Мы с важной новостью: с 28 февраля 2025 года сервис Хабр Фриланс прекратит свою работу.
Купить услуги можно до 28 февраля 2025, но пополнить баланс уже нельзя. Если на вашем счете остались средства, вы можете потратить их на небольшие услуги — служба поддержки готова поделиться бонусами, на случай, если средств немного не хватает.
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 1 250 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более трех лет
- Способы оплаты:
- электронные деньги
GreenCycle Smart Aquarium. With the wasted water, water plants and use minerals of water as fertilizer.
Used Technologies- Microcontroller: Teensy 3.6
- Modules & Sensors: GY-30, LM75A, YL-69, pH probe, SIM800,
- Communication Protocol: TCP
- Environment: None
Avtomaks v2.0 GPS device for tracking car. With this device you can get: latitude, longitutde, speed and state (turned on/off) of the car.
Used Technologies- Microcontroller: ATmega 2560
- Modules & Sensors: SIM800, NEO-6M GPS (libraries are written from scratch in low level)
- Communication Protocol: TCP
- Environment: FreeRTOS
Smart Scroller Device for automating advertising scrollers. One can edit time for each adv, block/unblock, turn on/off lights of scroller.
Used Technologies- Microcontroller: STM32F103C8
- Modules: SIM800
- Communication Protocol: MQTT
- Environment: Mbed OS
Statistical Analysis and Visualization of BP DTS data Diploma work dedicated to analysis and visualization of approximately 6 year data of BP oil wells.
Used Technologies- Programming Language: Python
- Used Libraries: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborne, pymongo
- Database: MongoDB
GarbageCollector [Link Available] Autonomous robot. Walks on table, does not fall and if there is rectangular “garbage” takes it, comes to the edge of table and drops it.
Used Technologies- Microcontroller: STM32F103C8
- Modules & Sensors: Servo motor, HC-SR04, L293D
- Environment: Standart Peripheral Library
TheWorldsHardestGame [Link Available] QLearning applied to infamous game called: TheWorldsHardestGame
Used Technologies- Programming Language: Python
- Used Libraries: numpy
Systems Programming [Link Available] Some applications/functions (ls, cp, minishell etc.) written in low-level C (2nd and 3rd level functions).
Used Technologies- Programming Language: C
- Used Libraries: C standart libraries
- Environment: Linux Ubuntu
TimeTable Machine Software for solving time-conflict of classes for students of our university (using Constrain Satisfaction Problem).
Used Technologies- Programming Language: Python
- Used Libraries: tkinter, pandas, python-constraint
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