I'm a software developer and javascript trainer. I have good knowledge of JavaScript/Node.js core, React.js, web page loading performance optimizations, how browser works (page loading/rendering/animations performance/v8 internals)
Максим ШастельJavaScriptцена договорная
Дмитрий ЗеленецкийПрограмистцена договорная
Expert of web development and technology enthusiast with more than 7 years of industry experience and bunch of frontend and backend technologies. Well-versed in all phases of the software development lifecycle. I like to produce clean, test driven and maintainable code. I'm eager to learn new things and take on new challenges. Languages: PHP, Javascript, Java, Ruby Frameworks and platforms: Nodejs, Symfony2, ZF, Ubuntu, Android, Three.js, JQuery, Meteor, Opscode Chef, Vagrant, Backbone.js,...
Юрий ЗакипныйПрограммистцена договорная
Опыт: - Render programmer в Ubisoft Ukraine (Driver: San Francisco) - Lead Programmer в Elite Games Team (Star Wolves 3: Ashes of Victory) - Senior Developer в Global Logic (разработка на iOS) - Создание iOS клиента с нуля для стартапа TeoraNews.com Страничка в Linked In Опыт создания игровых/графических 3D движков с нуля.
Farid KhusnulinEntrepreneurship & Managementцена договорная
I can easily speak fluent English language, have experience in USA. Full of energy for many different projects!
Юрий ОснадчукASP.Net developerот 300 руб. за час
c#, Asp.NET, MVC, Web API, EF, LinqToSql, NHibernate, JavaScript, jQuery, MS SQL, MySQL Classic ASP (VBScript), DB architecture, TDD, NUnit, GitHub, Jira, good knowledge of design patterns
Eugene TarasenkoPython Expertот 1 500 руб. за час
I'm a Python developer with more than 14 years of experience in software engineering, particularly web development. Professional skills: * Python, Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Twisted, Gevent * C++, Qt * HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery * MySQL, PostgreSQL * Nginx * Git, Subversion * Linux server administration * Agile, Scrum
Капитан АлатристеПереводчикот 90 руб. за тысячу знаков
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns and those who dig.
Александр КаличаваДизайнер (UI/UX), арт-директорот 76 000 руб. за месяц
Кто: дизайнер, арт-директор, руководитель проектов.Что: разработка сайтов, интерфейсов, мобильных приложений, ведение проектов. Полный цикл работ, начиная от написания ТЗ, заканчивая заполением и поддержкой.Сколько: 12 лет в сфере интернет разработок. От 76 000 руб. в месяц. Откуда: Юрмала, Латвия
Valery MelnikovCoderот 180 руб. за час
Student of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Андрей МолчановBackendот 40 000 руб. за месяц
Development of front-and back-end (Ruby) parts of web-applications, layout. Technology front-end development: CSS (Bootstrap), JS (JQuery), Using Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite Understanding the principles of TDD. Little experience testing with RSpec, Shoulda, Factory_girl. Working with version control system GitHub - Git. Working with Faye, Ejabberd, Orbited.
от 300 руб. за час
занимаюсь автоматизацией тестирования
Дарина ОголюкQA Engineerот 200 руб. за час
Работаю в сфере тестирования более двух лет.Верю, что благодаря тестированию помогаю улучшить качество и привлекательность приложений и сайтов для пользователей.
Дмитрий ВдовиченкоРазработка iOS приложенийот 100 руб. за час
Разработкой под iOS занимаюсь 1 год. Есть опыт разработки клиент-серверных и универсальных приложений.
Дмитрий ШейкоCEO&Founderот 330 руб. за час
CEO&Founder of Vega Systems
Bahrom AbdullaevProgramist .NET , IOS , Pythonот 500 руб. за час
Address: Yakka buloq, Chust district, Region Namangan Phone: +998( 90)9592123 (mob);bakhrom.abdullaev@yahoo.com; abaha20@gmail.com; zkype:zamzam1363; Citizen of Uzbekistan; DOB: November, 10, 1986; marriedHigher Education: National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 204-2008Major: Computer and Information TechnologiesBachelor’s Degree in Information Technologies
Андрей ПавловПрограммистот 400 руб. за час
Работал в четырех проектах: - edparfum.ru - оптимизиация производительности сайта (test.edparfum.ru) - mmorpg.su - новый функционал, верстка, - 37re.ru - новый функционал, производительность - peropavlina.ru – поддержка проекта / новый функцонал frontend/backend
Владимир СидоренкоC++ developerот 500 руб. за час
Over the last 20 years I have: - developed a wide range of system andapplication for Windows systems; - took part in the joint world-wide softwareprojects; competency lies in: - managing: software company management, team management,projects management; - developing: system and application software development;- network administration.(C++, Assembler etc), software perfomance optimization (including SSEx Inteltechnologies). Areas of most interests: digital image, video, audioprocessing, digital...
Pavel DemyanenkoFront-endот 600 руб. за час
Hi there, I'm a professional web developer that pays attention to details, concentrating on quality-driven development. More than anything I working with cutting-edge technologies and web trends. I want to be involved in projects that I can be proud of, join an amazing team, and advance my design and development career. Take some time to look at my work, credentials, and if you're interested in helping me make this happen, let's get in touch.
Евгений ДороватовскийPython Expert Developerот 800 руб. за час
Interested in a long term Python programmer position where my skills can be used in designing, optimizing applications and their performance. Summary of Skills: • In the industry of software development since 2009; • Extremely good problem solving skills; • Great at working with complex challenge; Proficient in: • Web-applications (Flask, Django and others); • REST API (Flask, Django and others); • Desktop applications (PyQt4, PyQt5); • Socket's server (Tornado); • Telegram and...
Davit HarutyunyanPL SQL Developerот 440 руб. за час
Hello, I've diploma of master from Russian Armenian Slavonic University(2010-2013) in Informatics and Applied Maths and the bachelors degree from Yerevan State University(2004-2008). My working experience start in the company Lsoft, after successful trial period I start my career as a Junior PL SQL Developer. After more then 2 years of working I move to the post of the Mid-Level PL/SQL Developer.
Denis Rudovsoftware developerот 900 руб. за час
Разрабатываю Веб приложения на Javascript(ES6, Webpack, React etc) и на PHP. Хорошее знакомство с Yii и React.JS Люблю интересные задачи. Буду рад нашему с вами сотрудничеству. Development of the Web Applications by using of Javascript on the frontend side and PHP on the backend side. Strong PHP background. Experience in the frontend Web UI development with help of Javascript and CSS/HTML5 technologies and libraries. Good knowledge in relational databases such as MySQL and Sqlite, work with...
Maxim KozachenkoDeveloperот 12 000 руб. за месяц
Third year student of Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Programmer at Emotion company. Really love qt-framework;)
Артем КондрашовiOS / iPhone / iPad Developerцена договорная
Разрабатываю качественные мобильные приложения под iOS.
Мурат ОсмановИнженерот 1 000 руб. за час
обо мне
Игорь ТарасенкоРазработчикот 500 руб. за час
5 years of experience in developing on PC and mobile platforms. Ability to conduct business, the right time optimization, always online, constant reports about the current status of the workflow. Experience in development of turnkey websites, participation in the development of highly loaded projects and mobile applications on various subjects. Provide high-quality and well-optimized code.