I'm a software architect, devops, and footballer :) Quick learner of new programming languages, technologies. Ability in Teamwork Work experience with: - Machine Learning(sklearn, tensorflow). Implement some systems based on ML principles. - PHP, Perl, Python, JavaScript - RabbitMQ, Beanstalkd - MySQL, PostgreSQL - Laravel, ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular 1 - CI/CD on Teamcity and etc...
Никита ЛогачевПрограммистот 1 000 руб. за час
Andrey GoyLogo designerот 7 000 руб. за проект
Hi, my name is Andrey Goy .I'm 23 y.o. I live in Moscow, Russia. I wirk as a freelance designer. My speciality is logo design and illustrations.
Инна МурзинUI/UX, Web Design, Logo, Motioот 850 руб. за час
UI/UX, Web Design, Logo, Motion Graphics
Artem ZubkovMOTION and 3D DESIGNERот 80 000 руб. за месяц
Dmitriy ArtemievFlash/Flex Developerот 450 руб. за час
I'm Flash/Flex developer with over 5 years experinece in RIA and Game Development. Also learning Python and Ruby.
Работа ВячеславFront-end & Wordpress Developeот 1 000 руб. за час
Отличные знания CSS, HTML Чистый и кроссбраузернный код Отличные знания HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, SASS CSS Preprocessor Разработка с таких технологиях как Grunt and Gulp JS Task runners, Yeoman and Bower Адаптивная верстка с помощью Bootstrap3, Susy, Toast Grid, Foundation Хорошие знания продуктов Adobe - Photoshop, Illustrator и InDesign Отличные знания Wordpress, создаю премиум темы для платформы themeforest.net Большой опыт работы с системой контроля версий Git Средние...
GentTech | PHP, ROR, C++, JavaDev for Website, Mobile App.цена договорная
GentTech - we are web development outsourcing company with experienced and qualified team of designers and web developers. We deliver creative and professional web design services to individuals, small businesses as well as large organizations. GentTech company is located in Eastern Europe,Ukraine. Our working hours are convenient and we can work with any clients timezone so we can provide web development services to companies all over the world. Having entered the IT market...
Alexei Karataiвебразработчикот 350 руб. за час
Hello! I am working in Belhard. I have been working for more than 6 years as a software developer. The developer of the front end - 5 years. I have more than 2 years of experience react redux and similar libraries. Work on agile methodologists. Higher education 2007-2012 Grodno State University named after. Y. Kupala, faculty Mathematics and Informatics (full-time / budget) specialization: Information Technology Software (POIT) Skills: javascript es5-es6, reaction, shortening,...
Вера ОхрименкоFrontend Developerот 350 руб. за час
5+ year experience in web development. Using html, css, javascript and most popular frameworks, plugins. Interesting in ruby, node.jsWork with ie6+, chrome, firefox, opera. Make responsive and adaptive design.
Евгений ЛипатовiOS Developerот 1 000 руб. за час
I have 7 years experience of iOS apps development. In the work I rely on several principles: • Architecture of application should be properly designed and must allow easily extend and change parts of a application. • Following the workflow, so that will be achieved maximally precise execution of the task within the given timeframe. • It is important to have a deep knowledge of applied technologies, to use all its features. • It is necessary to keep up with the latest technologies and innovations...
Валерий ЗахаровWeb-разработчик / Тимлидот 1 350 руб. за час
Seven years of experience in web-oriented successfuly projects as a developer, project manager and team leader. My approach to work is always high quality and deadline-oriented. Last long term contract was about the binary options/forex software provider. Backend API, Backend CRM, Frontend, Risk Managment System, Affiliates sdk's, CI/CD, services, devops, orchestration, management - more than 50 repositories in different languages was developed by me or under my control. Backend PHP, Laravel,...
Вячеслав Абрамов- БондарьDesign, UI/UX, Identity, Webот 450 руб. за час
Who I Am Art Director Graphic Designer Art consultant UI/ UX/ GUI Designer Product Developer Photographer What I can do for you Graphic Design Product Development Branding & Copywriting Art Direction & Visual Design Interaction Design & Prototyping Front-end Development Back-end Development Logo & Other graphic design Media planning and promotional services in Ukraine and beyond Сostumers consulting Write to me with any questions or...
Игорь ПоповРазработчик ПОот 700 руб. за час
Over 20 years of experience in C/C++ programming. Windows API, COM/DCOM, low-level and kernel-mode programming, driver development. Object-oriented design. Distributed systems development. Multitasking and real-time systems development. Databases: SQL, OLE/DB, ADO. DirectX Digital signal processing. Geodesy & navigaion software development. Exploration geophysics software development.
