Есть собственная небольшая команда, подробнее о нас можете узнать на сайте quandoteam.ru
Quando TeamВеб-дизайн, разработка сайтовот 1 500 руб. за час
Иван Климчукbackend developer, team lead, solution architectот 3 000 руб. за час
Знаком с MODX более 6 лет. Работаю исключительно с веткой Revolution. На текущий момент владею достаточным уровнем знаний по данной CMS для выполнения задач различной сложности. Развиваю сообщество разработчиков MODX в Беларуси и на территории СНГ, являюсь послом MODX (MODX Ambassador) в своем регионе. Могу выполнять работу как по созданию и поддержке проектов на MODX, так и предоставлять услуги по консультированию в области разработки ПО с использованием MODX. Меня...
Никита УльянкинИнженер-программистцена договорная
Опыт работы 3 года 2 месяца Август 2019 — по настоящее время1 год 11 месяцев Проект "Обучение детей спортивным базовым элементам с применением VR-среды" Йошкар-Ола Team lead/Unity Developer Разработка алгоритмов взаимодействия пользователя с VR-средой. Приложение на Unity 3D. Генерация поля, алгоритмы полета объектов, взаимодействия тел. Редактирование HD-моделей в Photoshop. Проект под моим руководством выиграл 2 гранта в размере 2 млн.рублей. УМНИК и Росмолодежь. Сентябрь 2020 — декабрь...
Никита СачивкоПрограммированиецена договорная
Студент Белорусского Государственного Университета Информатики и Радиоэлектроники. Член команды Bulba Hackers (https://ctftime.org/team/105724), участник CTF-соревнований, киберучений The Standoff.
Red TeamКомпьютерная безопасностьот 2 000 руб. за час
Специалист по компьютерной безопасности.
Виолетта КарпушенкоФункциональное тестировани ПОот 1 200 руб. за час
• Manual Functional, Regression and Smoke testing • Data Migration testing • Systems Integration testing • Test documentation development and review • Documentation (requirements, specification, service requests, user stories) analysis and validation • Defects Management (logging, reviewing, tracking) • Estimates creation for testing activities • Building testing processes and communication • QA team leading • Mentoring
Hovhannes GhazaryanFull Stack Web Developerот 1 200 руб. за час
Hey. I am Hovhannes. I have been doing programming for a very long time (5+ years). Now I decided to start working through habr. Since I have been a member of a large team, it’s not hard for me to work in a team. Although I just recently started working on habr but I have a solid experience in web development. Regards, Hovhannes
Edgar HovsepyanHTML5 Game Developerцена договорная
Quality oriented and self-motivated, creative Software Engineer with professional experience in WEB Development. Game Development, I have experience with JavaScript, also with react and three.js libraries. Worked with Databases and familiar with Design Patterns. Aside from technical knowledge I am a proven team member and I can suggest innovative solutions to technical issues.
Заур СаидовReact-Native developerот 60 руб. за месяц
Hello i'm Zaur pleased to meet you, I'm a Frontend web and mobile developer with experience building out both consumer and startup applications with the latest technologies, mostly react stack. -- React, react-native -- React-redux, react-navigation, react-router -- Redux-thunk, middlewares -- Stylesheet and ES6/7 JavaScript -- Bootstrap / Material UI / Styled Components
Мамикон НикогосянiOS developerцена договорная
My strong soft skills: – Communication. I can get on well with any kind of person in team, even if that needed to speed up the company processes – I never panic. I can think rationally in any situation – Attention to details, perfectionist. Also pragmatic Skills: – UIKit – SwiftUI (was participated in iOS 14 widget development) – Integration Objective-C legacy code in Swift and vice versa – Manual Layout / Auto Layout (understand pros and cons Cassowary system) – Understanding MVx, VIPER...
Alex DovzDevopsот 1 000 руб. за час
Linux Systems Administrator with 10 years of extensive hands-on UNIX experience including very strong Apache Web server, sendmail, FTP, UNIX backups, DNS, NFS, NIS administration skills Excellent Red Hat , Debian, UNIX system administration skills, expert-level UNIX commands skills Exceptional UNIX shell, Perl scripting skills Hard-working, result-oriented and good team player with can-do attitude and excellent learning abilities Able to work productively under minimal or no supervision Skills...
Doniyor RakhmanovAndroid, Flutter developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Android Team Lead в Мобильном Департаменте. - Имею опыт больше трех лет на андроид программировании - Kotlin, java, xlm, dart - Firebase, Google maps, Google API, retrofit2, room, Kotlin coroutines, sms retriever, hilt, google jetpack, Lottie, paper(no sql), sqlite, coil, picasso, camera, camera2, cameraX, biometrics, material design - MVVM, MVP, MVC Резюме : https://gist.github.com/rdonik/bbba88f77e16f2f738e...
Voskan VoskanyanПрограммистцена договорная
Technical Expertise I know and use the following programming languages, tools and technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Bootstrap, Foundation, Less, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, ECMAScript 6/7, Knockout.js, React, Redux, Immutable.js, GraphQL, Vue.js, Vuex, Gulp, Grunt, XML/XSLT, GIT, Handlebars, EJS, Node.js, Express framework, Sails.js Framework, PHP (OOP/ MVC), WordPress, Yii 2 Framework, Kohana Framework, Go (Golang), C#, ASP.NET / .NET Core, Entity Framework, Python, Flask, Django,...
