I have 3+ years` experience developing native Android apps in Java and Kotlin. Also, I have some experience in writing cross-platform applications for mobile (Android/iOS) and desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux) operating systems using Kotlin Multiplatform, JVM, React Native, Flutter technologies. I program both professionally and as a hobby. I have critical thinking and an understanding of development principles and programming for diverse operating systems. I always write clean and...
Дмитрий УжваПриложения и алгоритмыот 1 200 руб. за час
Святослав К.Программированиеот 1 500 руб. за час
I have ended Computer Academy "Step" in Zaporizhzhya, specialty "Programmer" and the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine", specialty "Financier". Work experience: * February 2021 - March 2021: The one-time contract at “FanHub” * June 2015 - June 2020: Android developer at outsourcing company * September 2012 - June 2015: C#/Android Programmer at Inkort LTD
Ivan Bukrieievвеб-разработка, версткаот 200 руб. за час
Я начинающий фрилансер. Получил в Польше среднее образование по направлению техник-информатик. Развиваю свои навыки, как веб-разработчик. Много практикую Технологии: HTML5CSS3JSAdobe IllustratorAdobe Photoshop Связь: e-mail: plag.ikar@gmail.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-bukrieiev-43a5641... Telegram: @ikar_zindo VK: https://vk.com/zindo68241252 FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/plag.ikar?_rdc=1&_rdr
Акоп ХуршудянFull Stack Developerцена договорная
Привет, меня зовут Акоб. Я старший разработчик веб-приложений полного стека с более чем 6-летним опытом работы в области разработки программного обеспечения: * В целом 6-летний опыт разработки php и javascript * Опыт работы с Laravel 5+, React, Angular 2+ Hi my name is Hakob I am an Senior Full stack web app developer with more than 6 years of experience in software development area: * Overall 6 years of experience in php and javascript development * Experienced with Laravel 5+, React,...
DZMITRY HAIDUKWebARот 2 000 руб. за час
I have a university degree in IT and radio technical engineering, that helps solve any engineering problems related to 3D graphics, AR/VR in any web browser and any smartphones, PC, MAC, TV. I love and designing and web developing and photos, and found myself in a symbiosis between all these areas of activity and came to Web-based Augmented Reality. At first, I dabbled as hobby Lens Studio by Snap Inc. (Snapchat), then Spark AR Studio by Facebook. Then I learned WebAR, WebXR, WebVR, Web3D...
Александр БабенкоAndroidот 900 руб. за час
Занимаюсь разработкой для Android уже 5 лет! Выполню Ваш проект быстро и качественно, и с гарантией.
Софья КонюховаUX/UI Designer | Web & Mobile | SaaS | E-commerce | B2Bот 800 руб. за час
I design and help launch dijital products. I care about my client's product. I put UX before UI: creating design, I try to understand your user's point of view and purpose and help them to guide themselves through an experience. I believe that designers should talk to users, write content, and implement their designs, not only draw pretty buttons. As a UX-designer I deliver to customers around the globe everything that is needed to meet both business and user's needs: from product ideas and...
Богдан КачурDesignerот 1 150 руб. за час
Hello everyone, my name is Bogdan and I am a 21 year old designer based in Kiev. My main profile at work is UxUI design and branding (corporate identity development). I am the lead designer at shoom.team. You can view my work here: https://www.behance.net/ka4ypuk. For a faster connection, write to me in telegram: @ ka4ypuk)
Виталий МусинFullStack,BackEnd,GoLang,DevOpцена договорная
Актуальное резюме https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitams У меня большой профессиональный опыт создания масштабируемых приложений с использованием PHP, GoLang, SQL (Postgres, MySQL), JS, DevOps (Linux, Docker, K8S, CI), ELK, Analytics (Prometheus, Alertmanager), Cloud.
Ахмад Самир Вардакpython developerот 500 руб. за час
опыт работы 3 года Python/Django резюме: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samirwardak/
Владимир Садовский-ШмелевВеб-Дизайн, фото-ретушьот 500 руб. за проект
Добрый день! Занимаюсь Веб дизайном и Фото редакцией. Более 5 лет. Образование: Реклама/ Web-designСоздаю дизайн сайтов, страниц, мобильных приложений.Редактирую фото, баннеры, рекламные объявления.3D моделлинг, сцены, VR.Программы в которых я работаю:Figma, Photoshop, ArchiCAD, 3DsMax, Maya, Blender, AdobeXD, Illustrator.
Дмитрий ШулешовFront-end developmentот 1 500 руб. за час
Full-stack (overflow) developer with a clear focus on front end. Love my wife and do my work well. 6+ years of experience.
