Пишу программы для клиентов с фронтендом и бэкендом: веб-сайты, мобильные приложения индикаторы и роботы для форекс I am writing programs for clients with frontend and backend: web sites, mobile applications indicators and expert advisor(robots) for forex
Hassan Zibaraискусственный интеллектцена договорная
Alexander KorenchikovWeb frontend; .NET; TDD/BDDот 2 500 руб. за час
Senior developer .NET fullstack developer is looking for a remote part-time work (last 6 years worked remotely) Last 9 years - ASP.NET UI components development (asp.net webforms, asp.net mvc) at DevExpress Last 3 years - Blazor UI components research and development (datagrid, charts, pivotgrid, various navigation components) at DevExpress Frontend skillset: 1. JS (es6 latest features), TS, SCSS/SASS, rollup, custom web components 2. Improving performance (60fps, no-reflows, es6 modules,...
Stas IvanovUX/UI Designот 1 600 руб. за час
Resume / Motivation letter Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/skrjinsky My design experience started with small freelance jobs in 2017. My work was in demand, and I decided to build a professional career. In 2018, I got a job at Header&Footer as a UI designer. I had to work hard to develop professional skills in complex instruments. The result of my work in the company was the development of a website for Ekaterina Gordon (lawyer, presidential candidate), which ensured the growth of...
Aidar MaksimovSoftware(Frontend)от 400 руб. за час
Personal qualities: attentiveness, diligence, efficiency, responsibility.Hobbies: languages, reading books, learning web and app development, snowboarding.In 2014 I went to the USA to study English languages and now I have B1 level. Also, I went to the USA in summer 2017 by Work&Travel program to improve my language skills and get cultural exchange, get international work experience.
Hamlet Hakobjanyanback-end developerот 500 руб. за час
I'm Hamlet, I have been working as a developer for the past year. About me: quick understanding, quick orientation in tasks, ability to work in a team. I am seeking a new role which leverages my skill set.
Александр НWeb-разработка, MLот 2 000 руб. за час
ML-engineer with 5 years experience in RnD, backend developer.
Evgeny iOSiOS Разработка | Zennoposterот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello dear Friend! Thank you for your interest in my profile page. I'm really like iOS Development and learning something new every day. I'll be happy to help build you with your mobile app. I'm a programmer with many experiences automating action in the web browser. Usually, I'm using Zennoposter with C# and requests POST GET, but sometimes I use other technologies. I have skills with Zennoposter, Xcode, Android Studio. I know C# and Swift Languages and I'll be happy to work in...
Leonid SahakyanSenior Software engineerот 1 800 руб. за час
I am experienced developer for more that 15 years. I have been a key developer in large-scale projects. During the work process I am finding the best solution for the problem by looking at different aspects of it and using suitable technologies.
Nune GabrielyanQA Engineerот 1 000 руб. за час
I am a manual QA Engineer with 1 year of experience. I work on websites and make desktop and mobile testing for our projects. It's important to ensure perfect functionality usability and compatibility of our projects. Another importance is always make understandable and well problem describing bug reports , be on line with team members and update work process
Aman UbaidPython Developerот 180 руб. за час
Hi, my name is Amantur and I backend developer. I have experience working with an asynchronous project, a database, as well as with a server (I can raise the server on my own) In my portfolio I have projects providing financial services as well as telegram bots in different areas I believe that my past experience and skills make me a strong candidate for your project (team).
Никита Плотниковweb developer with MERN stackот 2 000 руб. за час
проект по подкастам messy.fm 9 месяцев, позиция фуллстек разработчика, стек react, redux, redux thunk, antd, node js, express, mongodb, ts, stripe. Проект-дэшбоард для мед учереждений в австралии app.livius.com.au, год Роль, бэкенд разработчик, стек, node js, express, ts, mongodb, bullmq with redis, mqtt, web-push. Проект по продаже nft токенов вина cryptowine.at, 6 месяцев, фронтенд разработчик, стек, react, ts, context api, react query Это из долгих проектов, на мелких проектах...
Vova PolenovДизайн наружной рекламы и полиот 300 руб. за час
<span class="Y2IQFc">Hi guys! I`m a professional designer with many years of experience in design. Привет ребят! Я дизайнер с многолетним опытом работы.</span>
Майя АртюхNLPот 300 руб. за час
Hello! I am a 3rd year undergraduate student in fundamental and applied linguistics. I specialize in NLP and also have experience in data analysis, data visualization and machine learning. My coursework last year involved using the K-Means algorithm to cluster sentences based on syntactic information, this year we used recurrent neural networks and syntactic representations (syntactic N-gramms) for attribution authorship. I really like this area, I will be glad to cooperate with you and perform...
