Hi ;) My name is Yerualan, I'm from Kazakhstan I am very glad that you decided to give your company the right start by visiting this page, as I will be the one to give you what you need. I'm in numbers: more than 4 years of experience as a designer, 60+ projects, 25+ logos, 15+ brandbooks that I managed to make, and yes, all these companies are now living and doing their job perfectly. The secret is not just to create a logo, but to create a logotype that will be aimed specifically...
Ерулан АрысланГрафический дизайнер, Продуктоот 10 000 руб. за проект
Артём Марковhtml,css,Unity,C#,after effectsот 250 руб. за час
Добрый день(вечер), если вам нужен сайт(html,css), создание игры(unity) или обработка фото(Adobe Photoshop), видео(Adobe After Effects). Все выше перечисленное можно заказать у меня. Good afternoon (evening), if you need a website (html,css), game creation (unity) or photo processing (Adobe Photoshop), video(Adobe After Effects). All of the above can be ordered from me.
Валерий ШамшинiOS devцена договорная
Contacts: Telegram: @niexyr Note: Please, consider sending the offer in text first. Links to resume: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01b1fecd1a3aad... https://www.linkedin.com/in/valery-shamshin-229489... General Info: QA Engineer experience: 2+ years (with teaching).iOS Development experience: 3+ years (with teaching).Experience: Projects: Over 35 projects (QA Engineer)Testing course teacher (QA Engineer) (iOS developer):Payment app for schoolVisiting courses appTraveling...
Владимир КолесниченкоИнженерот 40 000 руб. за месяц
ОС: All Windows desktop, Windows Server 2012, Cent OS Linux, Ununtu Linux (GUI) TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook Express). Аналоговая и цифровая электроника (преимущественно в сфере радиосистем КВ-УКВ СВЧ (WIFI ) SDR, GSM мобильная связь (gprs, edje, 3g umts, 4 g lte, qam16, qam24, am, fm, ssb, dsb-sc Охранно-пожарная сигнализация, видеонаблюдение программирую на с# ,
GRIMAX web studioДизайн, верстка и созд. сайтовот 1 000 руб. за час
Приветствую, меня зовут Лада, я руководитель проектов веб-студии GRIMAX. Наша компания занимается: Программированием - разрабатываем: - прикладное, мобильное ПО - сайты любой сложности - игры - программы Дизайном - создаём: - логотипы - фирменный стиль - брендбуки - макеты сайта - макеты корпоративных открыток - презентации - буклеты - листовки - каталоги продукции - распечатываемые баннеры - меню В составе команды: * Руководитель проекта * Команда дизайнеров * Fullstack программист C#, С *...
Павел ШуклинWeb-дизайнот 1 100 руб. за час
You can see the portfolio: https://www.behance.net/shuklinp https://dribbble.com/PNBlab Professional designer with 8 years of experience. Scince early years I realized, that practical involvement is a key to success in my work. Acquired skill was appreciated by different companies. Both to young startups and hugest Russian companies i was able to deliver stable level of quality and understanding of business meaning in any piece of work. There are different ways to do design. Mostly it...
Alexander KorenchikovWeb frontend; .NET; TDD/BDDот 2 500 руб. за час
Senior developer .NET fullstack developer is looking for a remote part-time work (last 6 years worked remotely) Last 9 years - ASP.NET UI components development (asp.net webforms, asp.net mvc) at DevExpress Last 3 years - Blazor UI components research and development (datagrid, charts, pivotgrid, various navigation components) at DevExpress Frontend skillset: 1. JS (es6 latest features), TS, SCSS/SASS, rollup, custom web components 2. Improving performance (60fps, no-reflows, es6 modules,...
Alexey SyubaevC++ developmentот 3 000 руб. за час
All round C++ infrastructure support and development. Core systems network layer organization. Parallel Programming, distributed Systems, data Structures. Pattern matching engines, regexps, C++ frameworks and libraries (Qt, Boost, etc.), databases (Oracle, MS SQL), Apache NiFi, linux, windows, git, vim, emacs
Гамид ГаджимагомедовFrontend разработчикот 100 руб. за час
Занимаюсь веб разработкой и осваиваю новое в ней. Пишу на React/Redux Toolkit. Начал изучать frontend с 2021 года. Получал/получаю знания с видео уроков, статей, документаций, а также у знакомых людей находящихся в этой тусовке. FrontEnd привлекает своим влиянием на интерфейсы, с которыми взаимодействует пользователь, а также - логикой, результат которой может быть хорошее настроение. Проекты ◾ To-Do List App Стек технологий: React, Redux-Toolkit, Material UI Описание: Задачи...
