I am familiar with different blockchains: EVM-compatibles, Monero, Dash, many Bitcoin forks, Polkadot. Also I have experience with creating ERC 20, ERC 721, ERC 1155 tokens, that are also compatible with OpenSea. I created cross-chain bridge, ICO contracts and others, you can take a look at my GitHub repo by: https://github.com/blockedby I prefer using Hardhat with Typescript and ethers.js for deployment and tests. I obtain both collaborative and self-management skills. I easily go about...
Alexander KondakovSolidityцена договорная
Айдын АлтайFrontend Developerот 1 500 руб. за час
With two years of commercial experience as a front-end developer, I have honed my technical abilities, improved my communication skills, and learned the importance of meeting tight deadlines while working in development teams. My primary expertise lies in Vue/Nuxt, and I am familiar with React/Next. I have extensive experience using libraries such as vuex, axios, ethers, web3, google-maps, bootstrap-vue, and ant-design-vue. My responsibilities have included developing user interfaces, UI...
Andrei DzmitranokUI/UX-дизайнерот 21 000 руб. за проект
17 years in design Portfolio https://www.behance.net/andreidzzz https://www.linkedin.com/in/dzmitranok-andrei-a112... About - User Experience Design - User Interface Development - Web & Mobile UI Development - Graphic Design - Brand Development Strengths - Great visual design skills; - Good knowledge iOS Human Interface Guidelines; - Good knowledge in material design; - Great experience in creating product prototypes; - Deep knowledge of composition, colors, and...
ILYA BABIKOVFrontend Developmentот 250 руб. за час
Я фронтенд-разработчик, готовый взять за ваш проект с полной отдачей, не отвлекаясь на другие проекты, ориентируясь только на результат. удовлетворяющий и заказчика и исполнителя. Закончил курс в университете Иннополис по Frontend разработке, после которого начал работать во фрилансе. Link to my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilya-babikov-react-dev Link to my GitHub profile: https://github.com/IliaMD Link to my Gitlab profile: https://gitlab.com/IlyaMD Link to Codewars...
Simon Agleevfrontend developerот 50 000 руб. за месяц
Hi there! I am a front-end developer with about 2 years of experience in the industry. I have a passion for creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces that enhance the user experience. I have a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I'm also skilled in Typescript, Three.js, React, redux/mobX, and other libraries. I have experience working on a variety of projects, from small websites to large web applications. In my current role, I have had the opportunity to work...
Arman KhachatryanFrontend developerот 1 500 руб. за час
More than 4 years of front-end development. Modern technology stack. I will create a website from scratch according to your design.
Nadiia PshenychnaNFT Creator | Crypto | Blockchain | Marketing strategy Web3цена договорная
Hello Are you looking for an EXPERT in Web3 and do you have a project idea? Then read my discription profile! I have been working in Web3 more than 4 years in Web3 marketing and you are on the right way, I develop an effective marketing strategy and successfully implement it using Web3 digital and custom tools. I have assembled a team of specialists: PM, marketer, targetologist, copywriter, designer and we offer an absolutely full range of services necessary to create and promote a project...
Tuimebay YelnurWeb, Data Scraperот 500 руб. за час
I am an experienced Python developer with expertise in web scraping and data extraction. I have been working with Python for several years, and I have deep understanding of the language and its various libraries, such as Requests and BeautifulSoup. In addition, I am proficient in using Selenium, a powerful browser automation tool, for more complex scraping tasks that require interaction with web pages. Whether you need to extract data from a single website or multiple sources, I am confident...
Егор ЯковенкоUX/UI Design, Tilda, Figmaот 800 руб. за час
Здравствуйте, меня зовут Егор, мне 20 лет, я веб-дизайнер и верстальщик (Tilda). У меня есть опыт создания как одностраничный так и многофункциональных сайтов, поэтому мы точно сможем прийти к соглашению и успешно поработать вместе. Ссылка на портфолио и несколько сделанных мной сайтов (с версткой и без): https://www.behance.net/yakovenko320 https://www.figma.com/file/qT2KMpPj4we4RiWEyYNq97/... https://www.figma.com/file/7VBt9rnpURamtKGNqBZDhk/... ...
Tair SultanovДизайн, Маркетингот 20 000 руб. за месяц
Меня зовут Таир, я люблю заниматься дизайном, изучаю веб-дизайн и 3D, также параллельно учусь и работаю маркетологом. Веду маркетинговую деятельность в академии IT, разбираюсь в SMM. Буду рад работать с вами :) My name is Tair, I like to design, I study web design and 3D, I also study and work as a marketer in parallel. I conduct marketing activities at the IT Academy, I understand SMM. I will be glad to work with you :)
Anton PapazyanSenior Software Developerот 1 200 руб. за час
Hey there, ____________________________________________________________________________ I am a Senior Software Developer from Yerevan. I have 4 years of experience in software engineering mainly 3 in backend. ____________________________________________________________________________ My stack >> Node/Express | MongoDB/Mongoose | Postgres | Microservices | Docker | AWS | Linux | Bash | Postman/Swagger | Git....
Arun TyagiMaking 3D model, Designот 55 руб. за час
RESUME Name - Arun Tyagi Field of work - metal processing industry, injection molding of plastic and aluminum parts. Technical skills 3D design using CAD software Create solid models, surface models from any available image, sketch, physical part measurement or 3D scan, etc. Design molds / design stamps, jigs / design devices. Creating workshop drawings for machinist or operator. CNC machining with CAM software _ _ _ Creating CNC programs...
Artyom PoghosyanAngular developerот 10 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Artyom. I'm a Angular developer and I want to deepen my knowledge in a subject area that I loved. I'm enclosing my CV and looking forward to get response.
