Hi I'm Toma - a junior UI/UX designer, with great responsibility and love for my work. I graduated from the UX Mind school course. My certificate - https://cutt.ly/AKLSl72 My responsibilities: • Prototyping, creating interfaces of web-sites, landing pages; • Interface Design (colors, typography, components, onboarding, registration, illustration, mockups, screens, interface); • Responsive and Adaptive Design • User Flow Design (user goal, task flow, wire flow, user flow, information...
Toma MelnikovaUI/UX Designerцена договорная
Василий ЖдановАвтоматизированные системы/ботцена договорная
I use modern and powerful technologies to build web applications for client-server environments. Updates functionality based on customer requirements to ensure an excellent user experience. I always improve my skills to move forward only. https://github.com/ByPaprika
Кирилл МасляевJunior Front-end developerот 500 руб. за час
Hello There! My name is Kirill. I am a Business Informatics Specialist. Experience in HTML layout for at least a year, front experience for half a year I take on the work with full responsibility, I do it quickly and efficiently! ;) My stack: HTML, CSS, tailwind, js, Ts, React, Redux + toolkit, RTK Query, git&github My portfolio - https://eforz.github.io/
Василий Ш.Python / Django Developerот 2 050 руб. за час
An experienced software engineer with strong skills in Python, Django and modern web technologies. I know ways to solve complex problems and make smart decisions to deliver successful results.
Влад Мельникweb designот 200 руб. за проект
First-year student of the Mateja Bela University, completed a web design course at Hillel IT school, I want to start practicing, I will do everything well and without flaws
Tony Hanweb developmentот 2 000 руб. за час
Passionate and skilled Full Stack developer offering 8 years of relevant experience and a proven track record of success in achieving extraordinary results. With a strong attention to detail and accuracy and the important ability to function well in a team setting, I am looking for a full stack development job within a forward-moving company. * Software engineer possessing Comprehensive 8 years of experience as IT Professional * Proven track record of success in achieving extraordinary...
Павел ШуклинWeb-дизайнот 1 100 руб. за час
You can see the portfolio: https://www.behance.net/shuklinp https://dribbble.com/PNBlab Professional designer with 8 years of experience. Scince early years I realized, that practical involvement is a key to success in my work. Acquired skill was appreciated by different companies. Both to young startups and hugest Russian companies i was able to deliver stable level of quality and understanding of business meaning in any piece of work. There are different ways to do design. Mostly it...
Mariam SargsyanProgrammer and Project Managerот 5 000 руб. за проект
Я руководитель проекта и программист, который работает со своими друзьями. Я учусь в ЕГУ, участвуя в курсах, проводимых в университете, я влился в среду лучших программистов в качестве менеджера проектов. Выполнив множество проектов и имея только хорошие отзывы, вы можете доверить нам любой свой проект․ Будучи трудолюбивыми, ответственными, а главное любящими свое дело, мы хотим, чтобы вы дали нам возможность работать с вами и показать свои сильные стороны. Поскольку доверять только на словах...
Максим РомановскийHTML, CSS, WordPress, SQLот 1 000 руб. за проект
На фрилансе занимался разными проектами, от переводов текстов, до создания сайтов под ключ Выпускник обучающего центра ПВТ
Егор СпиринПривет. Я занимаюсь frontend рот 1 000 руб. за проект
Привет. Я занимаюсь frontend разработкой и работой с текстом. Стаж 4 года
Stepan RozeFrontend developerот 1 500 руб. за час
I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...
Александр Апоносёнокfrontend developer / верстальщцена договорная
I'm frontend developer with experience in creating SPA using React,Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML & CSS, SCSS . Usualy i prefer tospend my leisure time on studying new technologies. Ready to consider project work and full-time employment. SKILLS: REACT | REDUX JS/ES6+ | TYPESCRIPT AXIOS | REST API REACT HOOKS REACT-ROUTER-DOM REDUX THUNK | REDUX FORM HTML & CSS | SCSS TDD | UNIT TESTS | STORYBOOK GIT | GITHUB MATERIAL UI
Nadzeya LebedzFrontend разработкаот 500 руб. за час
I'm a software developer and working around 2,5 years. The main skills: HTML; CSS; CSS Preprocessing (SASS); JavaScript (including es6); TypeScript; React; Redux (redux-thunk, redux-saga); Redux Form; Material-UI; Git; BEM; Adaptive Layout. Experience with React for about 2.5 years. Worked with Jenkins, Jest, Storybook, NextJS, GitLab, GitHub, Semantic UI. Experience with the application on Electron. I deal with design, develop, code, and test technical solutions collaborating with senior...
