A beginner front-end developer who is ready to make a project for you for an adequate price. Mastered HTML/CSS, JS and React. Had practical experience in creating SPA with using React/Redux/TypeScript/JavaScript/Bootstrap.
Максим ЛемешевFrontend Developelот 5 руб. за час
Ani HovhannisyanUI/UX Graphic designот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm a UI/UX and Graphic designer. I take every project to the greatest concern and make designs that communicate well. Feel free to contact me anytime :)
Алексей КоролевРазработкаот 1 500 руб. за час
Соберу данные, сделаю чат бота, напишу скрипт для автоматизации, или разработаю десктопное приложение на подходящем вам стеке. Больше 10 лет опыта коммерческой разработки.
Юлия ГранинаWeb-design, ui/ux designот 10 000 руб. за проект
I create you creative website home page/ landing page in Figma. I take a brief very carefully and come up with something very nice and creative. I always take care of my client's input and any references. There are a lot of people who can make you home page design in cheap price using different templates and themes but I do it completely different way and use a detailed process so output comes sleek and beautiful. I don't use any template or reuse already builds theme designs. I keep all...
Nurlan MehdiyevВерсткацена договорная
I am a front-end developer. I will help you make creative and memorable web applications. I love my work and always find something new in it. I use the React js and Vue js frameworks. Technology stack: HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap Java Script, ES6, Typescript React js, Next js Redux, Redux Toolkit Vue js, Vuex Github, Figma, npm Firebase Linux Pixel perfect HTML/CSS from PNG/PSD
Денис КозловSenior ASP.NET MVC/JS Developeот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm well-qualified Microsoft Certified .NET Developer with over 13 years of experience spanning ASP.NET 2.0 to ASP.NET 5 (vNext) and MVC in C# including transactional enterprise-level applications, e-commerce solutions, medical applications and scientific projects with team leadership end mentoring experience. Experienced in Agile software engineering processes and methodologies, Test Driven Development practice and I have depth knowledges of Object-Oriented Design and Object-Oriented...
Артём АлексанянC++ Программистот 500 руб. за час
Пишу на плюсах уже 1.5 года. Качество заказа гарантирую. Всегда на связи.
Avetik PoghosyanUX/UI Designerот 500 руб. за час
I'm a junior UX/UI designer who has a great enthusiasm for designing digital products that make things better. Now I am looking for an opportunity to show my skills in the web/app product design sphere.
Danil NikitinWeb Developerот 500 руб. за час
Web-programming I will be in touch with you around the clock 24/7 until the moment of delivery of work, making changes, correcting errors and of course provide a guarantee. My skills Python/Django/Flask/SQL JavaScript DApps, Solidity HTML/CSS I estimate your task, the amount of work, we agree on terms and costs, I do the work, you test, I make the changes and all happy). Have expirience in software development.
IRIE IRIEМузыкаот 999 руб. за час
I make beats.
Nataly Kotkovaграфический дизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello. My name is Natasha and I'm a practicing designer. With certified degree in graphic design and more than 2 years in industry. I create logos, brands, identities, packaging. If you need a unique logo for your company, something that will make your brand better, I'm here to help! I take a very responsible approach to creating a logotype that will match your vision and values, will be modern and memorable. Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to contact me!
Иван БлагополучныйС++/Pythonот 1 400 руб. за час
C++: STL, Boost, uWs, Qt, CMake C#: async/await, .NET, Entity Framework, ZExtensions, Windows Forms Installers: Wix, NSIS Python: XPath, Scrapy, Django, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, PyQt, Pyqtgraph, Pyinstaller, Py2exe, Cx_Freeze JS: VueJS, ReactJS, Plotly, D3, graphlib, google visualization DB: Sqllite, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Clickhouse Math packets: Matlab, Wolfram Mathematica, Origin, Maple Основные направления в моей работе - десктоп и бэкэнд. Есть...
Никита СотниковВеб-разработкацена договорная
I have 2 years of experience in .NET development having started back in 2020. I am involved into programming since college, where I gained knowledge in databases, OOP, C#, algorithms, structures and etc. So that helped me in getting my first job experience. I am organized and result-driven person.I try to keep my code clean and easy to read so if I have to go back and make some changes, I don’t get mixed up and confused. I am responsible and communicative person by my own, that helps me to be...
