Занимаюсь GUI Qt5 cmake c++ mssql mysql psql sqlite
Марк КуликовQt/C++от 500 руб. за час
Mikita SSoftware development on C++цена договорная
Software engineer at Intel
Vagharshak KyaruntsFront End, Data Collectingот 70 000 руб. за месяц
I am an experienced Full Stack Developer who can develop effective user interfaces on a company website and mobile apps released to the public. I have worked closely with web development and software design teams to update the website and internal web tools, and to make them more efficient. I like to create innovative solutions to web design issues, make the website visually more appealing and enhance usability.
Владислав КопытинC/C++/Rust Developerцена договорная
Опыт в разработке игровых движков в качестве хобби 3D движок на С++ - GitHub - OrionEngine2D движок на С++ - GitHub - HgEngineТекущий 3D движок на Rust - GitHub - REngineОпыт работы с Lua и Squirrel. Ради интереса встраивал их в одну из версий HgEngine в 2019 году. Для биндинга Lua использовал библиотеку sol2, а для Squirrel - simplesquirrel (с моими небольшими правками для возможности биндинга иерархии классов - нужно было для GUI и ECS)Опыт работы с OpenGL. В основном использую OpenGL 4.5 c...
Альберт РозеВеб-разработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...
Zura AjinjalITот 1 200 руб. за час
Протестирую ваши сервера (linux&unix) на проникновение. Построю безопасные и отказоустойчивые каналы (99.9999) доступа к вашим ресурсам внутри вашей инфраструктуры/или вне ее. Настрою логику контроля доступа и фильтрации трафика. Настрою алерты на сотрудников, офицеров безопасности по контрольным данным и функционалу, выгрузку их в ваши системы мониторинга и анализа. Компетенции в информационных технологиях (IT). Знание систем проектного управления (MBOK, IPMA) Знание и опыт...
Dmitry MikushinБыстрые и аккуратные алгоритмыот 2 000 руб. за час
Большой опыт разработки кода со сложными вычислениями или математикой. Примеры: обработка видео, финансовые модели, машинное обучение. Начал заниматься графическими картами и ускорителями более 10 лет назад. Делаю понятные, безопасные и быстрые готовые к внедрению программные пакеты из научных разработок и прототипов. Портирую старый код на современные платформы. Оптимизирую Python-ноутбуки и всевозможное творчество AI-джедаев, делая работу решений быстрее в 10 раз и более. Создаю простые...
Design for-uДизайнерот 1 000 руб. за час
Здравствуйте, я начинающий дизайнер. Опыт в данной сфере 1 год. Работаю в векторе, но иногда и в растровой графике. Немного шарю в Cinema4D. Для связи есть: Дискорд: DesignForU#2539 Телеграм: https://t.me/InexpensiveDesing Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/inexpensivedesign/
Eldorbek ZiyodullaevGraphic and UI/UX designerот 10 000 руб. за проект
I am professional Graphic and UI/UX designer with good experience. I can make all type of graphic design and web /app design for any level.
Анастасия ОлексоваWeb дизайн | UX/UIцена договорная
Hi, my name is Anastasia, I am an experienced graphic designer with over 5 years of experience in this field. My goal is to make a quality design that will work for you. I value time and quality and use the marketing concept for design. I believe that honest, transparent communication creates real relationships for the implementation of successful projects. Specializing in: - web design - ux/ui - Landing page
Андрей КраевскийСоздаю прибыльные сайты с нуляот 4 000 руб. за проект
Hi, I am software-developer with good skills in web developing. I now and apply new technologies: Less, Sass, Ajax and so on. When I doing my job, I do everything carefully and in accordance with time. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, cross-browser, responsive (adaptive); • JavaScript (jQUERY); • I know how to read another's code and make it readable; • Used graphic packages: Adobe Photoshop; • I work with various CMS (ModX, WordPress, Opencart, Magento, Prestashop).
