Мы с важной новостью: с 28 февраля 2025 года сервис Хабр Фриланс прекратит свою работу.
Купить услуги можно до 28 февраля 2025, но пополнить баланс уже нельзя. Если на вашем счете остались средства, вы можете потратить их на небольшие услуги — служба поддержки готова поделиться бонусами, на случай, если средств немного не хватает.
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- цена договорная
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более трех лет
- Форма собственности:
- Физ. лицо
- Способы оплаты:
- безналичный расчёт
Telegram: @niexyr
Note: Please, consider sending the offer in text first.
Links to resume:
General Info:- QA Engineer experience: 2+ years (with teaching).
- iOS Development experience: 3+ years (with teaching).
Projects:- Over 35 projects (QA Engineer)
- Testing course teacher (QA Engineer)
(iOS developer): - Payment app for school
- Visiting courses app
- Traveling app
- Selling food app
- Documents storage app
- Selling car's parts app
- Selling insurances app
- Hospital app
- Made chat framework (using long-polling) + integration
- Music app
Langs:- Swift
- Obj-c (fundamentals)
PushNotifications, UserDefaults.
Tasks: code review, refill transactions, error handling, forms, filtrations, user data, uploading images(filepicker, imagepicker), creating screens, creating iOS 14.0 widgets, creating custom markers on google map, filtered custom markers on the map, filtered places on the main screen, made hints-fucntionality in the app, cities search, map's camera changes, push notifications, saving data, push notifications using google maps, face recognition & hand recognition using ARKit, self made chat framework, worked with various architectures, CI setups, worked with AppStore releases.
About me: Learnt 'Swift' all by myself after buying MacBook Pro under control by three town's well-known great senior iOS developers from two different companies. My goal is to get more experience and complete tasks for you. This is not a just a job for me, i came to this long way behind and it is not my stop, that's why i write good apps.
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