Максим ВиниченкоFrontend developerот 1 500 руб. за час
● 10 years experience in software development ● Team work experience ● Project managment experience. Have used Scrum at least 3 years ● Git, SVN experience ● Attention to details ● Fast learning of new things Major skills: - Vue: Vuex, Nuxt, Quasar framework. - Python/Django : begginer level. - Sketch, Invision, Figma - Docker
Дмитрий Бибаbioinformaticsот 1 000 руб. за час
Я закончил бакалавриат МГУ (биофак, эволюционная биология) и магистратуру Сколтеха по специальности "Науки о Жизни". В основном занимаюсь биоинформатикой - это навроде анализа данных в биологии. Основной язык программирования - питон, в свободое время развлекаюсь тем, что автоматизирую рутинные задачи с его помощью. Сейчас работаю в качестве visiting scientist в NIH (National Institute of Health), USA. На этом сайте решил попробовать свои навыки в прикладных задачах, а не научных.
Aleksandra KarpovichQA Engineerот 40 000 руб. за месяц
Hello! I am Alexandra, a responsible and purposeful person, constantly engaged in self-development and professional development. In June, she completed courses at the IT Academy in the specialty software testing. I consider my previous experience as an accountant to be my advantage and a good base. I can work in a team, and be an independent unit. Analytical mindset, stress resistance.
Анна ИвановаДизайнот 500 руб. за час
Я - Аня. В сфере дизайна с 2016. Диплом СПО: присвоена квалификация "Дизайнер". Незаконченное высшее: направление прикладная информатика в дизайне (сейчас обучаюсь на 3-ем курсе на заочной форме обучения). Совмещаю работу и учебу. Работаю по специальности и хочу развиваться дальше в этом направлении. Именно поэтому создала аккаунт в данном сообществе) _____________________________ Hi! My name is Anya. I'm from Russia. I work as a graphic designer. I've been in the design space since...
Илья СмирновГейм Дизайн, 3Д анимацияот 1 700 руб. за час
Высшее образование: УрГАХА "Архитектор - дизайнер" Во фрилансе более 10 лет. Преимущества работы со мной: ✓ ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ – работу сдаю в срок или раньше срока ✓ Живое общение в Skype + всегда на связи! ✓ Ежедневный отчет о проделанной работе; ✓ Разрабатываю несколько вариантов дизайна или раскадровки; ✓ Быстро вношу корректировки до полного утверждения дизайна заказчиком. Много отзывов заказчиков можно прочитать здесь: https://www.fl.ru/users/cubecman/opinions/ Work...
Игорь Ильинвеб-программированиеот 1 000 руб. за час
1) Web development: - Django - Flask - REST API (Django backend - Vue frontend) - Django Rest Framework - Javascript - jQuery - Vue.js - HTML/CSS 2) Local Search: - Integration Django with Apache Solr - Integration Django with Sphinx (Manticore) 3) Devops: - NGINX - Linux Server - Gunicorn - Mysql - PostgreSQL
Vladislav SikorskiQA Manual Engineerот 20 000 руб. за месяц
QA Engineer -planning and organization of the testing process (test plan and test strategy); -analysis and testing of requirements; -ways to design effective tests; -test development (checklists, test cases, test scenarios); -search and documentation of defects; -reporting on test results; -performance testing; -basics of automated testing; -features of mobile device testing; -basics of databases and SQL; -features of testing web-oriented applications -Plan the testing process: make...
Алексей Хлиманковразработкацена договорная
I have been working in big product company for 2 years and already disigned and developed 4 projects on python with using aws. I have expiriense with a lot of python web technologes and with cloud solutions as AWS and Asure
Khurshid AbdulkhayevFront-End develooperот 20 000 руб. за месяц
I`m a Junior Front-end Developer in Uzbekistan, Djizakh city. I want to work with any IT team but remotely
Вячеслав СеменченкоВидеомонтажерот 1 100 руб. за час
Привет, меня зовут Славич. Я профессионально занимаюсь монтажем видео с 2012 года. В основном выполнял заказы для таких платформ как: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram. Работаю в следующих программах: 1. Adobe Premier Pro 2018CC + 2022 2. Adobe Photoshop 2022 3. Adobe After Effect 2022 Hi, my name is Slavich. I've been editing videos professionally since 2012. I've mostly done editing on such platforms as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram. Worked with various bloggers on YouTube 1. Adobe Premier...
Katsiaryna Lichman3ds max, JS, HTML, CSS, Databaцена договорная
I worked analytik. Finished courses JS, HTML and CSS. Also I know how to work on the 3ds max platform.
Демьян ДокторовПрограммированиецена договорная
Меня зовут Докторов Демьян, я занимаюсь программированием с 8 лет. Начал свой путь в программировании с web’а, вследствие чего знаю html, css, javascript, php и SQL. Сделал несколько мелких браузерных игр, настраивал бэкенд для программы для учёта данных для отца. После этого начал изучать game development более активно, т.к. эта сфера привлекала больше всего и перешел на Unity. На Unity пробыл около 7 месяцев, сделал пару мелких проектов для обучения и решил посмотреть на другие движки....