Руслан РивераDesign UI/UX HTML Developerот 800 руб. за час
Добрый день! Меня зовут Руслан. Я веб-разработчик, рад знакомству. Мои услуги: - UI/UX дизайн сайтов (Интернет - магазины, Landig Page, сайт - визитка и др.) - Адаптивный дизайн (1920px, 1000px, 768px, 375px — это обсуждаемо) - Интерактивное прототипирование - Аудит вашего текущего сайта UI/UX - Логотипы, простые векторные иллюстраций, иконок и т.п - Выполняю Вёрстку web-страниц (Gulp , scss-sass). - Создаю будущий дизайн сайтов и мобильных приложений. - Создаю скрипты, калькуляторы,...
Igor KhomechkoFrontendот 200 руб. за час
Experience: I am pretty experienced in creating the right semantic HTML/CSS layouts and SPA. For improving the speed of development, I often use preprocessors, plugins, collectors, and external libraries. Also, I am pretty familiar with how to deal with open third-party services (open weather, google maps API...), and figuring out and working with new services will be no problem for me. I am always tried to write a good, readable, and understandable code. I understand REST API principles and I...
Данил СавельевМонтажцена договорная
Ru: Здравствуйте, все пункты составлены в профиле, хотелось бы добавить от себя, я имею огромное количество времени, готов учиться новым навыкам, изучаю огромное количество книг, постоянно повышаю свою квалификацию, способен правильно гуглить интересующие вопросы и находить оптимальное решение проблемы. EU: Hello, all the items are compiled in the profile, I would like to add on my own behalf, I have a huge amount of time, I am ready to learn new skills, I study a huge number of books, I am...
Petros MuradyanSenior Full-Stack developerот 25 руб. за час
I'm self-motivated and result-driven full stack web developer with 6+ years of experience in fields of computer engineering and application development. My area of expertise spreads across nearly all the aspects of web development flow, including development itself and server installation and configuration. Areas of expertise include but are not limited at the following: Planning and construction of optimal database structure Constructing application core using 3rd party software or...
Юлия ГранинаWeb-design, ui/ux designот 10 000 руб. за проект
I create you creative website home page/ landing page in Figma. I take a brief very carefully and come up with something very nice and creative. I always take care of my client's input and any references. There are a lot of people who can make you home page design in cheap price using different templates and themes but I do it completely different way and use a detailed process so output comes sleek and beautiful. I don't use any template or reuse already builds theme designs. I keep all...
Денис КозловSenior ASP.NET MVC/JS Developeот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm well-qualified Microsoft Certified .NET Developer with over 13 years of experience spanning ASP.NET 2.0 to ASP.NET 5 (vNext) and MVC in C# including transactional enterprise-level applications, e-commerce solutions, medical applications and scientific projects with team leadership end mentoring experience. Experienced in Agile software engineering processes and methodologies, Test Driven Development practice and I have depth knowledges of Object-Oriented Design and Object-Oriented...
Danil NikitinWeb Developerот 500 руб. за час
Web-programming I will be in touch with you around the clock 24/7 until the moment of delivery of work, making changes, correcting errors and of course provide a guarantee. My skills Python/Django/Flask/SQL JavaScript DApps, Solidity HTML/CSS I estimate your task, the amount of work, we agree on terms and costs, I do the work, you test, I make the changes and all happy). Have expirience in software development.
Владислав ДаниловFullstack developerот 120 000 руб. за проект
Данилов Владислав Алексеевич Дата рождения: 19.05.2002 Место жительства: Барнаул Специальности Разработка мобильных приложений на фреймворке Flutter.Полная разработка проектов (front + back) на go + flutter. Hard-skills golangpostgresql + mysql + redisclean architecture + grpc + rest api + websocketsgit + gitlab ci/cdkubernetesrabbitmqgrafana + prometheus + centrydart + flutterflutter isolates / async / event loop / streams (all for 60FPS)flutter bloc (best) / provider / riverpod /...
