Увлекался сферой дизайна с 2003 года. Был призером фестиваля Интернет и Мы 2004 и 2005. Работал дизайнером-верстальщиков в газете. Участвовал в частном образовательном проекте «Английский 21 века» где работал мультипликатором. Затем сменил сферу деятельности т.к. организаций в которых можно было бы заниматься дизайном и обеспечивать семью не было. Сейчас созрел для удаленной работы.
Алексей Новиковдизайн анимацияот 260 руб. за час
Дмитрий ПавловАдминистрирование Linuxот 1 руб. за месяц
I really like to investigate problems and find the best solutions for them. Have a lot of experience as Linux system administrator and supervisor of support team in American web hosting company
Александр ПетухC++ Developerот 20 000 руб. за месяц
Alexander Petukh 22, Shvygina str., Odessa, Ukraine Tel: +38 (093) 943-88-20 E-mail: petyx90@gmail.com Skype: oodessit Personal summary: Date of birth: February 8, 1990 Single No children Objective: C++ Junior developer Education: International IT School Hillel (2013) Graduated as C++ Developer - Participated in two small gamedev projects. I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University (2007 – 2012) Graduated as...
Ольга Котовичsoftware testingот 17 000 руб. за месяц
I am a Software Tester. My experience in manual testing is about 1.5 year. Additionally I am interested in some technical areas such as automation (especially in Selenium IDE), Linux, SQL. I am hard working person with good analytical skills and develop myself all time, improve my personal and professional level by watching various webinars/reading some articles.
Anne PolakПереводчик / Менеджерот 500 руб. за час
Native English speaker from USA. Russian to English translator and English as a Second Language Teacher. Носитель английского языка из США. Переводчик русского на английский и преподаватель английского языка.
Boris BidusAS программистцена договорная
Кирилл КарпенкоРазработка на Java / Flexот 1 500 руб. за час
Инженер. Умею думать и заставлять этим заниматься других. Знаю "правильные" решения и могу их реализовать. Много рисую. Не люблю большие компании и их код Умею организовывать рабочие группы: сбор и нормализация требований заказчика (в смысле - product owner), формирование задач на базе собранных бизнес-целей, распределение ресурсов времени и плана выпуска версий продукта. Опыт создания непрерывного цикла поставки системы. Технологии -Java (JMS,JNI,Redshape-AS,JPA /...
Adi Katzдизайнерот 100 руб. за час
I create characters and illustrations. I do love design and I like to invent something new. At my background I have University's diploma and two art schools. Great freelance experience and job in a restaurant holding company as a designer.
Maksym MarchenkoFull Stack Web Developerот 300 руб. за час
Hello, I am Maksym M., middle web developer. I started my career 2 years ago as PHP developer. I have developed a web apps using PHP, JS, HTML/CSS, WordPress, Joomla, Magento. Now I have great experience with front-end development and technologies like CSS3, HTML5, Less, Sass native JS, jQuery, Angular, Responsive Designs, Polymer, Material Design; back-end development PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, Joomla and Magento CMS. I am also familiar with some api web services, like google, facebook,...
Andrey Ctkn.net/js developerот 350 руб. за час
Experience My experience is based on writing web applications (over three years) on asp.net platform. Also, I have experience in develop web application on js server side framework (as like as express.js and sails.js).I like to use TDD and BDD style in develop application. Skills Language: С#, JavaScript, Ruby, bash Back-end: asp.net (web froms, mvc, web api, nancy), node.js (express.js, sails.js). ·Testing: nunit, moq,...
Сергей ГубинВерстка, дизайнцена договорная
Молодая компание в сфере внешнего интернета "Lotustsk" занимается разработкой: flash сайтов, дизайн psd макетов, delphi, as, flash банеры
Volodimir DanilivВеб програмистот 200 руб. за час
For the past year and an half I have been working as a freelance programmer , HTML CSS, also I have skills in programming on SMARTY, PHP. Also I work with Content Manager System (CMS), Joomla, Wordpress, usually I work with Web design, I have skills in using software package Photoshop for my projects. Furthermore, I have useful skills in working with SVN and MySQL. Also I used to work as Virtual Service Administrator on Unix system.
Кузьма Богдановдизайнер flash-баннеровцена договорная
Андрей БелогорцевWEB-Developerот 300 руб. за час
I have 7 years experience in Web development. I have developed a wide range of websites using Html, CSS, and a little JS, php, also using CMS and Bulletin board (Joomla, Wordpress, PHPbb). Self-study and prepare graphics for the site using PhotoShop, FireWorks, CorelDRAW. I have deployed over 15 fully functional websites. I also have experience in SEO, social media and internet strategy. I am also a reseller of WebHosting Provider FreeHost.com.ua (I can offer you: Domain...
Дмитрий МедведьWeb-developmentот 800 руб. за час
I am a professional web developer with over 4 years of extensive experience. I have developed a lot of projects of different complexity using PHP(OOP)/MySQL/JS/HTML/CSS/ WordPress CMS. I have skills in applying NoSQL solutions and other optimizations. Also I have used technologies such as NodeJS, WebSockets, HTML5. My favorite PHP and JS frameworks are CodeIgniter/Yii/Laravel/jQuery/jQuery UI/Angular.js/BackboneJS/NodeJS. I'm familiar with RESTful API's. I am proficient in Ajax, Web 2.0 UI,...
Mikhail TuralenkaSenior PHP Developerот 600 руб. за час
Responsible, hard-working. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Available as needed for training, overtime, business trips, etc.
Gleb TsyrulnikovSenior Web Developerот 2 000 руб. за проект
Hi, I'm Gabe. Well everybody calls me like this, don't even know why. :) About me: I'm a web developer with more than 3 years of experience. I was lucky to develop the new version of webtheory — the most popular website for learning HTML5, CSS3, Design and so on in Russia. I also wrote several articles about the Ruby language on the website. As a project of webtheory, I created a back-end structure of the game called Hackable, which we tried to develop in a hackathon mode. Currently I work...