Более 15 лет в сфере управления проектами. Обладаем успешно реализованными кейсами в продуктовой разработке, Digital маркетинге и PR, как на стороне агентства, так и в In-house. Создаем и развиваем В2В и В2С в направления: E-Commerce, FinTech & Insure-Tech, Ed-Tech, Ad-Tech, Mar-Tech, HRTech и др. — от разработки концепции до вывода на рынок e-com, c достижением эффективных бизнес-результатов.Для нас бизнес – не просто сумма всех работающих функций, а синергия их...
Ирина АртамоноваСтратегическое развитиеот 10 000 руб. за час
Максим СобинPHP-разработчикот 1 500 руб. за час
Опытный PHP-разработчик PHP • Yii framework • Symfony • Vue.js • PostgreSQL • MySQL • RabbitMQ • Docker LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maximsobin "Хабр Карьера": https://career.habr.com/mssobin
Oleg YouПрограммист C++, Qtот 2 000 руб. за час
1. Написание и поддержка серверов анализатора сигналов и генератора сигналов фирмы National Instruments(c++03, qt4, mvs). 2. Работа с измерительными приборами фирм agilent, rohde&schwarz (с++, telnet) - реализована абстрактная фабрика для управления приборами. 3. Разработка прикладного программного обеспечения для тестирования устройств и систем, проведения измерений, комплексной диагностики(hardware c++11, qt5, windows, linux) - автоматизация процесса производства устройств -...
Руслан ТумаркинSr Systems Engineerцена договорная
Experienced Sr Systems Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Linux System Administration, Python, Ansible, Terraform and Kubernetes. Strong information technology professional with a B.Sc. focused in Computational Informatics from Hamburg University of Technology.
Vera SalminaСистемный анализот 450 руб. за час
Основное образование: инженер-гидравлик авиационных двигателей, в текущий момент работаю системным аналитиком. Задачи: составление ТЗ, анализ и составление ФТ и НФТ, рисерч, моделирование UI (Figma), описание US и UC, разработка и проверка гипотез, составление алгоритмов, описание технологических процессов, запросы в БД (SQL), коммуникация с заказчиками, пользователями, стейкхолдерами, BPMN-нотация (UML по настроению), составление технической документации по проекту (Confluence),...
Максим ПакФронтенд разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
Постоянно развивающийся веб разработчик. Люблю решать сложные нестандартные задачи. Люблю учиться, изучать новые технологии. Постоянно решаю задачи на codewars, пишу пет проекты, слежу за трендами, читаю книги. Умею гуглить, искать информацию. Занимаюсь танцами. Github: https://github.com/pakflow LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pakflow/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pakflow/
Argisht GhazaryanPython developerцена договорная
Python Developer with 3.5 and more years of experience in designing and developing user interfaces, testing, debugging, deploying. The ability to optimize web functions that increase the efficiency of data search and workflows
Александр ДолговFullstack Developerот 1 600 руб. за час
Hello, my name is Alex and I am 10+ years experienced developer. I am an expert in C# .NET development stack with ReactJS/Angular as a frontend and have experience in developing different kinds of aplications: Web API, web portals, iOS and Android mobile applications, desktop applications, integrations with 3rd party services and tools such as Dynamics CRM, SendGrid, Twilio, etc. I have experience of working both as freelancer and as a team member of development teams in big international...
jon rrProgrammingот 1 500 руб. за час
*nix SysAdmin, C/Cpp/Python dev. I enjoy collaborating with people looking to manage their own infrastructure, develop simple, in-house solutions while avoiding over-engineering, and bring cohesion to their workflow.
Roman KonoplevMotion-designerот 300 руб. за час
I am a motion designer with 2 years of experience in Adobe After Effects. I can create posters, 3D scenes, work with particles, animations for websites and mobile applications.
Artem LozkoPython Developerот 30 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a junior Python developer with experience and completion of development course. I study at the Physics and Mathematics gymnasium in Minsk, study physics and mathematics in depth, participated in many regional Olympiads in these subjects, and also took part in computer science Olympiads. Learn Polish and English twice a week. I have a deep knowledge and experience in web application development using the Django framework. My interest also extends to marketing and financial products, and I...
Artem ZuevJava backend developerот 2 000 руб. за час
I am a Java developer with 8 years of experience in designing, developing, and supporting desktop and web applications. Throughout my career, I have been involved in the development of 3 projects from concept to product deployment and have successfully conducted significant refactoring in 2 projects.I am skilled in decision-making and taking responsibility for my choices. I am a self-learner, stress-resistant, and a team player focused on achieving results.My primary technology stack includes...
Михаил ВеткинFrontendот 1 900 руб. за час
Ozon – Frontend Engineer February 2022 – Present ● I came up with and implemented an approach that makes it easy to adapt product cards to a variety of designs without the use of additional flags and props. This adapted the code to the most unexpected requirements changes. ● The specifics of the project is that it has a lot of boilerplate code when creating new features. Implemented boilerplate code generation, which made it possible to significantly speed up the addition of new...
