Фрилансеры (901)
  • R50 0f96f9f4596caf8532a9329984e310b6
    +0 / -0
    Alma Soft
    full stack developers studio
    от 2 625 руб. за час

    WEB разработка. Опыт работы сотрудников от 3-15 лет. Technologies: HTML5, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, XML, JSON, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React.js, Redux, Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, MongoDB, MySQL, Express.js, WebRTC, WebSockets, Socket.io, amCharts, GoogleMapsAPI, Jest, WebPack, Nginx, Linux Utility company web-site: (React.js, Vue.js, JavaScript) ●Web site support ●Company debtors information structuring and displaying ●Development of software for electronic digital sign of documents ...

  • R50 cf2c7518e9cccf120a435a06008af964
    +0 / -0
    Ilya Gladilin
    Web-developer, Parcers, Testin
    от 50 руб. за час

    Hi, I am Ilya, a professional web developer with over 3 years of experience. I provide html css loading related services like psd in html bootstrap 5 with fully responsive design. I can also convert any web layout to my own WordPress site or theme. My skills: HTML5, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP5, PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT / JQUERY, WORDPRESS. If you are looking for a comprehensive professional service, please contact us. I am ready to transfer my skills to your project.

  • R50 f0aa24aa979c47f9632d95e534b85a3d
    +0 / -0
    Gevorg Kyureghyan
    System/Network administration
    цена договорная

    Hello. I am Gevorg Kyureghyan, I have 7 years experience in the sphere of System/Network administration and Development. During my career I have worked on Windows Server Administration, Networking with Microtic and Cisco devices. I also have 4 years of ep I am sure our cooperation would be delightfull for all of us. Thanks in Advance, Gevorg Kyureghyan

  • R50 a577d4971ee2e679735fcf1a4a51b7b6
    +11 / -0
    Oleksii Shaposhnikov
    Разработка сайтов
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    I offer the services of a web programmer. Experience in the field of programming - 10 years. Working with Wordpress: Website development of any complexity; Creation of plug-ins and services (calculators, horoscopes, mini-games, etc.); Installing and configuring the necessary plugins (there is a set of paid plugins with an Extended License); Implementation of various functions using Ajax technology; Compliance with Wordpress\PHP Coding Standards; Installation, configuration and stretching of...

  • R50 11c12b93fd56feda68c8d9d227e98bc8
    +0 / -0
    Melkon Hovhannisian
    Full-stack Developer
    от 2 500 руб. за час

    Meticulous Software Engineer with over 6 years of experience in development. I have huge hands on experience working in with Python/Django, Typescript, Javascript and its frameworks (Node.js, React.js, Vue,js, Nuxt.js), advanced knowledge in network management, server configurations, hardware systems, creation of software applications and web designing, blockchain technologies, specifically in constructing the decentralized application, fork & customizing the existing secure smart contracts,...

  • R50 d345577dfbed06d76b134ffecea70b24
    +3 / -0
    Алексей Токарь
    web-services, databases, crawlers and highload
    от 4 500 руб. за час

    Инженер-программист, engineering manager с 15 годами опыта в сфере разработки веб-сервисов. Опыт работы как в b2c, так и b2b компаниях. Опыт работы в стартапах и больших компаниях. Опыт с высоконагруженными системами и системами поиска и анализа данных. Более 8 лет опыта рефакторинга живых приложений и переездов с onprem в cloud, редизайн монолитов в микросервисную архитектуру.

  • R50 a2313082881ea0adf6c7e5ceab724020
    +0 / -0
    Michael Galiew
    Разработка сайтов, преложжнтй.
    цена договорная

    I represent the company IT CAPITAL, we represent services.... what service Website development Integrated development sites of any complexity landing page, multi-page or online store) On Software development Development of a complex software02 IOS Android Mobile development applications on operating systems iOS and Android OS, Al - Intellect Development of artificial intelligence, its training and implementation, Marketing Setting up so, coition Google Ads, VR / AR -...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Nick S
    от 2 200 руб. за час

    • Android SDK: Services, Fragments, Concurrency, GCM, Location and Sensor APIs, Custom UI, Camera API, SQLite, ContentProvider, Preferences, Maps API, Animation, Drive SDK, TextToSpeach, Media, Webview (+JS), Google Play Services, Firebase Services, Transitions API, Retrofit, RxJava / RxAndroid, Stream API, LiveData, Room, ViewModel, MVVM, Kotlin • Java EE: Jersey, Glassfish • .NET: C# Windows Forms • SQL: MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL • CVS: Git, Mercurial, Tfs • Operation Systems: Linux, Windows...

  • R50 eb16ac6a47425338bb8a5a6f52801699
    +2 / -0
    Andrei Shcherbakov
    Network engineer
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    Опыт администрирования сетевого оборудования более 15 лет. Сертификат CCNA. Динамическая маршрутизация, высоко-нагруженные системы, системы горячего резервирования. VPN, интеграция с AD, AzureAD. Cisco, Mikrotik, HP, TPLink etc

  • R50 bdc0d9edecf29a65c643ffc7a744cb2f
    +3 / -0
    Ильяс Билалов
    Дизайн и разработка сайтов
    от 600 руб. за час

    5 лет занимаюсь веб-дизайном 8 лет руковожу разработкой интернет-проектов 13 лет в digital-cфере Сайт "под ключ" от 9900 руб. (от 5-ти дней) Landing page "под ключ" с нуля от 14900 руб. (от 7-ти дней)Landing page "под ключ" на конструкторе от 7000 руб. (от 7-ти дней)Дизайн сайтов от 4000 руб. (от 2-х дней)Дизайн логотипов от 5000 руб. ,Фирменный стиль от 5000 руб. (от 3-х дней) Дизайн баннеров, оформление социальных сетей от 400 руб.SEO-продвижение с финансовой гарантией от 5000 руб....

