Mobile, web UI/UX designer Hi there, Thanks for inviting me to submit a proposal. You’re looking for a web developer with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Information Technology from Vanadzor State University and 5 years of App development experience. Talk about a perfect match! I’ll keep this short and we can go into more details when we chat. Before anything else, I know you’re probably curious to see my work. Please have a look at my portfolio. As you can see from my samples, I enjoy...
Derenik MinasyanWordpress, React.jsот 1 000 руб. за час
Даниил МаневичFrontendот 800 руб. за час
В мае 2014 года (19 лет) пошел работать ручным тестировщиком в "Точка Кипения" в проект "Киноплан" ( - Система для планирования кинопоказа) Через какое-то время начали автоматизировать тестирование, писал тесты на Selenium c Selenide. Через год решил, что эффективнее сразу делать хорошо, чем отлавливать бесконечные баги, и перешел во frontend. В то время в проекте использовался Backbone/Marionette/Scss/Grunt, начинали внедрять React/Redux а затем и Webpack. Помимо стандартных...
Иван РожковSenior Meteor developer + teamот 2 000 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Ivan Rozkov. I can be a CTO partner: will take you from idea to revenue (I have matching experience). I build full products, not just apps. I do only things that are valuable, not just tasks. Can handle all development need for you. Also, I’m capable of consulting and audit, good in management and hiring people. I have some good men, that can be gathered in a small effective team in a short period of time (including designer, frontend and backend developers). I'm looking...
Семён ПриходькоРеализую проекты под ключот 4 000 руб. за час
# Simon Prykhodko - Software Engineer ## Summary - Have more than 13 years of experience designing and developing software. - Have a small team of professionals to help me developing your software. - Ready to take most challenging tasks. - Main languages: C/C++ and Golang. - Secondary languages: JS/Typescript, Python, Rust, C# and many others. ## Natural languages - Russian (native) - English (upper-intermediate) ## Some of my latest projects #### Pipeline for data processing - Written in...
Ярослав ПодмогильныйJS Engineerот 1 500 руб. за час
Full-Stack engineer with 5 years of proven experience. Architected from scratch 3 front-end projects. Working with React world for 3 years and know all its good and all vulnerable parties. With my current background for me is easy to set-up with new technology, framework or programming language. University background as software engineer helping me a lot when I am working with different complexity algorithms, patterns or designing SQL tables. Big lover of automating monotone processes, CI/CD...
Александр КупаваРазработка приложений для IOSот 1 000 руб. за час
I am a successful native iOS mobile applications developer. More than 2 years I am working for people all over the world, as well individual developer in the app store of own projects. I started programming for IOS when the Swift is released, I spent every spare moment for writing code for iPhone and iPad and learning to develop mobile applications in this new language. In addition to developing new applications, a lot of work, I'm doing this for maintenance of existing applications. iOS...
Andrei LWeb & Mobile dev, Startupsот 1 000 руб. за час
Hi! I take a great interest in design and visual communication. Design and develop sites, mobile applications and interfaces of any complexity. Open for any offers on freelancing. Welcome. In work using tools: - Sketch - Figma - Photoshop - Adobe After Effects
Ирина СильвестроваРедактор, корректорот 350 руб. за тысячу знаков
Я умею писать, читать, проверять и редактировать. Точнее, я думаю, что умею. Но обычно через некоторое время понимаю, что до этого писала ерунду какую-то, а вот теперь-то... ух! И так постоянно. Еще я умею переводить тексты с английского на русский и редактировать чужие переводы. Стараюсь, чтобы читатель не понял с первых фраз, что это калька с иноязычной статьи. Слежу, чтобы "to take into account" не превращалось в "получить на счет" вместо "принять во внимание", а "caucasian" не стал вдруг...
Карина ЖуковскаяДизайн, фотография, маркетинг.цена договорная
Начинающий дизайнер (полиграфия, графический дизайн, веб дизайн, фотография) Высшее экономическое образование - маркетинг и реклама. Около года занимаюсь digital-маркетингом (SEO, SMM, контекстная реклама, медийная реклама, копирайтинг). 7 лет опыт работы в ресторанной сфере, в том числе на позиции управляющего. Продвижение проектов, фуд-съемка для меню ресторанов/баров, разработка дизайна меню и посуды take-away, фото для сайтов, разработка макетов афиш, создание брэнд-бука. Английский язык -...
