- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 3 000 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более 10 лет
- Форма собственности:
- ИП, Физ. лицо
- Способы оплаты:
- наличный расчёт, безналичный расчёт
-Android SDK, NDK, Flutter
-Kotlin, Java, Dart, Python
-Design Patterns (Concurrency, Structural, Behavioural, Creational)
-Architecture MVP/VIPER/RxPM, MVVM
-DI Frameworks: Dagger2 (2.1.1+), Toothpick, Kodein, ButterKnife (if java)
-Navigation Cicerone, Magellan()
-Android Architecture Component: Navigation, LifeCycle, LiveData, PagingLib
-Database: SQLite(Room), Realm, FireBase
-Git (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab)
-CI/CD: TeamCity, BitBucket, Gitlab
-English language: Advanced level
-Android>>Basic skills: Intents, Activity, Fragments, Threads, Loaders, WorkManagers, Service, BroadcastReceiver, ContentProvider, Layouts(Constraint Layout), Dialogs, Notifications, Menu, ActionBar(ToolBar), Animations, Preferences, Localization, RecyclerView, P2P, MediaPlayer(ExoPlayer/2), Canvas, OpenGL, LocationServices, Sharing Data and Files, Widgets, Camera API 2.0, Maps API, Bluetooth API, All CLOUD VISION API, Sensors, All Materials Design components, Styles, Res... and much more.
-Gradle scripts, kts
-Retrofit 2/Volley/Picasso/Glide
-Reactivex.io: "RxJava2", "RxAndroid2"
-Code inspection & analyze LINT, ktlint, qb
-Debugging AndroidStudio ADM, ADB, Fabric, StethoApi+, Timber.
-JUnit, Espresso.
-Support API 4.0+
-Analytics: Fabric.io/Firebase, Flurry
-Methodology: scrum, kanban
-Jira/Confluence, Trello
I study machine learning and use GoogleCloudMachineLearning, CloudIo.
For a year created messanger for android https://aegees.com/
Started the media project in https://btsdigital.kz
Created several food delivery services
stackoverflow: http://ru.stackoverflow.com/users/191270/shwarz-an...
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