3 отклика 38 просмотров ~ 4 года назад Он исполнитель
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 1 500 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более года
- Форма собственности:
- Физ. лицо
- Способы оплаты:
- наличный расчёт, электронные деньги
Swift, UIKit
AVFoundation, AudioKit, CoreLocation, MapKit, StoreKit
Apollo GraphQL
CoreData, Realm
Firebase (FireStore, Authentication, Storage, Remote Config, Analytics, Crashlytics)
Grand Central Dispatch
MVC, MVP, Clean Swift, Coordinators
+ OOP, SOLID, GRASP, GoF, basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms
Languages: Russian (native), English (advanced)
EXPERIENCE (since 2019)
NDA (since Jan 2021)- Trains timetable and tickets booking apps (two flavors of the app with different endpoints and assets and minor functionality differences)
- Fully responsible for iOS client development from scratch
- MVC + Services + Coordinators, ApolloGraphQL, Firebase Analytics, Crashlytics, Shakebugs, WebKit, CoreLocation, KeyChainSwift
- Karaoke and vocal trainer apps (Vocaberry, Karaoke)
- Legacy code refactoring, new features, bug fixes
- MVC + Repository + Coordinators, CoreData, Realm, Firebase RemoteConfig, AVFoundation, AudioKit, StoreKit
- “Inspiration engine for visual thinkers” app, image search with passive browsing through results.
- Fully responsible for iOS client development from scratch
- MVC + Services, RestAPI(URLSession), Kingfisher, Swinject DI, Sentry, custom animated navigation transitions.
- Investment portfolios analytics application
- Fully responsible for iOS client development from scratch
- MVP/CleanSwift, UIKit, Apollo GraphQL, custom implementation of Flask-User authentication, Swinject, iOS Charts for data visualization, custom spreadsheets for numeric data.