Alexandra Ivleva UX/UI Designer with 5+ years of experience. Extensive knowledge of building interfaces for web apps, dashboards, web pages and sites, ux-analytic, knowledge of design software programs like Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, After effects Experienced in FinTech, EduTech domains. Great communicator with a deep passion for solving complex problems and pixel perfect work, having well-developed time management skills. Skills: Good...
Александра ИвлеваUI/UX designот 2 000 руб. за час
от 500 руб. за час
что то пытаюсь
Валентин Корыстин3d model mayaот 250 руб. за час
Джуниор моделлер на maya autodesk , могу сделать 3d объект , затекстурировать , вписать модель в окружение .
Витор ХанFullStack, Blockchain Engineerцена договорная
I am a blockchain specialist with over 5+ years experience in blockchain architecture. Development of a cryptocurrency wallet, smart contract, development of a cryptocurrency exchange, development of a Substrate and Polkadot. My experience ranges from building responsive mobile sites that work well across browsers to building scalable sites for the financial services industry. I enjoy working on projects with a team that cares about creating beautiful and user-friendly interfaces. It is...
Petros MuradyanSenior Full-Stack developerот 25 руб. за час
I'm self-motivated and result-driven full stack web developer with 6+ years of experience in fields of computer engineering and application development. My area of expertise spreads across nearly all the aspects of web development flow, including development itself and server installation and configuration. Areas of expertise include but are not limited at the following: Planning and construction of optimal database structure Constructing application core using 3rd party software or...
Олег БабичJavaScript, React, Redux, Typeот 500 руб. за час
Over 11 years of web development experience (EPAM company) Efficient in using React and TypeScript and related eco system for building front-end enterprise solutions Experience in using Angular in two EPAM projects Has big experience with legacy code projects, with rewriting legacy code with modern one Has production experience with node.js Solving complex coding tasks among with markup as well including accessibility compliance Working well in Scrum and Kanban Tolerant team leader, with respect...
Izabella MnatsakanyanManual QA Engineerот 600 руб. за час
Hi network!!!! I am a Manual QA Engineer, my experience has been started at ACA. My professional skills are: 1. Understand documentation, 2. Write Clear Test Cases and Bug Reports, Test Scenario, Test Strategy. 3. Understand difference between SDLC and STLC, 4. Work with Agile model and Scrum framework, 5. Work with Bug tracking system Jira, 6. Have experience with Trello and TestLodge and Google Chrome development tools I am familliar with: 1. API/HTTP(S), 2....
Ильнар СалаватовРазработка приложенийот 800 руб. за час
Занимаюсь разработкой мобильных приложений с 2015 года. Первые 2 года разрабатывал только платформу Android, далее ввиду необходимости начал изучения платформы iOS. Android: разработал свою реализация шаблона MVP, своя реализация RecyclerAdapter с возможностью работы с несколькими Holder и Model, собрал свой SDK разработчика. Множество проектов с Single Activity, работа с координатами в фоне. Ios: разработка кастомных view, работа с CALayer, создание View программно без использования...
Евгений МинаенковРазработка приложений Androidот 3 000 руб. за час
Мой стек: - Room - Clean Architecture - Koin - Модули - View Model - Live Data - Firebase - ООП - Glide - Coroutines - Android.Navigation - MVVM - Git - Retrofit - OkHttp - ComposeUI - ComposeNavigation - Jsoup - LandscapistGlide
Максим ЦыбулькоJava developmentот 2 500 руб. за час
Здравствуйте, Я представляю небольшую студию разработки из Беларуси. Какие услуги предлагаю: 1) Хорошая аналитика и уточнения требований к вашему продукту.С вами будет работать бизнес аналитик, задача которого будет уточнить все ваши требования, составить четкое и понятное тз с учетом всех нюансов и согласование тз с вами 2) После того как тз было согласовано вами, команда разработки оценит объем работ и мы выставим для вас оценку в раб/час 3) После обсуждения приоритетов и формирования...
Рустем ГалиевDevOpsот 2 000 руб. за час
Senior DevOps Engineer at IBM company 26 IBM Certificates & 3 Google CertificatesDevOps samurai 26 IBM Certificates & 3 Google Certificates Building and setting up new development tools and infrastructure Maintaining CI/CD pipelines Working on ways to automate and improve development and release processes Working on ways to automate application operations Actively participates in continuous improvement of services Being involved in building and managing test...
Максим СевидовSEO + SMMот 500 руб. за проект
Более 10 лет занимаюсь созданием, настройкой и оптимизацией сайтов (OpenCart, OcStore, Wordpress, DLE и другие). На базовом уровне разбираюсь в HTML/CSS. Есть большой опыт работы в SEO, поисковом продвижении. На данный момент успешно веду несколько собственных проектов (сайтов). Имею большой опыт продвижения в различных социальных сетях.
