Full stack web developer with 9+ years experience in web applications building and management. 1C-Bitrix expert. Backend: PHP, MySQL, Laravel, 1C-Bitrix. 5 years - exp. with 1C-Bitrix Frontend: ReactJS + Redux, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JS, JQuery, AJAX, Gulp, SCSS, Webpack, Jade Administration: Linux, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Cloud services (Selectel, MS Azure), Selenium cloud VCS: Git Integrations: 1C, SOAP, RestAPI, Payment services (PayPal, RoboKassa, Yandex.Kassa, Payment Asia) Bug/Issue...
Алексей ЦыкаревFrontend, backendот 1 000 руб. за час
Радик КурбановС++ C# разработчикот 600 руб. за час
4 года разработки высокопроизводительного масштабируемого ПО для гетерогенных кластерных систем. С использованием языков программирования Matlab, C++, Fortran, Python средств распараллеливания MPI, OpenMP, OpenCL, CUDA 2 года разработки ПО под WIndows с использованием WinAPI, MFC, WTL, OpenGl Опыт web разработки для решения малых прикладных задач таких как автоматизированное тестирование сайтов (Python, Selenium) извлечение и обработка информации (парсинг страниц, MapReduce) (Python,...
Rima LombardoWeb Development, design. Программирование, веб-дизайнот 1 500 руб. за час
Web Development and design with the functionality you need! We are a team of developers. We do complex sites with high functionality, convenient for computer and mobile users for the result you need. The prices at us at market level! Call us, we will discuss the appropriate option for you. frontend- and backend- Online shop, promotional site (Landing Page or landing page), news resource, corporate site, business card site, service, web portal, showcase, blog site, site-forum, information...
Наталия ТындюкUX/UI designerот 1 руб. за час
О себе https://readymag.com/u73079298/1003631 10 лет в проектировании пользовательских интерфейсов 3 из них в разработке мобильных приложений 20+ запущенных приложений под iPhone, iPad, Android CRM система под существующие бизнес-процессы Всегда в курсе последних тенденций дизайна, методов и технологий работающих в гибком процессе разработки. Искренне верю, что все можно решить если подходить творчески и находить компромисс. Считаю, что лучший интерфейс создается только при плотном общении с...
Николай ПавловFull Stuck Developerот 1 800 руб. за час
I'm Web / Mobile developer and eCommerce specialist with 4 years of experience. Professional in a wide range of web technologies and frameworks (CMS) - Magento (1 and 2), Bitrix certified, Wordpress, MODX developer experienced with Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) and Bitrix Environment administration (CentOS, Apache, Nginx). Expert Mobile Android (Kotlin, Java language), iOS (Swift, Objective-C), Xamarin forms and Unity applications developer (Unity engine , C#, XAML, Android, iOS). While...
Сергей КривопустClient - server applicationsот 1 100 руб. за час
Senior Android Developer
Andrey SaratovFullstack JS developmentот 2 000 руб. за час
I possess about 7 years of progressive experience in the web developing. Last 3 years working remotely as the main JS developer (full stack) in big american startup. During this time, the business has increased more than 4 times, all applications have become more responsive and user-friendly, as easy to develop and support. I inherited a product fraught with technical problems. During this time were made regular releases of major features and decreased infrastructure costs, all while...
Roman MayevskyBackend developerот 200 руб. за час
✔ C# Console applications; Windows forms; Client/Server application; ✔ Python Django; Flask; Telegram bot task manager. Distance learning YourStudy. ✔ Javascript Node.js; WebSocket; Express.js; ✔ Web HTML; CSS; Wordpress; Moodle; Nextcloud; Joomla; ✔ Linux (CentOS; Debian; Ubuntu) MySQL; PostgreSQL; Apache; Bind9; Kafka; RabbitMQ; Memcached; Redis; OpenLDAP; ArangoDB; MongoDB; ✔ Designed and implemented databases.
A HunanyanSoftware Engineerот 500 руб. за час
Software Engineer with 3+ years of software design experience. Experienced in development of embedded software, single-board computers, desktop applications, web services and MicroServices.
Александр Нагорныйpython, machine learningот 1 000 руб. за час
Начинал с анализа временных рядов: очистка данных нормализация приведение к стационарному виду feature research работа с json pandas numpy многомерные массивы тензоры multi-step и multi-feature forecast использование методов машинного обучения (деревья, knn, ARIMA и пр.) и нейросетей для прогнозирования временных рядов Умею работать с REST API, многопоточностью, вычислениями на GPU, немного с async. Сейчас пишу дипломную работу по NLP, в частности про использование multi-head...
Narek DallakyanAndroid Developerот 900 руб. за час
Java/Kotlin Android Mobile DeveloperСпасибо за посещение моего профиля. Я являюсь мобильным разработчиком с сильными навыками Android и имею более чем 3-летний опыт создания мобильных приложений с нуля, а также работы над уже существующими проектами, исправления ошибок и внесения настроек. Вот некоторые из моих навыков: • Core Java OOP, multi- threading • Experience with Android SDK • Application Lifecycle • Strong understanding of REST full api, OkHttp, Retrofit2 • Database: SQLite, Realm,...
Hanna KarpovaWeb and mobile solutions, VR and AR developmentцена договорная
Hello! My name is Hanna Karpova. I'm a member of software development company BVG Software Group. BVG Software Group is the software development company with offices in Odessa, Ukraine and South San Francisco, CA. The company delivers solutions to clients across the US & abroad and has expertise in: - Peer-to-peer and sharing economy platforms; - Social networking solutions; - Healthcare diagnostics applications; - Full-cycle development; - Web and mobile app development; - Native...
