15 откликов 123 просмотра 4 года назад Он исполнитель
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 800 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более года
- Форма собственности:
- Физ. лицо
I design and help launch dijital products. I care about my client's product. I put UX before UI: creating design, I try to understand your user's point of view and purpose and help them to guide themselves through an experience. I believe that designers should talk to users, write content, and implement their designs, not only draw pretty buttons. As a UX-designer I deliver to customers around the globe everything that is needed to meet both business and user's needs: from product ideas and research to prototypes, final designs, as well as product support after implementation. I took some courses on product design, marketing and UX-analytics, so I can't wait to try my knowledge in practice! MY SKILLS: - Creation of prototypes / wireframes - Creation of the concept of design and interface of the website (User Flow, Site Map, Information Architecture) - Creation a Responsive Design for e-commerce, landing pages, websites - Dashboard Design - IOS Application Design - SaaS & CRM Software Design - Presentation design - Animation in AfterEffect E-mail — c.konyuhova@yandex.ru Telegram / Instagram — @cohewa Behance — https://www.behance.net/cohewa Dribbble — https://dribbble.com/cohewa/shots
- Услуги
800 руб.
1 000 руб.