Артур Эксперт ИТ проектовВеб сайты, Веб дизайн, SEOот 400 руб. за час
Программист/Разработчик Образование: 2016 - 2018 Московский технологический университет МИРЭА (Магистр, красный диплом), Информационные технологии. Работа 2016-2018 Alianse sоftware Group, Москва Full Stack Developer: Разработка Веб сайтов на PHP, WordPress, OpenCart, Верстка- HTML, CSS, JavaScript/JQuery, Базы данных MySQL LabView Программист, “National Instruments” Разработка программного кода для ОС...
Виталий Боссовweb developer. designer, fullsот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm a extremely creative person(design, building treehouse, development applications). I love learning something, i do workout almost every day. I know html, css, js, nodejs, data-base, reacjs, figma, photoshop and so on... if in short i'm a full-stack developer
Hassan Zibaraискусственный интеллектцена договорная
Пишу программы для клиентов с фронтендом и бэкендом: веб-сайты, мобильные приложения индикаторы и роботы для форекс I am writing programs for clients with frontend and backend: web sites, mobile applications indicators and expert advisor(robots) for forex
Alexander KorenchikovWeb frontend; .NET; TDD/BDDот 2 500 руб. за час
Senior developer .NET fullstack developer is looking for a remote part-time work (last 6 years worked remotely) Last 9 years - ASP.NET UI components development (asp.net webforms, asp.net mvc) at DevExpress Last 3 years - Blazor UI components research and development (datagrid, charts, pivotgrid, various navigation components) at DevExpress Frontend skillset: 1. JS (es6 latest features), TS, SCSS/SASS, rollup, custom web components 2. Improving performance (60fps, no-reflows, es6 modules,...
Stas IvanovUX/UI Designот 1 600 руб. за час
Resume / Motivation letter Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/skrjinsky My design experience started with small freelance jobs in 2017. My work was in demand, and I decided to build a professional career. In 2018, I got a job at Header&Footer as a UI designer. I had to work hard to develop professional skills in complex instruments. The result of my work in the company was the development of a website for Ekaterina Gordon (lawyer, presidential candidate), which ensured the growth of...
Valeryia TsabrukSocial Media Managerот 700 руб. за час
The mix of knowledge and experience in marketing, management, sales, and communication. For 1 year of experience as a Social Media Manager, managed various projects to promote companies on social networks. Always positive. coffee lover, life explorer.
Aidar MaksimovSoftware(Frontend)от 400 руб. за час
Personal qualities: attentiveness, diligence, efficiency, responsibility.Hobbies: languages, reading books, learning web and app development, snowboarding.In 2014 I went to the USA to study English languages and now I have B1 level. Also, I went to the USA in summer 2017 by Work&Travel program to improve my language skills and get cultural exchange, get international work experience.
Сергей РомановData Scientist and Analystот 1 000 руб. за проект
Начинающий дата аналитик, с опытом работы в научных проектах Умею: - Python (pandas, numpy, ski-learn) для ML средней сложности и NLP - R для сетевых методов анализа - PostgreSQL, Stata - Есть опыт написания скрапперов и парсеров как динамических(selenium), так и статических(bs4) - Готов проконсультровать бесплатно по вашему запросу
Gleb KosyrevPython developerот 600 руб. за час
Developer type: Backend developer Area of expertise: Machine learning, Procedural generation. Education: Bachelor degree (2016-2020) Informatics and Computational Systems MSTU "STANKIN" Master degree (2020-2020) Informatics and Computational Systems MSTU "STANKIN" Language school (2020-) Japanese language 日本学際工科専門学校日本語科
Hamlet Hakobjanyanback-end developerот 500 руб. за час
I'm Hamlet, I have been working as a developer for the past year. About me: quick understanding, quick orientation in tasks, ability to work in a team. I am seeking a new role which leverages my skill set.
Татьяна ЧерноваLegal, finance, En-Ru, Ru-Enот 500 руб. за час
A versatile language professional, keen to detail and flexible in learning
Tanya Ru3D visualization clothesот 800 руб. за час
Обращаться по почте dellayella@yandex.com I have 36 years of experience in clothing production and 2 years in 3D visualization, creating a virtual fitting, and creating 2D patterns followed by grading. Production clothes since 1986 Fashion design since 2006. 3D design&vizualization of clothes since 2021 English level Advanced. Russian native. Chinese beginner I`m living and working in Shanghai. У меня 36-летний опыт в производстве одежды и 2 года в 3D-визуализации, создании виртуальной...