Ashot AshrafyanAndroid Developerот 3 000 руб. за проект
Exceptional communication and networking skills. Successful working in a team environment, as well as independently. The ability to work under pressure and multi-task. The ability to follow instructions and deliver quality results. I am very purposeful and aspiring . I have had great success in various fields. I am proficient in English, and can communicate in English. Also know very good Russian.
Дима БасюкFull stack web developerот 300 руб. за час
I am strong web developer building quality web applications. Experienced in layout production, modification, and maintenance of websites and web application user interfaces also contributing back-end experience, collaborating on APIs, and work with modern Web development stack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js I use Git as control version system, Jest, Mocha, and Chain as testing frameworks, Slack for communicating, Redmine / Jira / Trello / etc as task and bug-tracking system. I look...
Ivan MazurUnity Game Developerот 400 руб. за час
Навыки:C#, Java, C++ Unity3D, XNA Android, Windows phone and Windows Store applications XAML, WPF, WinFormsSolidity (blockchain) XML, JSON MongoDB, NoSQLGit, SourceTree, SVN, Tortoise Мои проекты:World Clash - in Action Games Lab S.A. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com....Nelly's Puzzle Jam - in Action Games Lab S.A. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com....Lore - in Hothead ballon team. https://www.facebook.com/LoretheGame . Interactive fairytale set in the world of...
Elyor LatipovSenior Full Stack Engineerот 600 руб. за час
I'm a full stack developer with industry experience building websites,enterprise portals,documentary rest API & usability desktop applications. https://www.linkedin.com/in/levdeo
Miradil ZeynalliEmbedded Software Engineeringот 1 250 руб. за час
GreenCycle Smart Aquarium. With the wasted water, water plants and use minerals of water as fertilizer. Used Technologies Microcontroller: Teensy 3.6Modules & Sensors: GY-30, LM75A, YL-69, pH probe, SIM800,Communication Protocol: TCPEnvironment: None Avtomaks v2.0 GPS device for tracking car. With this device you can get: latitude, longitutde, speed and state (turned on/off) of the car. Used Technologies Microcontroller: ATmega 2560Modules & Sensors: SIM800, NEO-6M GPS...
Sargis GinosyanMobile applicationsцена договорная
Здравствуйте. Мне 25 лет, по специальности я работаю уже почти 2 года. Я стараюсь развиваться всесторонне, люблю получать новые знания. Есть опыт разработки андроид приложений, кроссплатформенных мобильных приложений и андроид библиотек.Также есть опыт работы с JNI, TensorFlow. Внизу можете увидеть информацию о моих персональных проектах : Android Medical projectSound and image recognition with Machine Learning - TensorFlowAndroid / iOS analytics SDK and test appsAPI for automatic and...
Smbat SargsyanMobile Software Engineer,от 750 руб. за час
I am a Modern Senior Mobile/Web Developer based in Armenia and I have more than 3 years of mobile/web apps development experience. My main skills are Android, iOS, React Native, Ionic, React.js, Angular 2/4, NodeJS, Redux, Webpack, and I have a strong working experience in all areas of mobile/web development from Database Design to frontend design with focus on UI/UX, as well as testing and troubleshooting. Further I have good experience in test automation integration like unit testing for both...
Антон ВолгинIPTV, OTT, Android, iOSцена договорная
Эксперт в области IPTV, OTT, видеостриминга. Разработка приложений Android, iOS.
Танат КамаловFront-end/Back-end разработчикот 1 000 руб. за час
I’m a Software Engineer with more than 10 years experience in building large scale consumer facing UI applications utilizing html, javascript, css and other web-related technologies by applying best UX and a11y principles. Usually I use React.js and Vue.js in development. I have experience in Angular 2+ as well. I also have solid skills in building backend services using Node.js, Python and Golang. In addition to knowledge of IOS/Swift and Android/Kotlin development I use Ionic framework for...
Kubanychbek EsenzhanovSenior JavaScript Engineerот 1 200 руб. за час
I am web engineer dedicated to learning programming in JavaScript. During obtaining my bachelor degree in International Business, I found programming very interesting for me, and continued learning it on my own. I gained experience firstly from freelance world and then worked closely with an exceptional team of engineers at a company called Instat, developing large scale applications, where I used JavaScript intensively during both my professional life and spare time.
Евгений УстинкинGolang, AWS, Serverlessот 1 000 руб. за час
Strong knowledge AWS 9 years experience building enterprise class web applications with .NET 3 years experience building with Golang and Node.js Strong software architecture experience Expert relational database knowledge and middle non-relational database experience AppSync, GraphQl, Lambda, DynamoDb, RDS, Svelte, React.js, Serverless
Yaroslav MarchenkoJava Developerот 1 200 руб. за час
I have knowledge and experience in various fields: from web applications for the telecommunications business to automotive computers. Automation Testing > 5 years and 7+ year with Java, 3 years C#. Responsible for the whole test process from specs analysis, trough test plan development, execution, and result reporting, last few years responsible for the automation of regression testing. Have on-site work experience I prefer to work as a software developer in a friendly team. I have deep...
Антон БурякПрограммированиеот 1 000 руб. за проект
Имею образование техника-программиста. Пишу программы на языках: C++, C#, Delphi, VBA. Так же работаю с базами данных SQL и занимаюсь вёртской.