Мы с важной новостью: с 28 февраля 2025 года сервис Хабр Фриланс прекратит свою работу.
Купить услуги можно до 28 февраля 2025, но пополнить баланс уже нельзя. Если на вашем счете остались средства, вы можете потратить их на небольшие услуги — служба поддержки готова поделиться бонусами, на случай, если средств немного не хватает.
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- цена договорная
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более 10 лет
- Форма собственности:
- Юр. лицо, ИП, Физ. лицо
Dear colleague, Are you looking for somebody who maximum fits the Front-End position in your project?
I hope you said yes. Because, A) it shows me you’re sane, and B) after 8+ years experience in a web development, my brain has learned to be flexible. It means that I got a skill to adapt to most of the projects and teams.
One of my secrets of successful web development is quick understanding the core of the project, active communication with a team, understanding and solving tasks.
In a web development are usually used Trello, Skype, Hangout, Git, Asana, Redmine, Jira, Slack. They help to be well-informed about the process and in communication with a team. That’s why I usually work in such environment!
For the last 3,5 years, I develop a FrontEnd using the AngularJS and React. In a “Portfolio” section you will see some of my successful projects. My position was a FrontEnd or a Full Stack developer.
I will compose a presentation for you with my last projects, which are maximum fitted to your project description. This presentation will contain many pictures, a bit description and links to a GitHub with code snippets (about 15 slides). Let’s chat and I will send it! :)
The optimized code makes a high user loyalty and it’s highly readable by programmers. So, sometimes it is better to write down the code manually rather than using standard functions from the libraries. That’s why I like to make it.
Also, it means I like to structure files and folders accordingly with BEM ( bem.info ) standards and in the best match with the business logic of web app.
Moreover, I deliver a high code readability by smart defining of variables and function simplicity.
Just click to “Invite” or “Send Message” and I will help you to increase a speed of web app and a code readability.
During developing successful projects I was using:
- JQuery / MomentJS / Google Maps / Angular + AngularJS / React /Pug ( Jade ) / Twitter Bootstrap and a lot of other tools.
- JavaScript ES6 / ES7 with WebPack and Babel JS processor
- CSS, SASS ( SCSS ), LESS, Stylus
- Responsive and fluid HTML for mobile and tablets
- JavaScript ES5
- CoffeeScript
- Git, Trello and another dev services.
And the BackEnd skills:
- Python, Django
- JavaScript, Node JS, Express JS
- Mongo DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis
Thanks for reading, let’s work together!
Best Regards,
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