Sergey Grebnev (18.09.1981). Experience in the web projects: Description of the implemented projects: - CRM/Reporting systems, CMS/Web framework, E-commerce systems, Social network Used technologies: - database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcashe, Sphinx - java: Spring, Hibbernet, templates (Velocity, JSP), Ant, GAE, Android - php: fraimwork (Kohana/MVC), ORM (Doctrine), SOAP - javascript: Nodejs, prototype, jquery, ajax (full ajax app), comet technology - python: Django,...
Сергей Гребневjava программистот 60 000 руб. за месяц
Алексей СоколовPython/Djangoот 100 руб. за час
Закончил курсы и имею сертификаты:6.00x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Udacity: Introduction to Computer Science: Building a Search Engine (CS101)
Yurko HoshkoТестированиеот 100 руб. за час
Summary Capable of working effectively in a team, problem-solving, learning a lot of material. Excellent communication skills, responsible person Language skills English — intermediate Polish — upper intermediate Russian — fluent Ukrainian — native Computer Skills • Understanding of software development lifecycle. • Have basic knowledge in testing process. • Understanding of the main Object-Oriented Programming principle. • Basic C#/Ruby on Rails knowledge. • HTML/CSS/SQL...
Александр Полятыкиннаписание ПО клиент-серверот 30 000 руб. за месяц
Управляю IT отделом.В свободное время программирую на питоне, лучшее из написанного внедряю и использую :)Udacity: CS212 Design of Computer Programs, CS373 Artificial Intelligence, ST101 Intro to Statistics,Coursera: Algorithms Part I10Gen: M101P MongoDB for Developers (Python)
Account DeletedComputer Sciencesцена договорная
I did not find the ability to delete my account in normal way, so I decided just to rename my account. If you are from team, please, delete this account. Best regards, Account Deleted
Anton Barbasevichcomputer engineeringцена договорная
graduate of the Belarusian State University ofInformatics and Radioelectronics
Андрей КучаевComputer Engineerот 400 руб. за час
Занимаюсь .NET программированием примерно 3 года, до этого Delphi, Pascal, VBA.
Вадим КузьменкоС++\Unity3d\Computer Scienceот 200 руб. за час
Ряснов ВладимирWeb developerот 250 руб. за час
I'm an educated programmer, having a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I have 3 years of field experience working on various projects in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHPl) environment. I'm interested in new challenging projects.
Моисеенков Алексейуправление проектамиот 10 000 руб. за проект
Могу и умею: product management startups geoservices mobile apps data mining analytics planning project management теоритическая физика :) PM @yandex Mobile Yandex Maps & Mobile Yandex Transport data scientist and consultant in life
Александр МовчанData Scientistцена договорная
Занимаюсь построением предсказательных моделей, классификацией изображений.