Kirill BereznevAndroid Developerот 2 000 руб. за час
Hello everyone, my name is Kirill, I spent my entire childhood sitting at the computer and realized where I would go to work, I studied C# in college and got acquainted with xamarin, and then my career as a mobile developer took off. which you can find below,I have always treated programming as a science for which you can get money, and I like it.
Александр КульпинПрограммированиецена договорная
PERSONAL INFO E-mail address: kulpin@inbox.com Contact Phone: 7911-9934041 Location: St.Petersburg, Russia PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE Software engineer with 34 years experience in designing, development, debugging, testing and support of the following kinds of software: assemblers, compilers, operating systems, embedded systems, real time systems, data compression algorithms, archivers, drivers for MS DOS and Windows. SUMMARY ...
Александр ДжиUnity разработчикот 600 руб. за час
Разработчик игр и прототипов с большим опытом работы с UI в Unity. Работаю в данной области уже более 3 лет и за это время успел реализовать множество проектов разной сложности. Работал с различными заказчиками, включая библиотеки, заводы и издателей игр. Я предлагаю услуги по разработке игр и прототипов, а также имею возможность собрать команду под проект. У меня есть опыт работы с различными заказчиками, что позволяет мне адаптироваться к разным требованиям и предоставлять высококачественный...
Brand and DigitalБрендирование бизнеса под ключот 2 000 руб. за час
Верим, что любой бренд можно сделать ярче! От разработки до дизайна - всё под ключ! Что мы умеем: ▪️Дизайн, фирменный стиль, логотип, айдентика ▪️Разработка, веб-дизайн, веб-продукты, сайты, лендинги ▪️Заказы по Типографии, печатная продукция ▪️Дизайн и брендирование автотранспорта Работаем по всему миру! Наша команда в России и Казахстане (поэтому дешевле, чем европейские специалисты) В нашей команде более 25 человек, штат аутсорса более 100 человек и 5 лет опыта за плечами! Наши сайты:...
Hovhannes NazlukhanyanManager of a group programmersот 30 руб. за час
Welcome to our IT Team – where innovation reigns supreme! Meet our architects, the blueprint maestros crafting robust digital structures. ️ Our developers? They're the code wizards turning lines into user-friendly magic. ✨ Don't forget our designers – pixel-perfect artists making apps both sleek and stunning. Testing? We've got it covered. Bugs don't stand a chance against our squad. And our project managers? They're the conductors keeping our digital symphony in perfect harmony. Together,...
Stevo IliškovićWeb developmentцена договорная
My name is Stevo Ilišković. I'm a Web Developer from Bosnia, currently working at a local e-commerce company. In my everyday work, for the past two years, I have mastered JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Figma, Git and ChatGPT. Some of my tasks include implementing new designs for company's webshops using cross-browser techniques, maintaining and upgrading wholesale web catalogues, preparing A/B tests for advertising campaigns, investigating and fixing bugs and others... Outside of work, I had the...
Яна Турченкова3D artistот 300 руб. за час
I am engaged in the design of 3d models based on references, level design, environment study. In the works I perform a full pipeline. I have been doing 3D & 2D since 2021. I am always glad to see new and interesting offers!
Samvel MovsisyanPorgrammerот 500 руб. за час
Я Самвел, для вопросов звоните или напишите, буду рад помочь Вам) Заранее Спасибо! Telegram: https://t.me/samovsisyan9 Whatsapp: +37494444511 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samvel-movsisyan-78001618a/
Meder KarabaevExcellence in all aspects.от 1 500 руб. за час
I am a dedicated frontend developer specializing in Flutter with 2 years of experience. My expertise includes creating visually appealing and responsive UI/UX designs, integrating APIs, and maintaining state management using Provider and GetX. I am proficient in handling both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring optimal performance and user experience. I'm committed to delivering high-quality, maintainable code and thrive in dynamic environments where I can turn complex design challenges into...
Faridun BerdievSoftware Engineer | .NET/C#от 1 000 руб. за час
More than 6 years of experience in software development.Design and developing of scalable and high-available services using such architectures as microservice, event driven etc.
Дмитрий МорозовРазработка, ui ux CRM системцена договорная
https://hh.ru/resume/1f1e537cff0d0b79a70039ed1f6b7... https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitrymahno
Александр КохFlutter Developerот 800 руб. за час
- Experienced in using Flutter and Dart for creating cross-platform applications - I am familiar with database management and have experience in using both SQL and NOSql solutions, such as Hive, Firebase Firestore, and SQLite, to effectively manage application data. - Experience with blockchain technologies, trust wallet core, including work with Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, and TRON. - Adopting Clean Architecture and the MVVM and BLoC design patterns, I ensure my applications are...