Юрий АрнаутСистемное ПО, по на с/с++.от 5 000 руб. за проект
Богдан ЧеревкоUX\UI дизайнерцена договорная
Do you need a website or app design from scratch? Want to redesign or upgrade an old one? Looking for a responsible and experienced designer to rely on? Want your design costs to turn into an investment? Then hire me! ▼ Why me? ✅ Behind the back of 20+ projects, drawn 200+ prototypes and 4000+ working hours ✅ 3 years of experience in web design and app design ✅ I make a design based on business tasks, user needs and global trends ✅ I use an easy and intuitive design process ✅ Always in...
Nuriddin ToshtimirovPhoto Editor | Background Remoот 500 руб. за час
Photo Editor | Background Removal | Video Editing | Adobe | Logo Designer Hello everyone! I am a young specialist. I will remove the background of your images, make any amount of video and photo. I believe that you should ALWAYS be a specialist, work must be done QUALITATIVELY, bring any project to IDEAL in the agreed period Important Note: For a complex photo or video, please send me a message before purchasing my service. And if you need a service within 2 hours, then please notify...
Дмитрий ПС++цена договорная
ВК @dima424658 Телеграмм @mo_powa
Илья ЛзаревРазработка поддержка ПОот 800 руб. за час
Many years of experience in software design - from business requirements analysis up to delivery, support, customer relations. Took part in international projects in different areas - communications, messaging, medical appliances, automotive, data analysis/extraction. Tools acquainted: C/C++, Python, EcmaScript, SQL, shell scripts, Linux, Windows, Qt, QML, make etc etc. I speak(years of collaboration with multinational teams) English.
Yuriy KovalevCreative Directorот 1 000 руб. за час
Yuriy is a passionate entrepreneur and cryptocurrency trader. Currently based in Thailand, Yuriy is working on zenfuse - the intelligent platform for cryptocurrency traders and investors. He supercharges the team with his passion and energy making zenfuse crew more motivated and boosting the productivity to the next level. His extraordinary communicating skills help make new business connections, raise funds and attract the best talents to join his mission. Being a Bitcoin evangelist, Yuriy...
Евгений КравченкоSMM, таргетированная рекламаот 10 000 руб. за месяц
Есть опыт продвижения собственного магазина в инстаграм. Приходилось разбираться с упаковкой, копирайтингом, рекламой. Дальше углубился в таргетированную рекламу фейсбук. Приводил продажи на онлайн-курс по make-up, музыкальную школу, интернет-магагазин постельного белья. Делюсь своим опытом из практики работы с проектами здесь: https://www.instagram.com/jenya_marketivity/ Подробно кейсы расписал тут: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_wgJNiqco2/ ...
Levon NikoghosyanGraphic Web designerот 500 руб. за час
Hi everyone i am a New in design world i am ready to make your Best and strange wishes about design
Карина ГринькоUI/UX Designот 500 руб. за час
Hello! I'm a junior/middle level UI/UX designer. I have been working in this field for about a year and a half and I like to make this world more beautiful thanks to the design. :)
Алла ЩетининаUX/UI Дизайнерот 1 200 руб. за час
Hello! My name is Alla and I’m a ux/ui designer living in Moscow, Russia. I'm interested in designing mobile apps and web products starting from research and up to the final prototype. My favourite areas: mobile apps (especially food-related) and news media. I want to make digital lives of people easier and more beautiful. That’s why I am here! Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/allalopatkova https://dribbble.com/Lopatkova
Dmitry MockFrontend Developerот 500 руб. за час
Make Web Great Again!
Maksym PirohoidDevOpsот 930 руб. за час
Hello. My name is Maxim, I'm representing DevOps team of experts with 10+ years of experience. I offer you the opportunity use the services our company, as well an engage use all highly qualified engineers team strength to speed up fulfillment multitasking deadline projects, if necessary, you can also use the services of one of our devOps engineer for an individually set period of time cooperation. We have a lot of experience in AWS / Linux / web servers and migration from dedicated...
Андрей ЧерновПрограммистцена договорная
Программирую на C++, PHP. Буду раз проектам на Erlang и GoLang.
Mkrtum AbrahamyanFront-End Developerот 30 000 руб. за месяц
I am a passionate web developer who strives to create fascinating and breathtaking user experiences.With my user oriented approach I make sure to meet deadlines and provide the best value to the project.