I started my career in IT as Android developer. I had my first project and during dev tests I noticed that testing, quality assurances attracts me and I am interested in. Then I continued my career as automation QA Engineer. I have good experience in “API automation” and “UI automation”, basically I used Java for automation and also I’m experienced in Python as well. Below I provide the list of (Tools | Programming Languages| Spheres of programming ) that I am super experienced during my...
Harut AntonyanSoftware Quality Engineerот 80 руб. за час
Анастасия ВасильеваСпецификации и документацияот 500 руб. за час
ПОслежние 3 года плотно работаю с разного рода техн. документацией в ИТ проектах(описание AS IS и TO BE). Кайфую от проработкки макетов, user stories к новым продуктам/модулям. Умею задавать правильные вопросы. Основные скилы: • Проработка требований: описание бизнес-логики, user stories, UI/UX изменений, краевых условий, границ разрабатываемой функциональности • Создание пакета пользовательской документации на разрабатываемый продукт; • Подготовка внутренней технической документации по модулям...
Дмитрий УжваПриложения и алгоритмыот 1 200 руб. за час
I have 3+ years` experience developing native Android apps in Java and Kotlin. Also, I have some experience in writing cross-platform applications for mobile (Android/iOS) and desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux) operating systems using Kotlin Multiplatform, JVM, React Native, Flutter technologies. I program both professionally and as a hobby. I have critical thinking and an understanding of development principles and programming for diverse operating systems. I always write clean and...
Andrei ChernyshovPython3 - developerот 7 200 руб. за проект
31 years old. Ukraine, Kharkov. Python3* developer, Back-end on Django 3* Bootstrap для вьюшек! ORM postgresQL, MySQL, other. EngineX, Apache 2. Bash, Git, CI, UnitTest Cloude services Azure, Google cloud, Digitall Ocean. Telegram API --- chat-bots, admin-bots, sellers etc. Linux on Debian - used to work on Kali as main OS.
DZMITRY HAIDUKWebARот 2 000 руб. за час
I have a university degree in IT and radio technical engineering, that helps solve any engineering problems related to 3D graphics, AR/VR in any web browser and any smartphones, PC, MAC, TV. I love and designing and web developing and photos, and found myself in a symbiosis between all these areas of activity and came to Web-based Augmented Reality. At first, I dabbled as hobby Lens Studio by Snap Inc. (Snapchat), then Spark AR Studio by Facebook. Then I learned WebAR, WebXR, WebVR, Web3D...
Эльдар ДжафаровFront-end разработчикот 770 руб. за час
resume: https://www.use-effect.xyz/ Professional, Front & Back-end developer, committed to maintaining cutting edge technical skills and up-to-date industry knowledge and motivated to drive projects from start to finish as one or work with dynamic team. Perfect skills: LESS/SASS HTML5 JavaScript AJAX JSON jQuery WordPress Git Adobe Photoshop/Figma/Zeplin for HTML CSS Level Gulp Bootstrap BEM
Софья КонюховаUX/UI Designer | Web & Mobile | SaaS | E-commerce | B2Bот 800 руб. за час
I design and help launch dijital products. I care about my client's product. I put UX before UI: creating design, I try to understand your user's point of view and purpose and help them to guide themselves through an experience. I believe that designers should talk to users, write content, and implement their designs, not only draw pretty buttons. As a UX-designer I deliver to customers around the globe everything that is needed to meet both business and user's needs: from product ideas and...
Andrey SelivanovData Engineering & Analyticsот 700 руб. за час
Bachelor of Business Analysis. Working as Data Developer in a Netherlands wholesaler of Internet services and products since May 2019. Profesional scope: - designing, building and maintaining data migration and ETL processes; - analyzing, designing and developing data structure for applications and reports; - creating automatically updatable analytical reports, BI-dashboards. Technologies: MySQL, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, Tableau, Power BI, etc. Reports Portfolio: CLTV (post factum), profitability,...
Aziz MirITот 700 руб. за час
I am 23 years old and at the moment I am a foreign student in one of the Korean universities. I study in 2 specialties: Business Administration and Logistics, as well as computer engineering. I speak 4 languages and can talk on various topics.
Eugene INDYcontent managerот 250 руб. за час
Hello everyone, I work as a content manager on 2 sites, I know CSS, HTML, JS.
Альберт РозеВеб-разработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...
Narek PoghosyanFull-stack web developerот 500 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Narek. I work as a professional Laravel and WordPress developer already 7 years. I've collaborated with such famous companies as Worknet, Walton Jewellery, Dalma Risapartments, Unishop, Med-Express and many others. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, and I've been working in that field ever since. I have significant experience of creating web applications, using a variety of...
Никита ВедерниковРазработка Бэкенд-а для сайтовот 5 000 руб. за час
GitHub: https://github.com/zZENiro Разрабатываю back-end для ИС используя технологии: - ASP.NET Core - Redis session storing, cahcing - Identity/JWTBearer Auth - RabbitMQ as ampq technology impl - Entity Framework Core/MongoDB/ADO.NET - СУБД для MS SQL, MySql, Oracle - TPL async/ParallelProgramming - AJAX - Развертываю на IIS - CI/DI Git, Docker Опыт программирования на .net 2 года. Для разработки back-end придерживаюсь микросервисной архитектуры. Опыт разработки...
