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Effective UI/UX product designer | SaaS | Mobile apps | Web apps

Banking Mobile App UI/UX Design

Добавлено 01 фев 2021 в 11:07
Here's a profile screen with account details, a card page screen with the card balance and history, and a transaction screen where a user can transfer money to other people or pay for services. Users can activate or replace credit/debit cards, review accounts activity, pay for services, and transfer funds.

In the process of designing a mobile application, the following was done:
✅Analysis of the task, complete immersion in the project (including analysis of the competitive environment) and search for possible existing IT solutions.
✅Concept preparation and design solution development (UX / UI design)
✅Development of mobile functionality.
✅Testing, debugging, and auditing.
✅Application implementation (implementation, maintenance, and support).
✅Connecting analytics, publishing an app in online app markets.