Maxim SmirnovJavaот 1 500 руб. за час
Java developer Participation in developing bank system model. Model consist of three parts: -ATM (Java 11, Servlets, JDBC, Postgres, Mockito, Junit 5, Maven) -Operator (Spring Core, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Spring security, Jackson) -Client (Spring boot, Gradle) Standard tools: --Jira(Scrum, Kanban) --Git(GitLab) --Code Review --CI(Jenkins, Sonar) --Postman
YAROSLAV ZELENSKIYСистемное администрированиеот 1 000 руб. за час
Zelenskiy Yaroslav DevOps Engineer Moscow\Krasnodar (Russia) DevOps engineer with more than 4 years of experience in IT sphere. The main technology stack includes: Ansible, Zabbix, Docker, Hyper-V FC, VMware ESXI, Mikrotik\Cisco. Has solid experience in infrastructure design, distributed LAN administration and maintenance of server equipment based on Windows /Linux OS. Responsible, communicable. Ready for challenges to improve professional skills. High stress resistance. Languages...
Vladimir BondarenkoSoftware Enginnerот 500 руб. за час
Software Engineer (Front-end, JavaScript) Employment: project work, work placement, part time, full time Work schedule: remote working, flexible schedule, full day, shift schedule Work experience 6 years 2 months October 2021 — currently 5 months EPAM Systems Inc. (Россия) IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more Trainee Stack: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React Job Position: Front-end developer (ReactJS) Project Roles: Project Manager, Key...
Mihail KalininJava network, Maven buildingот 100 руб. за час
Java разработчик с 2+ года стажем. Имею большой опыт в разработке сетевых приложений, в сборке приложений из исходников, при отсутствии необходимых зависимостей
Строганов МихаилDigital маркетологот 500 руб. за час
Меня зовут Михаил и я специалист в области цифрового маркетинга. На своем предыдущем месте работы я занимался продвижением криптовалютного проекта, что включали в себя: - SMM - SEO - Развитие бренда - Работа с блогерами - Организация digital-мероприятий - Email-marketing Я занимал должность middle маркетолога, что подразумевало ответственность за результат маркетинговой деятельности, поэтому отлично понимаю, что значит работа на результат.
Ваге БорисовReactJS Enginnerот 1 100 руб. за час
I am a software engineer interested in building usable , useful, well-constructed websites and applications . Interested in continuation and cooperation with excellent people.
Cuddly VeedlesArtistцена договорная
We are a network of freelancers VsSolution, which is specializing on design/art! Actively seeking for clients who are in need of good quality art/animation/design/ 2D or 3D model Fast⏰: Ready to complete Your job in time Safety: Ready to work via big freelance platforms Quality✅: Large scope of freelancers will ensure a few different approaches to Your work
Александр ГалушкоLinux Devposот 1 000 руб. за час
• development,maintenance and upgrade of the company's infrastructure; • active participation in the development of infrastructure solutions for the company's projects; • development,maintenance and upgrade of monitoring and logging tools(PROM stack,EFK stack,PMM SERVER,Sentry); • development and customization of CI / CD processes for projects; • deploy and administration HA STACK for databases postgres and mysql(postgres-repmgr,mysql-percona xtradb cluster); • development of program code in...
Александр ОрловTeam Leader at,от 2 000 руб. за час
I'm team leader at started as full-stack software development team in 2003. With more than 17 years experience, we deliver robust solutions for businesses. Our coders are highly skilled professionals who have honed their skills from years of extensive, in-depth experience.
Лилия СосинаBusiness analyst / Аналиитикцена договорная
Более 4х лет занимаюсь бизнес-анализом, после 11 лет опыта в комплектации нефте-газового строительства. Занимаюсь настройкой и оптимизаций цепей поставок, выстраиванием отношений с Клиентами и Контрагентами, проектированием и оптимизацией внутренних процессов. Помогаю в организации бизнеса StartUp'ам. Ключевые компетенции: Анализ, моделирование, проектирование бизнес-процессов (нотации VAD, EPC, BPMN, Organizational chat); Анализ данных (MS Office, Power BI, Python); Написание технических...
Melkon HovhannisianFull-stack Developerот 2 500 руб. за час
Meticulous Software Engineer with over 6 years of experience in development. I have huge hands on experience working in with Python/Django, Typescript, Javascript and its frameworks (Node.js, React.js, Vue,js, Nuxt.js), advanced knowledge in network management, server configurations, hardware systems, creation of software applications and web designing, blockchain technologies, specifically in constructing the decentralized application, fork & customizing the existing secure smart contracts,...
Хушнид АбдукаххоровProject managerот 40 000 руб. за месяц
I totally have 5 years of experience in project development, managing a teams of 6-12 people . Thanks to my knowledge in testing and experience in building systems, I effectively adapt my past experience to work as a Project manager. I have successfully closed projects as: Platform for Ministry of consctruction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, TBC fin service, Urecruit, Oxbox, Car24, etc. Nowadays I am working in "OQ" MVNO carrier as Product Owner, which I launched from the ground. I want to gain...
Nikita BRuby on Railsот 1 500 руб. за час
Initiative Ruby on Rails developer, experienced in building backend and frontend solutions (Single Page Applications, CRM systems, dashboards etc.), application support and maintenance service.