Приветствую! Я разработчик, на данный момент фрилансер. Мой профиль - разработка digital решений и инструментов для бизнеса. Я создаю такие вещи как: административные системы, небольшие crm/erm, SaaS, сервисы, различные чат-боты для мессенджеров, веб-сайты различной сложности, интернет магазины и т д. В этом я использую как основной инструмент: Python (Django/Flask) и Javascript (React/Vue). Я занимаюсь тем, что люблю и умею. Моя цель - создавать решения которые помогут клиентам построить...
Andrey TihiyPython Developer, React,SaaSцена договорная
Олег РуновТестировщикот 200 руб. за час
-Самостоятельно изучаю теорию тестирования(С.Куликов, stackoverflow, sololearn, pro-testing.com, материалы курсов для самообучения); -Люблю системный подход к процессам; -Есть опыт в альфа- и бета-тестровании игр(DayZ, Escape from Tarkov), написании баг-репортов через стандартные формы приложений; -Тестировал функционал нескольких сайтов по предложенным тест-кейсам(Я.Карты, Я.Метро); -Есть опыт в переводе тех.документации(радиотехника); -Есть опыт в работе с документами СМК (участие в...
Сергей ШиряевUX / UI дизайнер, Графический дизайнерот 3 000 руб. за час
Графический дизайнер, UX/UI дизайнер Подробнее: https://career.habr.com/sergyshir
Ирина ШевчукДизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
Привет. Меня зовут Ира. Я графический дизайнер из Киева, Украина. Окончила художественную школу и университет по специальности Дизайн. У меня больше 3х лет опыта работы в области дизайна (работа в офисе и удаленно). Я разноплановый дизайнер, но основная моя специфика - это сайты (лендинги, коммерческие, интернет-магазины), мобильные приложения, баннеры, логотипы, векторные иллюстрации. Основные программы, которые использую для работы: - Figma; - Adobe Illustrator; - Adobe...
Elizaveta RubanSeo, website developmentот 700 руб. за час
If you really want to see the result - write on this number: Telegram +380507634805
Артур ХайруллинPremium Web Developmentот 3 300 руб. за час
Not yet another skillset bragger. Instead - your helping hand in the world of Web Development. Cooperatively with my clients, we move towards a successful solution. And this is how the efficient working process should flow. In my craft I strive for the following principles: - End product needs to solve a problem - My client should feel safe and involved in the process (seeing intermediate results, getting instructions, etc) - To be independent as a developer and free my clients' brains...
Gevor MelqonyanFront End Developerот 100 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a Web developer, living in Erevan, Armenia. I work with Open source HTML, CSS, Jquery, Angular 2+ and Wordpress to build websites for startup companies as well as enhancing existing websites my creativity and prior experience helps me to develop the website professionally, highlighting your corporate image.
Роман ПавловWebsite design and developmentот 60 000 руб. за проект
Artashes ApinyanSenior web developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello My name is Artash. Have more then 4 years experience in this area. In that time build more websites, oniline shope,personal, bussines, education . Also doing SEO . Contact me if you need great and optimized website. Thanks Artash
Армен КарапетянFull stack developerот 1 200 руб. за час
Do you need a superb quality website? Or want to get your website issues fixed? Contact me with confidence. I provide top-notch quality website design and web development services. I am a professional full stack developer
Талгарт СаркеевFrontend разработка, программицена договорная
I am a recent graduate from International Alatoo University. I graduated in June with a bachelor’s degree in computer science department. During studies, I worked as a frontend developer. I have worked on various platforms including HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python as well. My experience includes working on a large website, building a government websites with admin panel, working with Javascript library-React.js, coffescript with Angularjs. I like working on challenging projects which is why...
Volodymyr PodrushnyakSecurity, Android, Front-endот 1 000 руб. за час
Monitoring of key network performance, analyze and search for the causes: working with management systems OSS (Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei) and reports;Network protocols and telecommunication.Server, Server OS (Windows Server, RHEL) and hypervisor (ESX, Hyper-V) administration.Mobile, endpoint, network security and protection, Incident Management – SIEM, IAM, IPS, WLC, EMM, Crypto Management.E-commerce, website creation and Google Ads promotion. Create a partner multisite and...
Timur SarsembayevВеб-разработка, интеграции API, CMS Wordpress, верстка, сайты под ключ, лендинги, интернет магазиныцена договорная
Знания: PHP, Laravel SQL, MySQL, MariaDB JS, jQuery, Node.js, React.js, Gulp.js CSS, Less, Sass Google Apps Script (интеграция с GDrive, Gmail, Spreadsheets, Docs, Forms и так далее) Google Ads Script (интеграция с Google Ads и Adsense) Wordpress, Opencart Telegram, amoCRM, Bitrix24, alfaCRM & etc. Linux, Apache2 Навыки: Прикладное программирование Разработка веб-сайтов и веб-приложений Разработка систем автоматизации бизнес процессов Создание систем для управленческого...
Евгений ЕвгеньевSoftware Developmentот 970 руб. за час
WPF /Xamarin.Forms / C# developer IT, Internet, Telecom • Software Development Work experience —4 years 2 months .net developer C#, Xamarin.Forms, WPF 1. ASi-5 Addresser Cross-platform application for configuration of industrialnetworks using ASi-5 protocol. Bluetooth LE, USB, TCP communication withhard devices in IoT projects. Landscape + portrait views for both Phone andTablet, fully adapted Desktop. UI adaptation for all platforms (iOS, Android, UWP).Dynamic ...
