Web-программист. Ведущий back-end & front-end разработчик. Разработка и сопровождение: - веб-проектов, баз данных; - проектирование интерфейсов; - консультирование; Team Lead / web-developer / back-end and front-end developer / PHP / JavaScript / SQL / HTML / CSS / Java / Apache / Nginx / PhotoShop / Flash
Александр Чепрасовweb-developerот 100 000 руб. за месяц
Serhio PascaleFront-End Разработчикот 60 000 руб. за месяц
Верстка сложных дизайнов. Разработка мобильных версий сайтов. Нативные web-приложения под iPhone, Android и другие платформы. P.S. Ниже текст для иностранных заказчиков. I work in the web industry since 2008. I have participated in many projects, mainly as a freelancer and started only with PHP. In those years, I realized that the development of friendly user interface for web sites and native applications will become an integral part of most services. Since 2010, I began to...
Анастасия ЦимбаревияКопирайт, рерайт, переводот 20 руб. за тысячу знаков
I’m writing my own book in the English language. Therefore I decided to earn extra money doing copywrite and rewrite both in English and in Russian as well as doing translations. Me – I read English-language fiction with the purpose of keeping up my professional level. Me – I constantly work with the correspondence, interpretations, including epistolary genre, scientific and methodical editions, in particular medical editions (cranio-facial surgery: embryology of...
Leonid Molotiievskyi.net, c#, saas, parsers,от 600 руб. за час
A results-driven, customer-focused, articulate and analytical Senior Software Engineer with “out of the box” thinking. Has strong knowledge in C#, .NET 4.0, MVC 3, WCF, WPF. Has strong written and verbal communication skills. Interested in a challenging technical career in an application development environment.
Лариса ЯнущикДизайнерот 1 500 руб. за час
I am Graphic & Web Designer with 10+ years of experience, based in Chile, Santiago, working with the Corfo's government program Start Up Chile. Since 2003 I've been creating custom designs for writers, artists, businesses, and non-profit projects. In 2008-2011 I was a Graphic Designer of the festival @Belarussian Spring in Kiev, Ukraine I keen to build brand identities, websites and Graphic objects which effectively promote my clients work and services. I apply a process of ideation and...
Даша ШГрафический дизайнерот 20 000 руб. за месяц
Графический дизайнер и иллюстратор.Училась по специальности в Уральской архитектурно-художественной академии и в Университете технологии и дизайна.А еще: в 2012 Интенсив "Брэнд-дизайн: пошаговая инструкция" Британская высшая школа дизайна Интенсив "Визуальные коммуникации" Британская высшая школа дизайна Интенсив "Модульные системы в типографике и шрифте" Британская высшая школа дизайна Design Thinking: технологии создания инноваций 2Nova Interactive 2011 Воркшоп...
Victor UdintsovДизайнер интерфейсовот 400 руб. за час
Equally adept at right-brain thinking and left-brain thinking
Богдан ЧайкаПрограммистот 500 руб. за час
I begin programming and earn money by it in may 2005 year. Now i'm a strong adept of Erlang. But my first language was C++ and Java. At first time i develop desktop application for Win32 : spying system and "work list reports" for building company. After that i took part in startUp project kupui.com and ukrmoney.com on perl - ukrainian analogs of ebay.com and paypal.com. This projects were unsuccessful. In 2007 i begin develop audit system for financianal bank also on perl. During this time i...