  • R50 9888bddf380dd8ced3e4ecd8a2d51d30
    +0 / -0
    Администрирование серверов
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    TOPADMIN предоставляет услуги DevOps Services, CI/CD, Cloud, Monitoring and Support 24×7 - мы можем взять на себя любую поддержку 24/7 и избавить Вас от боли) TOPADMIN - это 12 сотрудников технической поддержки, 4 старших системных администратора, которые в режиме 24/7/365 готовы обеспечить стабильность работы Вашей инфраструктуры или Ваших клиентов. 95% наших первичных клиентов остаются работать с нами на постоянной основе. Занимаемся поддержкой высоконагруженных систем, реализуем...

  • R50 039168b1f1c7516d03fbbf36e931ec57
    +0 / -0
    Oleh Trukhan
    QA Engineer
    от 850 руб. за час

    I am QA Engineer with 1.5 years of experience. Worked on big E-commerce projects(Drupal). I've built QA processes from 0 and bring the project to a new level of earnings. Wrote test strategy and cover all features using test cases. Was working w/ different external services that help control sales and move marketing to the correct way. For example(Google Analytics, Klaviyo, Shipstation, etc). Also, worked on different small projects. I know what to do on the short projects and how to make huge...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    Here's Nikita Egelskii speaking. My objectives are prescribed by top values: Motivation. I want to wake up with fire in my eyes and go to bed thinking about how I will pursue my tasks in the morning. Achievements. I want to clearly know what I can be proud of and what I have achieved in this life. Commitment. I want to take on important tasks that affect the lives of the people around me. Independence. I want to spontaneously break into travel and not depend on the schedule. Thus, my goal...

  • R50 5ae3f8e8e772878440b24e7e46d61416
    +4 / -0
    Roman Voloshchuk
    Решение задач любой сложности
    от 2 500 руб. за час

    - Эксперт в серверном окружении Microsoft Windows Server 2003-2012 R2 etc. (DNS, DHCP, Active Directory, GPO, WSUS, RRAS, File and Printer sharing, Firewall, Hyper-V, Failover cluster); - Обширные знания различных дистрибутивов Linux: Red Hat based, Debian based, Gentoo (Sendmail, Postfix, BIND/named, FTP); - Эксперт в администрировании Microsoft Exchange Server 2003-2013,2016 (Multitenancy, SMTP TLS, OWA+ADFS, DAG); - Обширные знания в администрировании Microsoft Sharepoint Server...

  • R50 9a1ad798bd754d9c8311269257919cbf
    +0 / -0
    Денис Щ.
    Python, Машинное обучение
    от 100 000 руб. за месяц

    I have been doing Python for 3+ years and there are some interesting projects which I am ready to show: ParkAI - service prototype for tracking free parking spaces (using the video stream of the CCVT cameras)Lungs diagnostics - telegram bot, which can help you with diagnostics of legenevy (also CoViD-19)Abnormal Event Detection SystemI have experience with Docker and deploying containers directly on servers (AWS EC2, Google Cloud, Azure, Heroku (CI/CD solutions)). One of the projects that...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    Android Middle Kotlin (последние 1.5 года), ранее Java. Архитектурные подходы: Clean Arch, MVVM, MVP. Сеть: OkHttp, Retrofit. Сериализация посредством Kotlin Serialization, Moshi, Gson. Storage: SQLite (Room), небольшой опыт в NoSQL (KMongo, Realm, Firebase Storage). Async: Coroutines, RxJava2 DataFlows: LiveData, Kotlin Flow, Kotlin Channels DI: Hilt, Dagger2 Unit и UI тестирование посредством JUnit, Mockito, Espresso Автоматизация: Gitlab CI, Github Actions Firebase...

  • R50 d6b3668dbe9918ffa37dda7024b97974
    +2 / -0
    Дмитрий Бочков
    Android Development
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    Резюме и опыт работы здесь: https://moikrug.ru/riodevista Примерный список того, что я делал: REST API services,Media (photo, video, custom camera),Maps (Google Maps, MapBox),Chats (based on WebSockets),QR code (ZXing),Audio streaming (ExoPlayer),Custom UI/UX and Material Design,PUSH notifications,Social Networks API (e.g. Facebook, Twitter),In-app purchases, AdMob,etc.И список технологий, которые я использовал или использую: OOP, Design Patterns (GoF),MVP (Mosby), Clean Architecture,...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Dmitrii Postar
    Создание IT архитектуры.
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Virtualization: vSphere ESXI 5.0-6.5, VSAN, VMWare vCloud, VMWare vRealize Automation, VMWare vRealize Operation Manager, vSphere Data Protection. Storage administration: IBM DS3000/4000, Netapp FAS 2200 Series, FAS 8800 Series, Hitachi VSP, Fujitsu DX Series, Dell, Synology. Computing administration: Blades and Servers from Cisco, HP, IBM, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Huawei, Dell. Network: Cisco, MikroTik, D-Link, TP-Link, Planet, WatchGuard, FortiNet (FW, NAT, Routing (OSPF, BGP)) Linux: Centos, Ubuntu...