Галина ФеллерАдминистрирование Linux, Технический писатель, DevOpsот 1 000 руб. за час
I'm IT specialist with 5+ years of work experience. I have college diploma in Information Security, also Incomplete Bachelor in Information Security. I have experience in deployment and administration of email systems, Windows and Linux server. Also I'am developing some automatisation scripts (bash, python, powershell) and fullstack web-developing (HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL, CMS: CS-cart, CodeIgniter, WordPress, etc). I have experience in developing clear admin and user guides. I have the...
Дмитрий ИвонинFull Stack Webот 1 000 руб. за час
I am a passionate Full Stack Web Developer, who loves modern web development and has over 10 years of experience in this area. Over the past 3 years I have worked with startups and international companies and communicated with different teams. At the moment I am also an IT entrepreneur who leads a team and develops his own product. I believe in strong partnerships, and I feel like my extensive expertise and solid soft skills – responsibility, customer service, quality focus, continuous...
Kira BambergFront-end as Reactот 600 руб. за час
Личный сайт | GitHub | hello@kira.agency | +7(977)781-45-42 Откликаюсь на Киру, заимаюсь всем что связанно с вебом. Позиционирую себя как front-end разработчик, с потенциальной возможностью full-stack разработки. Занимаюсь созданием веб-приложений на ReactПроблему с SEO решаю посредством SSRВзаимодействую исключительно с NoSQL базами данныхПотенциальный back-end пишу на Node/ExpressИспользую как REST так и GraphQLВладею графическим пакетом AdobeС эмпатией примусь за ваш заказ, просто дайте...
Ivan KulikoviOS developmentот 1 500 руб. за час
Hi I'm 20 years iOS software engineer from Saint-Petersburg, Russia Developing native applications for almost 3 years I have a lot of experience in different kinds of applications such as WS based chats, apps, using REST API and audio tools for creating and analysing music I can write almost everything from simple so app to complex social network client Also I can help you with distribution application via AppStore if you want to I'm open for different projects and...
Polina RudenkoWeb-developer(JS)от 1 000 руб. за час
I'm a software engineer with more than 2 years of experience. At the start of my career I built web pages using HTML5 and CSS. Also I used different css frameworks like Bootstrap, Material and so on. Moreover I have excellent knowledge of pure JavaScript in particular ES5 and ES6 and worked with different libraries and frameworks like React, Redux, React Native, Angular and other. In addition I have experience with NodeJs and with such frameworks as Express, Koa, Sequelize, Mongoose. And also I...
Николай ВиталиевичPython Developerцена договорная
Python Developer Приветствую на моей странице, меня зовут Николай и я работаю в фрилансе 5 лет. Использую фриланс в качестве основного вида заработка, поэтому всегда ответственно отношусь к каждому из заказов. Мой путь в фрилансе начался с копирайтинга, я могу считать себя довольно хорошим специалистом в написании текстов на английском и русском языках. Все же, со временем мне стала не интересна эта сфера, после чего я начал менять свои специальности. За время поисков успел поработать...
Nick KharkovskyСистемный Администраторот 400 руб. за час
I'm June as a Linux system administrator. I have a lot of experience finding hardware problems on PC. At the moment I work as a TechOps engineer in NameCheap. I have experience in using and configuring Mail services, as well as their maintenance. Working with hypervisors and VMs, respectively and working with HTTP Servers. In general, I do everything that comes to hand.
As BarsovFrontdevот 10 000 руб. за проект
Ольга ПопандопулоВеб-дизайнер, UI/UXот 550 руб. за час
As a designer, my goal is to craft innovative and impactful design solutions to optimize people’s lives and their businesses so that we all have time to focus on what really matters. I believe that the world is constantly evolving thanks to designers centering their process around the user. I mostly tend to lean into projects that necessitate a high degree of problem-solving by using a holistic design process with a focus on multidisciplinary collaboration and rapid iteration. When I'm not...
Артем РябцевIOS Developerот 1 500 руб. за час
I’m an iOS developer with more than three years of experience in development for the Apple ecosystem. I successfully completed many projects for iOS as well as for tvOS, working in a team or as an independent developer. I developed projects from scratch as well as added a new features into existing projects, thus rising it's value for the Product Owner. I am well acquainted with and following Apple guidelines and release floods to provide an excellent project quality and easy scalable codebase. ...
Илья ИвановHTML | CSS | JSS | Reactот 50 руб. за час
Hello, I'm Ilua, I was interested in programming since I was a child, took part in a lot of IT-championships including ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. Now I'm a student of the last course in Kharkiv Computer College. I want to grow as an IT-specialist and I'm opened to any offers, but mainly I specialize in web-development and mobile development. I'm available at any time.
jun choeweb-developerцена договорная
I am web developer, but I have not yet practical experiences. But I can develop many differents of website as well as mobile device apps.