Анна Кузнецоваsw developerот 975 руб. за час
GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Development of game applications for mobile platforms and desktops 8 year coding experience: Objective C, C/C++, C#, LabVIEW, JavaScript (client-server technology, structured programming, take a part in porting applications for Windows to MacOS and iOS,etc.) Extended experience in different projects for customers in the EU and USA In-depth knowledge of object-oriented development HARDWARE: iOS devices, Mac, PC. DAQ card, RedRat, Wireless: XBee RF...
Oleksandr MerzlikinJunior software testingот 100 руб. за час
It-school student by software testing
Sasha LysyiFront-End developer & Designerот 800 руб. за час
I am a web developer and designer with extensive experience. I love creative solu- tions in design. Tidiness during development and clean code. Often fall in love in what I do and sometimes get carried away with it, but always take decisions with sober mind.
Компания Space-O TechnologiesМобильные приложенияот 2 000 руб. за час
Российский центр разработки международной группы компании Space-O занимается профессиональной аутсорс разработкой мобильных приложений для платформ iOS и Android и сопутствующих веб-систем (PHP/Python/RoR), а также проектированием и разработкой портативных электронных устройств (Hardware/Firmware) с интеграцией мобильных приложений и реализацией сложных математических алгоритмов (Data Science). Более 7-ми лет опыта в мобильной разработке и более 10-ти лет на рынке профессионального...
Галина СувороваКопирайтерот 400 руб. за тысячу знаков
Я рада вас приветствовать! Спрашиваете: Как я работаю? Отвечаю: Работаю везде. Вы можете позвонить мне или написать [на e-mail или с помощью обратной связи]. Прием заказов на электронную почту — круглосуточно. Какие сроки? Все индивидуально и зависит от поставленных задач. Тексты — от 3 дней Идеи — от 6 дней. Какой проект? Рада интересным проектам. Формальный подход, стандарт и прочую канцелярщину не приемлю. А если срочно? — двойная стоимость! ...
Никита ШиленокStartups / Business Dev.от 1 500 руб. за час
I love to take and leverage an indispensable responsibility in projects with entrepreneurial spirit, specially where I can achieve goals through experimenting and learning and to deliver results, that will change the company and the world with an exponential output. Following and taking an approach in accordance to global trends and benchmarks, is one of my main principles.
GentTech | PHP, ROR, C++, JavaDev for Website, Mobile App.цена договорная
GentTech - we are web development outsourcing company with experienced and qualified team of designers and web developers. We deliver creative and professional web design services to individuals, small businesses as well as large organizations. GentTech company is located in Eastern Europe,Ukraine. Our working hours are convenient and we can work with any clients timezone so we can provide web development services to companies all over the world. Having entered the IT market...
Дмитрий ЗеленецкийПрограмистцена договорная
Expert of web development and technology enthusiast with more than 7 years of industry experience and bunch of frontend and backend technologies. Well-versed in all phases of the software development lifecycle. I like to produce clean, test driven and maintainable code. I'm eager to learn new things and take on new challenges. Languages: PHP, Javascript, Java, Ruby Frameworks and platforms: Nodejs, Symfony2, ZF, Ubuntu, Android, Three.js, JQuery, Meteor, Opscode Chef, Vagrant, Backbone.js,...
Pavel DemyanenkoFront-endот 600 руб. за час
Hi there, I'm a professional web developer that pays attention to details, concentrating on quality-driven development. More than anything I working with cutting-edge technologies and web trends. I want to be involved in projects that I can be proud of, join an amazing team, and advance my design and development career. Take some time to look at my work, credentials, and if you're interested in helping me make this happen, let's get in touch.
Станислав Астаховswiftцена договорная
Programming languages: Swift, T-SQL, 1C, HTML (basics), php (basics) Understanding: OOP, MVC, Multithreading Experienced with: Cocoapods, Realm, RESTful, Alamofire, iOS SDK, CoreData, CoreAnimation, PushNotification, Autolayout, MVC, pixel perfect UI implementation Tools: Git, Source Tree, Navicat, Xcode, Jira, SQLite Languages: Ukrainian (fluent), Russian (fluent), English (read intermediate, spoken pre-intermediate) Methodologies: Theory of Constraints, Scrum, Agile Personal and...
Назарий ШереметRuby on Rails developerот 1 400 руб. за час
Hi, my name is Nazar. In my portfolio, are a few of the projects that I've developed. I believe my strong points are my Creativeness and Punctuality. My #1 goal will always be to meet your needs and deadline. When working on a project, I like to speak with the client, so that I can have a clear understanding of his/her needs and vision of the project. Since 2014, I'am programmer in Investment platform for companies and investors. Developing Frontend (CoffeeScript, JS, Sass, Bootstrap) and...