Антон СмирновFullStack Web-developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Я опытный тимлид группы веб разработки. Опыт: Высоконагруженные CRM системы и системы электронного документооборота. Приложения для работы рекламных агентств с блогерами и сборка метрик из соц сетей.Я создаю легко обслуживаемый и хорошо протестированный код. Всегда готов предложить решение для любого требования заказчика. Back-end: Java (1.8 or later), Spring and Spring Boot, Hibernate, SQL, MavenFront-end: JavaScript, Vue.js, Bootstrap, HTML, CSSOther: Git, ReSTful design
Maria SlavinerUX UI designer |Graphic designцена договорная
I am open to job offers for Junior UX UI Designer. I follow my way, and you will understand why. Design is everywhere and it has surrounded me since childhood. My mom is a fashion designer and artist, and I have always wanted to be creative and make the world better. While studying at the Faculty of Linguistics, at the age of 20, I began to master Photoshop and Illustrator. I have taken small steps to do what bring me delight and I have created brochures, logos, illustrations, checklists,...
Vladimir ZemskovLeader of Web&Mobile Dev Teamот 3 000 руб. за час
Приветствую, я лидер команды разработки полного цикла: https://wizard413.pro/ Мои основные роли: Business Manager, Project Manager/Producer, Product Manager, Team Leader, Pre-Sale Manager/Salesman Наша основная специализация веб и кросс-платформенные мобильные приложения. Основной технологический стэк: Java/Kotlin, Swift/Objective C, .NETReactJS/ReduxJS, React Native/FlutterPython3, Django, NodeJS Google Cloud Services, Jenkins, Elastic Search, AWS, HerokuFigma/WireframingОсновной состав...
Viktor KostivВеб-разработчикот 600 руб. за час
Hi, I am a web developer with almost 4 years of experience, 2 of which have been in an IT company. I can work in a team and adapt to any task. I learn quickly and work with maximum efficiency. My skills: ✔ HTML5 ✔ CSS3, Bootstrap, TailwindCss ✔ UX/UI web design ✔ JavaScript ✔ Vue.js ( Vuex, Pinia ) ✔ Node.js ( Express, Nest.js ) ✔ PHP ✔ Laravel ✔ Working with databases (SQL, Firebase, MongoDB ) Please feel free to contact me!
Arsen GhazaryanFull stack developerот 100 руб. за час
I am a hard worker and a team player. I like bodybuilding and swimming in the pool.
Владислав РазыграевFullstack developerот 760 руб. за час
My name is Vladislav Razygraev. I am a full stack developer specializing in building web applications and APIs. I have been in web development for over 4 years in the following industries: internet marketing, advertising and e-commerce. I have extensive experience in commercial development. I have worked in an outsourcing company for more than a year as a Full-Stack engineer, and I want to benefit the company by participating in the development process using the React framework and its...
Liliia HorbachGraphic Designer | Illustratorот 1 500 руб. за час
Сreating illustrations, corporate identity and patterns, I successfully help brands to show growth using graphic design ❤. The ability to create AR effects is an additional opportunity to show my potential in digital activity. Thanks to artistic education at school, I create illustrations on a graphic tablet and draw paints on canvas. I consider myself as a responsible and attentive person with a precise set of design skills and ability for a quick self-education. I am expert in...
Артур ГонянAndroidот 480 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a Senior Android Developer and Team Leader at Simply Technologies. I have been programming since 2017, working for various companies and creating Android applications for phones, tablets and TVs. My skill set includes Kotlin, Java, Android, SDK, OOP, Android Jetpack, Git, Firebase, Room, Realm, SQLite and Design Patterns.
Evgenii StrivalBack-end Developer (PHP)цена договорная
I prefer clear code and like new challenges. I’ll be glad to become a part of a cool and active team to change a world in better way. I prefer a healthy lifestyle like traveling, jogging and so on. Also to read books, the last one is Grokay algorithms. Me technical skills for now: • PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Yii2 • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ • HTML, CSS, Sass, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, MVC • Jira, Confluence, Redmine, Git • Docker • Visual Studio Code, PhpStorm, Git Bash Also my...
Duo TeamWeb, mobile, flutter, rails, rот 3 000 руб. за час
Команда из фронт- и бек-лида. Суммарно более 15 лет опыта в разработке, создание web и мобильных проектов. Можем работать как совместно так и по отдельности. Приложение, которые делали: SkyControl, Wallexy, PushUps и другие. Они заброшены заказчиком, но можно найти в Play Market. Разрабатывали CRM-системы и системы учета/движения финансов. Настраивали и поддерживали инфраструктуру для работы мобильных приложений и централизованной сборки логов на ELK. Конфигурации серверов хранили в...
Даниил Курочкинweb-designerот 500 руб. за час
Hello everyone! I am an aspiring web designer, but I am very hard working and willing to work hard. In my work I use figma and photoshop. I will gladly work on your projects. We will become one team! Let's discuss the details and get to work Всем привет! Я начинающий веб-дизайнер, но я очень трудолюбивый и готов много работать. В своей работе я использую фигма и фотошоп. Я с радостью поработаю над вашими проектами. Мы станем одной командой! Давайте обсудим детали и приступим к работе
Максим НеверкевичFull-Stackцена договорная
I am a Full-Stack developer with industry experience building websites and web applications. My role is to write and style the front-end components that meet the requirements of the client's mocks and fulfill the client's requirements.