelance, QA-engineer Projects:
Войны престолов, legalcom.org, heandshetoday.com, tvoyshans.club, Notes Memoires: личный дневник,
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