Павел УгневёнокВеб и мобильные приложенияцена договорная
Команда разработчиков и работаем официально как юридическое лицо. На все разработки предоставляем 12 месяцев гарантии. Основная экспертиза: мобильные приложения iOS | Android и веб сервисы к ним. Programming languages and technologies: Java, Objective-C, PHP, JavaScript Mobile: iPhone/iPad (iOS), Android Web Frameworks and Libraries: Play Framework, GWT, AngularJS, jQuery Frameworks and Libraries: Spring, JPA/Hibernate, JSP/Servlets, ActiveMQ, Velocity, RCP/RAP, OSGi, Aspose, POI, iText,...
Алексей ВолодинПрограммированиеот 1 000 руб. за проект
Разработка приложений и игр под ОС Android — Android (2.x & 4.x): Fragments API, In-App Billing, AndEngine, Location and Sensors API, SQLite, UI, Services, Maps, ActionBarSherlock, AdMob, TapJoy, Facebook SDK, Google Play Services, Google Play Game Services, Image Processing, Performance Optimization, WebSocket, etc; — Java Core: Java Core, Multithreading, Collections API, etc; — Core web: XML, JSON, REST, PHP; — IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA; — OS: Linux, Windows; — VCS: Git, SVN; — Bug/Issue...
Полторацкая Юлианна.net, php разработчикот 700 руб. за час
Резюме http://hh.ru/resume/01bca0cf000193bad80039ed1f3934... Программирование PHP, JavaScript, C# СУБД MySQL, MSSQL,PostgreSQL, REST Платформы, серверы *NIX, Apache, IIS, .NET Верстка HTML, CSS, XML, Json Инструменты IDE NetBeans, PhpStorm Библиотеки, фреймворки jQuery, Knockout, FuelPHP, Yii, Symfony2, Doctrine, codeigniter Шаблонизаторы Twig, Smarty Контроль версий Git, Subversion (SVN), Firefox add-ons Firebug, Web Developer FTP, SSH, etc. FileZilla,X-debug Тестирование PHPUnit,...
Ефимов ВалентинPHP / JS Разработчикот 400 руб. за час
PHP / JS разработчик Навыки Programming Languages: PHP, XML, NodeJS Web: HTML5 (Jade), CSS3 (Less), JavaScript, Ajax, JSON, CoffeeScript Platforms: Windows, Linux Frameworks: PHP: ZF, Symfony 2, Kohana, CI, Yii JS: Angular, jQuery, jQuery UI, Knockout, Backbone, Chaplin JS, YUI, ExtJS, Underscore, RequireJS, Grunt, PhantomJs, CasperJS, Bootstrap, D3 NodeJs: Express, Socket IO RDBMS: MySQL, MariaDb, Percona, PostgreSQL. NoSQL: MongoDB Operating Systems: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) Software...
Anton KashporMobile apps (iOS, Android)от 990 руб. за час
4-ех летний опыт работы в сфере фриланса и аутсорса. Проектируем и разрабатываем мобильные приложений для OS Android и iOS в команде. Мы работаем с актуальными направлениями в разработке мобильных приложений: ГеолокацияПотоковое видеоКлиент-серверные приложенияРабота с базой данныхКастомизированный пользовательский интерфейсСвяжитесь со мной, чтобы мы смогли оценить сроки и затраты на выполнение работы.
SHALB Salesадминистрирование серверовот 8 500 руб. за месяц
Системное администрирование интернет серверов для высоко-нагруженных проектов - профильный вид деятельности нашей компании. Мы работаем со всеми современными технологиями. Среди поддерживаемых систем высоконагруженные веб-проекты, IP телефония, системы конвертации и доставки видео контента, почтовые системы, комерческие базы данных, платежные системы и прочее. При нашей поддержке работают http://hotline.ua, http://itc.ua, http://novy.tv, http://story.com.ua, http://sprashivalka.com,...
Андрей ПетрукСистемное администрированиеот 555 руб. за час
Divonis Branding and DesignБрендинг и дизайнцена договорная
О себе: www.divonis.com
Александр БаженовWeb and motion designот 1 000 руб. за час
Бутенко ДмитрийUi/Ux/Web Designот 60 000 руб. за месяц
Я UI/UX designer с 5 годами опыта в разнообразных проектах (web/ios/desktop/embedded)
Алексей БурнасовQC Engineerот 300 руб. за час
Experience ARSIS QC Engineer [2010-Present] -Manual, functional, UI, usability and regression testing web and desktop application -Automation testing web application with Selenium WebDriver -Load and performance testing web application -Black box testing web and desktop application -Test-case design ARSIS C# .net developer [2009-2010] Desktop .net application development. ARSIS Delphi developer ...
Виталий КасымовWeb developerот 800 руб. за час
Front and Back end web developer. Wordpress, Yii framework, CS Cart.