Konstantin ChukavinFrontend developerот 300 руб. за час
Здравствуйте! Ну собственно обо мне: Образование у меня высшее: 4 факультет КАИ кафедра АСОиУ. На данный момент учусь на Веб разработчика: 1. Курс Яндекс практикум + 2. Курс Фронтенд разработчик (SkillFactory) - госспрограмма На данный момент выбран наставником курса (старший студент) - провожу стриммы по вёрстке для студентов, и просто помогаю освоиться)) - тут я пытался донести до студентов БЭМ)) 3. Курс Skilbox фронтенд разработчик С отличием прошёл курсы по HTML, CSS, JS на...
Hovhannes AleksanyanSenior Web Developerот 1 200 руб. за час
Hi there! I am a senior web developer from Armenia. I have 4+ years of extensive experience. My stack Front-end: Vue | Vue3 | Vuetify | TailwindCSS | Vuex | Pinia | Nuxt. Back-end: Node | Express | MongoDB I am available from small (short-term) to long (long-term) projects. Just send me a message so we can discuss the details!
Tora Saickevichgraphic designerот 100 руб. за час
I am an aspiring graphic designer and currently studying at Contented Art School. A creative vein has been with me since birth and it brings me great pleasure to work with art and show it to others. Creative Graphic Designer with a talent for developing unique custom artwork. The innovative approach to ideas and concept development. Results-oriented Graphic Artist successfully applies technical skills to create art that informs and engages customers. Clear communicator and collaborative team...
Alla DavtyanUI developmentцена договорная
I am a Bachelor Computer Science student who has learned C++, QT, LISP, Assembly during the university course. Meanwhile fighting University challenges I found myself quite interested in many fields of programming. While expecting from University deep knowledge in my field, I found out that I have to do everything alone and only rely on myself. So I started trying many fields in CS, solved quite a lot algorithmic problems.Now I'm working as junior UI developer and I am ready to take the...
Алексей КалныкiOS developerцена договорная
iOS-разработчик в компании TTK Digital. Участвую в разработке приложений: 1) Мой Дом https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B9-%... 2) Летай 2.0 https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D... Также разрабатывал приложения на фрилансе: 1) Умный будильник https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/alarm-clock-for-heav... 2) Вёрстка приложения ведения экскурсий для гидов и туристов. Мои проекты на GitHub: https://github.com/akalnik93
Георгий ЛогиновФронтендот 1 000 руб. за час
В настоящее время работаю в IT компании. Хочется поработать в новой для себя парадигме фрилансера. Имею опыт более 7 лет. Поучавствовал в создании и доработке больших и сложных проектов. Люблю верстать, имею опыт работы с адаптивом без макетов, решаю сложные задачи. Основной стек Vue js, react js, nuxt js, jquery, backbone js. I am currently working for an IT company. I want to work in a new freelance paradigm. I have over 7 years experience. Participated in the creation and completion of large...
Дана ЗеваеваUI/UX дизайнот 850 руб. за час
Мой дизайн Создаю дизайн, исходя из бизнес задачи, ориентируясь на удобство и комфорт пользователей. Аргументирую дизайн-решения перед заказчиком и командой. Каждый день развиваю насмотренность, аналитические навыки и логику. Дизайн для меня - неотъемлемая часть жизни, я им горю и живу, поэтому работа для меня всегда в кайф, если она позволяет мне развиваться в дизайне дальше и достигать больших высот. Обучение За плечами более 3 лет обучений: • DL Boost онлайн-стажировка • WDI • BangBang...
Валерия ГордейчикВеб-дизайн, графический дизайнцена договорная
Меня зовут Валерия Hard Skills: • Figma–10/10 •Canva–10/10 •Adobe illustrator–7,5/10 •Adobe After Effects–6,5/10 •Adobe Photoshop–8/10 Также: методология дизайна, вайрфрейминг, интерактивный дизайн, типографика, композиция, генерация и визуализация интерфейсных решений, копирайт, исследование и анализ, визуальная коммуникация и брифинг, знание английского языка. Также на данный момент я изучаю Blender. Soft Skills: Коммуникация, тайм-менеджмент, работа в команде,...
Юлия ЛазареваДизайн интерфейсовот 600 руб. за час
1. Интерактивное портфолио: https://www.figma.com/proto/zqkwfVFAfIJWff1Hi6LXfg/Portfolio-(%D0%9F%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D1%84%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BE)?page-id=1%3A3&node-id=106%3A135397&viewport=-14%2C95%2C0.25&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=39%3A894 2. Резюме: ...
Ardahser KhojaevBack-end/Full-stack developerот 1 300 руб. за час
Looking for someone that knows what to do and won't burn your budget ❓❗️ ✌Hi, everyone. I am a full-stack developer with 4 years of working experience and a vast list of successfully completed projects. I understand the customer’s needs and offer a rare combination of speed and reliability at an impressive price to quality ratio. To achieve that, I constantly fine-tune my working processes and implement the best industry practices, combining the benefits of Agile and Waterfall...
Акылай СадыбакасоваUX-UI Designerот 500 руб. за час
Hello everyone My name is Kayla, and I am a UX-UI designer. I am a graduate of the Neo bis Programming and Design Club and have been working as a product designer for the last 3 years. Most of my experience has been related to the development of web interfaces, mobile applications and complex systems in the field of fintech, e-commerce. To get such an experience, I need to be creative zen solving problems, and for this I love my job. I hope you enjoy spending time here, and please feel free to...
Екатерина Корольковабизнес-анализот 1 000 руб. за час
Опыт работы бизнес-аналитиком более 5 лет, английский разговорный.