- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- цена договорная
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более 10 лет
- Форма собственности:
- Юр. лицо, ИП, Физ. лицо
Dear colleague, Are you looking for somebody who maximum fits the Front-End position in your project?
I hope you said yes. Because, A) it shows me you’re sane, and B) after 8+ years experience in a web development, my brain has learned to be flexible. It means that I got a skill to adapt to most of the projects and teams.
One of my secrets of successful web development is quick understanding the core of the project, active communication with a team, understanding and solving tasks.
In a web development are usually used Trello, Skype, Hangout, Git, Asana, Redmine, Jira, Slack. They help to be well-informed about the process and in communication with a team. That’s why I usually work in such environment!
For the last 3,5 years, I develop a FrontEnd using the AngularJS and React. In a “Portfolio” section you will see some of my successful projects. My position was a FrontEnd or a Full Stack developer.
I will compose a presentation for you with my last projects, which are maximum fitted to your project description. This presentation will contain many pictures, a bit description and links to a GitHub with code snippets (about 15 slides). Let’s chat and I will send it! :)
The optimized code makes a high user loyalty and it’s highly readable by programmers. So, sometimes it is better to write down the code manually rather than using standard functions from the libraries. That’s why I like to make it.
Also, it means I like to structure files and folders accordingly with BEM ( bem.info ) standards and in the best match with the business logic of web app.
Moreover, I deliver a high code readability by smart defining of variables and function simplicity.
Just click to “Invite” or “Send Message” and I will help you to increase a speed of web app and a code readability.
During developing successful projects I was using:
- JQuery / MomentJS / Google Maps / Angular + AngularJS / React /Pug ( Jade ) / Twitter Bootstrap and a lot of other tools.
- JavaScript ES6 / ES7 with WebPack and Babel JS processor
- CSS, SASS ( SCSS ), LESS, Stylus
- Responsive and fluid HTML for mobile and tablets
- JavaScript ES5
- CoffeeScript
- Git, Trello and another dev services.
And the BackEnd skills:
- Python, Django
- JavaScript, Node JS, Express JS
- Mongo DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis
Thanks for reading, let’s work together!
Best Regards,
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