Александр ЧубуткинИнженер-программистот 1 000 руб. за час
I’m a proficient full stack software developer with 10+ years experience full web application development lifecycle including architecture, design, prototyping, implementation, deploy, testing and maintenance. Experienced in troubleshooting, optimisation and performance tuning. Specialities: Backend: C#, .NET Core, EF, SOAP/REST/Web Services, WebSockets Frontend: SPA, PWA, Javascript, Typescript, React, Redux, i18next, jQuery, SASS, LESS, CSS, HTML Mobile: React Native, NativeScript, styled...
Vitalii SokolFront-Endот 800 руб. за час
I'm a frontend developer. More than 2 years of experience in development with react/redux in an it company.
Sys ShockingPython Backend Engineerот 350 руб. за час
Python Backend Engineer with strong skills in Object-Oriented Programming, and Async programming. Experience with Redis, SQLite, PostgreSQL. I have experience of supporting the creation of various RESTfull API services based on FastAPI, Flask and aiohttp.
Александр ЖаровGolangцена договорная
10 years of experience in backend dev. Breaking monoliths into microservices. RESTfull or RPC daemons for mobile backends or single page apps, tcp and udp servers. Keywords: golang grpc tcp udp redis, aerospike, couchbase, mysql, mongodb rabbitmq, apache kafka.
Andrey SelivanovData Engineering & Analyticsот 700 руб. за час
Bachelor of Business Analysis. Working as Data Developer in a Netherlands wholesaler of Internet services and products since May 2019. Profesional scope: - designing, building and maintaining data migration and ETL processes; - analyzing, designing and developing data structure for applications and reports; - creating automatically updatable analytical reports, BI-dashboards. Technologies: MySQL, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, Tableau, Power BI, etc. Reports Portfolio: CLTV (post factum), profitability,...
Егор МосеевскийAndroidот 1 200 руб. за час
8 лет коммерческой работы под операционную систему Android Java, Kotlin, Android SDK, MVP, Сlean Architecture, Dagger, Koin, Moxy, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Сustom views
Aleks MalyavkoFront-endот 1 000 руб. за час
https://www.aleksmalyavko.site 3+ years of experience in web development. Good knowledge of JavaScript and it’s last standards. Experienced in ReactJS / VueJS. Communicative person, analytical mind, able to learn new technologies and practices rapidly.
Heghnar JulhakyanProject Managerот 1 150 руб. за час
I am too happy that I live in Tatev, communicate with so many guests from all over the world,that makes me to talk fluently in Enlish and Russian. Now I work with Estimators and daily improove my skills. Now I manage two projects, the first projects Backend is Java (Springboot), Frontend(Web-vue.js , APP Ios android - Flutter) .Its too crazy team and I already know what does it mean swager :)
Pavel PoleyAndroid developerот 1 500 руб. за час
Last 2 years developing on Android platform (Java\Kotlin), Freelance on fiverr.com - over 55 completed orders, 12 Apps developed from scratch and released in Google play, most successful with over 200,000 downloads. Strive to write clean, readable, reusable code, implement design patterns and design principles. Portfolio: www.pavelpoley.com
Александр Барахтянразработка, архитектураот 1 000 000 руб. за месяц
https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderbarakhtyan/ Highly qualified product and project manager with 20+ years experience in building distributed high-load & low latency applications, extremely strong hands-on engineering background (c++, objective-c, java etc), multi-cloud and on-premise, unique hardware/software platforms. Absolute experience in algo trading solutions and services. Build and invent complex software/hardware products and services - all steps, from idea, establishing...
Игорь ХаринВеб-разработчикот 1 500 руб. за час
Текущая специализация: Нетривиальные/сложные/нагруженные сервисы на Clojure/Go, внутренние CRM, ERP; Настройка и администрирование Linux-серверов; Python/Go на App Engine. Оптимизация счетов по Datastore, Instances, глобальный async, fan-in, fan-out. БЭМ-верстка, AngularJS, React/Flux. С 2011-го года основным языком был Go. Сейчас фокусируюсь на Clojure. До этого занимался: PHP, 2 года; x86-ассемблер (FASM/MASM), 4 года; Си.
Азат ШариповAndroid разработчикот 200 руб. за час
Android разработчик. Имею небольшой опыт работы. Полное резюме - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MdJuUFntT-dK8xModJSIFqIdjXumG42U/view?usp=sharing GitHub - https://github.com/azatsharipov
Andrey PetrenkoUX/UI designот 1 000 руб. за час
Experinece 4+ years. https://www.facebook.com/apetrenko2801/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-petrenko-705009...