Saidamir BakhromxonovFull Stackот 1 300 руб. за час
Doing All
Antonina LyubitskayaMarketing/PR Crypto/Blockchainот 200 000 руб. за месяц
My experience in the marketing industry started more than 7 years ago. I ran 4 businesses in the B2C segment and achieved success in almost every sphere I had worked in, but I still didn't truly like what I was doing. Something was wrong. My path in crypto started 2 years ago when I created my own NFT collection, and it changed my life completely. I saw that this market was full of really interesting projects – and they all needed my marketing expertise. So I assembled a powerful team around me,...
Сергей КошелевПрограммирование и ITот 1 499 руб. за час
Резюме-портфолио контактная информация: Кошелев Сергей telegram: masterofdaemon89 Возраст - 32 года; Семейное положение – не женат, детей нет; Цель: достичь своего предела, как специалист, а потом других пределов). Опыт работы: • 2011-2013 - ПО ТК Донбасс • 2013-2016 - фриланс • 2016-2017 - Digital Pine • 2017-2021 - adnow media Стек технологий: Golang nodejs/ express, meteor, mean;python/ django, celery, Qt, scapy, twisted; c++/ Qt, Unreal Engine 4; Unity 5;...
Polina KandaurovaWeb design, UI / UX DESIGNот 300 руб. за час
My name is Kandaurova Polina. I specialize in UI/UX design, website design, design of landing page, online store,corporate, news design, and graphic design. In my work I appreciate the wishes of the customer, so that any assignment is in detail coordinated and I advise on correcting the customer. In addition, I am a very punctual person and strictly relate to deadlines, so that you can don' t worry about the timeliness and quality of your project. Main skills in design: - ui/ux design - digital...
Евгений ПоздняковHL/HA проектыот 1 500 руб. за проект
OS Unix: Linux (all), Solaris, FreeBSD – опыт > 10 лет. OS Windows: all Web: Nginx/Apache/Tomcat Database: MySQL, Postgres Mail systems: Postfix, Exim, Sendmail, Qmail Proxy: Squid, Haproxy Socks: Dante, SS5 Firewall: iptables, ipfw VPN: OpenVPN, pptp, pppOE Programming: bash, perl, php. Решаю задачи: 1. Подбор оптимальной платформы для хостинга VPS/VDS. 2. Установка высокопроизводительных WEB,MAIL,VPN,Proxy – серверов. 3. Настройка кластеров WEB (nginx,dns). 4. Удаленное...
Анвар МусаевWordpress разработчик,от 1 300 руб. за час
Hey! I'm a WordPress developer with 2+ years of professional experience and 50+ satisfied clients all around the world on different marketplaces. My goal is to provide you with a smooth work flow and get your business to the next level by giving you a quality website. I know that a good website is a way to stand out, get more clients and readers, and I'm here to help you. I'll guide you through the whole process of WordPress/WooCommerce website creation. Thank you for visiting my profile!...
Ольга СерышеваДизайн, иллюстрации, логоот 200 руб. за час
Привет Меня зовут Оля. Увлекаюсь гейм-дизайном и пиксель артом. Логотип в моем понимании должен отвечать заданным видам и целям компании. Полагаясь на это правило я создаю логотипы. Учусь в университете на специалиста smm. Выделяю следующие программы в которых люблю работать : CorelAsepriteIllustratorPhotoshopСоздаю дизайны листовок, визиток, баннеров, флаеров, открыток и приглашений, брелоков, значков и магнитов, в общем всей рекламной продукции. Буду рада сотрудничеству, ведь я стараюсь...
Адыль ИбрагимлиFrontend разработчик Angularот 1 000 руб. за час
• Meticulous web developer with over 2 years of front end experience and passion for responsive website design and a firm believer in the mobile-first approach • Knowledge and diverse experience in creating interactive web applications and websites, integrating with third-party services and providing them • Understands all stages of the Angular web-application development lifecycle, has experience with Agile methodology • Passionate about learning and development with a desire to apply skills...