8 откликов 57 просмотров ~ 2 года назад Он исполнитель
- Обо мне
- Стоимость работы:
- от 1 000 руб. за час
- Профессиональный опыт:
- более трех лет
- Форма собственности:
- Физ. лицо, ИП
- Способы оплаты:
- безналичный расчёт
I am a Full stack developer in Vue(2,3)/Nuxt(2,3)/React on front and Python (Fast API) on backend.
I also write various parsers and programs for automation in Python.
Technologies I use:
Hard skills:- Total commercial frontend experience of ~3 years (Vue, Nuxt, Vuex, TypeScript, React, Redux).
- I grew from a HTML/CSS/JS developer to a front-end developer.
- I started my way to the frontend by studying and configuring Webpack (I follow its updates) and Parcel and using Pug (mixins, markup), then I tried Vue and React.
- In addition to the frontend, I am learning to develop a backend on Express.js (will try Python in the future).
- I study in more detail algorithms and data structures.
- I love interfaces. I do not have specialized knowledge in UI / UX, but there is some inner voice that tells me whether it will be convenient to use this or that solution or not.
- I like it when the site lives. I love animations and go deep into them. I look towards Three.js.
- I had to create desktop applications on Electron and Vue (in conjunction).
- Worked with blockchain. With the help of Web3.js, Ethers.js and Metamask, I created authorization in desktop applications and a link with the blockchain on websites.
- Work with Sockets.
- Wrote a backend in Express and Python.
- I understand that programming is not only about writing code, but also about interacting with your team, the ability to design, set and solve problems, and grow professionally.
- Communication with the teams took place in Discord, Slack and Signal.
- To store the code I use GitHub, GitLab, Self-hosted Gitlab, Gitlab Ci/Cd.
- For tasks I used Clickup (Jira-like), Jira, YouTrack.
- I used Wakatime to keep track of time.
- Also I worked with Kanban boards and adhered to the principles of Agile, including the team constantly working to deliver high-quality results in sprints with possible flexibility.
I am a rather lazy person and prefer to automate what I can. I can spend several hours on solving a 30-minute task, only for it to take several minutes later or not appear at all due to process automation.
And I'm always looking for an opportunity to implement something without the help of crutches or third-party libraries.
Stack technologies:
Vue(2, 3)/Nuxt(2, 3), Vuex, JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript, Web3, Ethers.js, Axios, ESLint, Webpack, Pug, SCSS, Electron.js, Express, Node.js, WebSockets, Python.
Where do I want to move?
Initially, I wanted to fully understand how websites are created from and to. So I'm moving towards a full stack. In addition to growing in breadth (according to hard skills), I want to upgrade my soft skills and grow further up to a team lead and so on.
- История работы
4 отклика 59 просмотров ~ 1 год назад Он исполнитель
- Услуги
200 руб.