Mirafzal OzodovWebцена договорная
I am Ozodov Mirafzal Frontend programmer. I was born in 2004 28 august in Tashkent. My interest in IT started 2 years ago. I have been studying at PDP Academy for a year. I want to be a Full Stack programmer in the future. My goals are to work as a Full Stack programmer in the largest companies in the world. I want to not only work for the biggest companies in the world, maybe also start my own IT company. My goal is to make my IT company one of the best in the world.
Nikolay NITот 50 руб. за час
My skills: - MEAN Stack, JS/HTML/Bootstrap - Some bug fixing abilities - C++/CMake - Some C#/NUnit testing - Git & Database dev (MySQL, PostgreSQL) - Some experience with Binance, Bybit APIs
Дарья БагельUX UI designот 10 руб. за час
Hello! I have experience working alone and as part of a team. Worked on projects of various levels of complexity. I have graphic design experience. I consider it my advantage to want to understand the user and make his life easier. I can't imagine my work without creativity. I see the problem broadly and I know how to solve it on my own. Executive. Diplomatic. I'm on my way to self-education. Thank you for attention!
Алексей МитрофановUX/UI дизайнерот 600 руб. за час
Создаю шоты, баннеры, дизайн-концепции, лендинги, сайты по вашим референсам и ТЗ. Есть идея приложения, сайта и вы хотите её кому-то представить, создам дизайн-концепцию. Работаю на платформах Figma, Tilda. процесс: • Заполнение брифа. • Согласование деталей проекта. • Заключение договора ГПХ (юридические лица и ИП) • Предоплата 50% (дизайн-концепции, лендинги, сайты) • Анализ конкурентов • Разработка прототипа, интерактива в Figma. • Согласование и одна правка прототипа. • Оплата второй части....
Robert HakobyanManual QA Engineerот 450 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Robert. I'm from Armenia.I have finished QA Fundamentals course organized by ACA, which helped me to develop skill set required for QA position. I have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Besides this, I am well-versed in writing and executing testing scripts and handling testing work in different environments, such as web and desktop. Furthermore, writing bug reports and effectively providing debugging and troubleshooting suggestions are part of my skillset. ...
Nodirbek FarhadovAndroid Developerот 500 руб. за час
I'm Android Developer with 1 year of experience. I can make simple and medium sized Android applications to your needs. I deliver high quality apps in needed deadlines!
Andrei TerёkhinРазработка AR/VR-приложенийот 3 000 руб. за час
More than 5 years expirience of AR/VR development. Maked a lot of virtual and augmented reality projects for mobile (Android, iOS, Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Quest, Oculus Go, Epson Moverio, Microsoft Hololens) and for desktop (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift). Youtube channel with examples of project. I have a full cycle team. We can make project from design and 3D modeling to code and publish app.
Kirill LesonenPhotoshopцена договорная
I have an average experience in Photoshop and can make a beautiful picture, banner, icon, or logo.
Stas NychyporchukUI/UX Designerот 400 руб. за час
Creative UI Designer with 3 years facilitating and supporting human interactions with complex systems and software. Maintains user-centric designs while adhering to prescribed interface principles and related development goals. Dedicated to creating inviting and intimidating interfaces. I have experience with creating landing pages for online shopping sites and others. I know how to make responsive design with different level of complexity. Skilled in communication with clients.
Антон ЕвмененкоПрограммистцена договорная
Робототехника в качестве профессии, основного хобби и на текущий момент в качестве работы тоже. Робототехника это сплав из программирования, конструирования и электроники, вот мои навыки в этих областях (в порядке убывания опыта: больше всего опыта в программировании, меньше всего в электронике): 1. Программирование: Языки: c/c++, python, java+kotlinСистемы сборки: qmake, cmakeФреймворки: qtСистемы контроля версий: gitIDE: qt creator, eclipse, vscode, platformioМикроконтроллеры: stm32,...
Андрей СимоновC++/C/C#/Java/Pythonот 300 руб. за час
C++ 11/17/20, C#, Java, Python, meta-programming, optimization, STL, sockets, GoogleTests, CMake, doxygen, SQL, Databases, GameDev, PostgreSql, MySql, SDLC, vcpckg, OpenGL, glut, glfw, Gitlab, GitHub, Box2D, algorithms, design patterns, architecture principles, SOLID, OOP, ASIO, BOOST, SFML.
Рустем ИскужинEmbedded electronicsцена договорная
Программирование микроконтроллеров STM32 на С, С++. Среды разработки: STM32CubeIde, SW4STM32, IAR, GCC+GDB+make+vim+git. Программирование ESP32 (esp-idf, Arduino). Знание аналоговой и цифровой схемотехники.