99ninjas StudioWeb & App design, developmentот 1 300 руб. за час
Based in Lviv, Ukraine, we are the team of highly creative ninjas specializing in web & mobile design, UX researches, branding, marketing and design support. What do we offer? Website Design UI/UX Design for Mobile Apps (iOS, Android) Social Networks Design Wireframing and prototyping UX Research Marketing Web developmentTilda The company was founded in 2019, in Ukraine, from already established professionals, each of whom has from two to eleven years of experience in their field. ...
Olga KalininaWeb Developmentот 1 600 руб. за час
Я представляю IT агенство Exyplis. Мы на рыке с 2014 г. и предоставляем полный цикл ИТ услуг. Наши скилы: DEVELOPMENT: ✓ development of telephony systems for the office ✓ development of telephony systems for call centers ✓ IVR, voice mail ✓ call forwarding ✓ VoIP SIP/IAX telephony ✓ automatic dialing systems ✓ CRM/ERP systems ✓ Laravel ✓ VueJS ✓ Tailwindcss frameworks ✓ NodeJS ✓ NativeScript ✓ WordPress ✓ OpenCart DESIGN: ✓ graphic and product...
Павел ГапонUI/UX Designerот 1 000 руб. за час
My name is Pavel and i'm UI/UX designer for desktop and mobile platforms with over 3 years experience. I love material design, creating user-friendly interfaces, clear UI visualiation and adaptive designs for all platforms. Professional skills and aims: • Website design (including mobile friendly (responsive) design, flat and material design); • Web application design; • User experience (UX); • User interface design (UI); • Interaction design (IxD); • Mobile application design: ...
Dan SeoturbinaПродвижение сайтовот 3 000 руб. за проект
Добрый день, меня зовут Дэн, я фрилансер, который умеет делать и продвигать сайты. Аудит, логотип, презентация, видео, дизайн сайта, создание нового сайта, ключевые запросы, оптимизация, создание ссылок, обзоры, статьи и блог, попадание в топ-10 по всем запросам. 1. Я могу продвигать сайты. Я даю гарантию на трафик и топ 10. Я сразу продвигаю все ключевые слова, их может быть до 2000 и более. При необходимости я создаю сайты для новых продуктов и групп ключевых слов. 2. Я могу...
Konstantin KalininVector Graphics. Web design. Graphic design.от 500 руб. за час
Дизайн. Вэб-дизайн. Дизайн Landing page. Верстка сайтов (на webflow). Разработка логотипов, фирменных стилей.
Smbat SargsyanMobile Software Engineer,от 750 руб. за час
I am a Modern Senior Mobile/Web Developer based in Armenia and I have more than 3 years of mobile/web apps development experience. My main skills are Android, iOS, React Native, Ionic, React.js, Angular 2/4, NodeJS, Redux, Webpack, and I have a strong working experience in all areas of mobile/web development from Database Design to frontend design with focus on UI/UX, as well as testing and troubleshooting. Further I have good experience in test automation integration like unit testing for both...
Танат КамаловFront-end/Back-end разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
I’m a Software Engineer with more than 10 years experience in building large scale consumer facing UI applications utilizing html, javascript, css and other web-related technologies by applying best UX and a11y principles. Usually I use React.js and Vue.js in development. I have experience in Angular 2+ as well. I also have solid skills in building backend services using Node.js, Python and Golang. In addition to knowledge of IOS/Swift and Android/Kotlin development I use Ionic framework for...
Vahe StepanyanСоздание сайтов на Wordpressот 130 руб. за час
I am a front-end developer who has experience in creating websites by Wordpress in any kind of theme. I have experience in creating online shops on Woocommerce including integrating payment gateways.
Misha BeliyMachine Learningцена договорная
I have started Startup, finished Yep! Starter and winner of the regional coding competitions. Startup allows users to index their youtube-podcasts in Spotify, Google and Apple Podcasts. Participated in AI Hackathon where I was a training model to classification tweets on 13 classes. Trained some models, but the best accuracy turns out the Convolutional Neural Network. It isn't obvious, but exciting. Some time ago I participated in programming (algorithm) contests. Third place in...
Артём ТруновUX/UI-дизайнерот 600 руб. за час
UX/UI-дизайнер. Прототипирование интерфейсов, дизайн. Behance: -www.behance.net/quazoops51db Figma: -https://www.figma.com/file/G89KBDq2VFtbQZPQcgyxlh5... -https://www.figma.com/file/UjpEED9FppYk4WHOfOqIsx/... -https://www.figma.com/file/Ei4b7mkr2zmrtwtoFGkfC5/... Мобильные приложения: -https://www.figma.com/file/ELJbLByyFCzRfs0h6UHp0eB... -https://www.behance.net/gallery/64053177/Create-wi...
Валентина КурганJunior UI/UX designerот 190 руб. за час
Looking for Junior web designer job. Finished Beetroot Academy. I have higher education (philology). During educating got skills in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, InVision. I can create websites, icons, landing pages, banners. I differ in the creative thinking, sense of taste, by readiness to self-perfection and in-plant training, that compensates the lack of practical experience in the field of Web design.