Фрилансеры (1755)
  • R50 fab0e459486d790b900127f12c30f917
    +6 / -0
    Daniel Tkachenko
    HTML-верстальщик|Front-end dev
    от 500 руб. за час

    Daniel Tkachenko Front-end developer Personal information: Name: Tkachenko Daniel Oleksandrovich;Nationality: Ukrainian;Date of birth: 29.08.2000 ( 18 years old );Telephone: +38073 333 03 04;E-mail: danieltkachenko333@gmail.com;Education: 2018 - till now: Vinnytsia National Technical University, faculty of software; 2007 - 2018 Middle school ; Langugages: Ukrainian – native language;Russian – second language;English – advanced level (C1);

  • R50 4ba87d5f4647ae6262f3e132be5e7874
    +0 / -0
    Viky Koval
    Marketing, Translation
    от 400 руб. за час

    Hi there! I am a newbie here but ready to start off with some super-duper interesting projects and be a real help. If I'm giving my proposal to do the job, be sure - I'd do it the best I can and I find it inspiring and feel curious about it. As for my skills, right, I have a solid experience in everything concerning content writing (marketing included). You can check on some of my activity in LinkedIn profile. I speak English fluently, German - on the Intermediate level. So, If you need...

  • R50 9585be9cc60750df873720a7238a70e6
    +0 / -0
    Роман Попов
    Разработка электроники
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    WHAT I DO: I help Startups and Small Business Owners solve problems with the development of a prototype, MVP or unique electronic equipment for your business by providing R&D, electronic circuit and PCB design, prototyping, troubleshooting, and preparation of documentation for serial production. WHY IT WORKS: I have been working with small business and start-up entrepreneurs for over 10 years and I can make the most effective, efficient and affordable offer for you. WHAT MAKES ME...

  • R50 d16ee772a08d7470e473e55a3216b489
    +0 / -0
    Norbi Keys
    C# Developer
    от 400 руб. за час

    Name: Norbert Keys Address: Kiev Date of birth: 28 June 1992 Age: 23 Marital status: single Nationality: Ukrainian Education: National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' 2009-2014 Information management systems and technologie (by industries) Work experience: State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, 2014 - by now, Information security specialist

  • R50 4d24cea16c87b244861daf90e3a0e24b
    +0 / -0
    Валерий Чеботарев
    Front End разработка
    от 100 руб. за час

    My name is Valery Chebotarev. I am front end developer and professional translator (English to Russian and vice versa). Over the last fours years, I have provided great content and translations for a large number of websites and publishing houses.

  • R50 8461bb9be06cbcb606947fd07896dbdb
    +0 / -0
    Дмитрий Хотин
    Frontend Developer
    цена договорная

    Hello, I'm yang and enthusiastic, self-motivated front end developer from Minsk. I'm looking for my first development job or internship. I studied the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript by myself. I have passed various HTML and CSS courses (HTMLAcademy, RollingScopes, etc.). I do not have production experience but I am looking for an opportunity to get it. I can make up responsive and adaptive fast loaded pages without various errors, write simple scripts, optimize graphics. I can build icons...

  • R50 ae58fc898e18532a656e8679e1308a64
    +0 / -0
    Илья Берестенко
    цена договорная

    Telros-Telecom (ER-Telecom as of 09.2017) Software engineer Within team I did: 0. Initial network configuration (Cisco, Huawei, D-Link, Juniper, Extreme, Eltex etc.) 1. Monitoring (Zabbix) 12K devices (NVPS 15K) 2. Automation (Python/Pushkin) VLAN configuration on 100..1000 switches in 1.5 sec Pushkin is Python utility that been developed for super fast network configuration We also developed in-house oss system (Redis, Python, Django, legacy php refact w/ phalcon)

  • R50 951f5b7a37aa5ad8214d93478c3ca6de
    +0 / -0
    Roman Ashirbekov
    Mobile Junior Flutter / Dart | Web: Middle Front-End Developer
    от 2 000 руб. за час

    Web-Develop: Front-end: Languages: HTML5, CSS, LESS, SCSS, JS, JQUERY. Framework: Bootstrap 4 - Grid, VUE JS. Back-end: Language: PHP. CMS: Evolution CMS, 1C Битрикс: Управление сайтом, 1C Битрикс: Битрикс 24. Framework: YII 2, Laravel. Mobile Develop: Languages: Dart. Framework: Flutter.

  • R50 65ec8e5e8548e7ed6db61d83afe4adb4
    +0 / -0
    Юрий Саввиди
    Графический дизайн, лого
    цена договорная

    Логос - это сразу и объективно заданное содержание, умственная деятельность, его создание, семантическое упорядочение бытия и сознания, единство и последовательность символов имени и смысла.

  • R50 d213ad2c4f2f1042f12234bf37e72b1f
    +0 / -0
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    Меня зовут Андрей. Я являюсь опытным DevOps-инженером со стажем работы более 10 лет. Люблю решать задачи разного уровня сложности - от написания простых скриптов по автоматизации каждодненвных задач до разработки, внедрения и поддержки сложных инфраструктур. Имею опыт работы со следующим стеком инструментов и технологий: Operating systems: Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS), Windows, Solaris; Databases: MySQL, Postgresql, HP Vertica, MongoDB, Neo4j; Programming languages: Python, BASH, Tcl,...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Smbat Sargsyan
    Mobile Software Engineer,
    от 750 руб. за час

    I am a Modern Senior Mobile/Web Developer based in Armenia and I have more than 3 years of mobile/web apps development experience. My main skills are Android, iOS, React Native, Ionic, React.js, Angular 2/4, NodeJS, Redux, Webpack, and I have a strong working experience in all areas of mobile/web development from Database Design to frontend design with focus on UI/UX, as well as testing and troubleshooting. Further I have good experience in test automation integration like unit testing for both...

  • R50 837f6efc5dd1ea03a9be1885a1a55953
    +0 / -0
    Vlad Klimenko
    Web-дизайн, брендирвание
    от 350 руб. за час

    Я дизайнер из команды Pile of Tech. Мы молодая веб-студия и в моменты, когда у меня появляется свободное время (между проектами) я иду на фриланс. Работаю так же на Upwork и Guru. Предоставляю услуги создания дизайна для веб-приложений, моб. приложений, сайтов, а так же практичеси всего что угодно, что можно найти в нтернете. Креативен (не Пикасо, но всё же) ,отвественнен и выполняю всё в сроки. Ненавижу когда хотя бы одна из сторон тянет с каким либо процессом, будь то проектирование,...

  • R50 08fd1c209059fb175c3406030dacd10e
    +0 / -0
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    опыт работы5 лет опыта · Английский Pre-IntermediateI am a Python developer with a background working in financial markets building and executing trading strategies for Quantopian, TradingView and zipline framework. I am experienced with building reporting systems that automate recurrent tasks, and presenting visually appealing data. I have extensive experience using (Python 2.7-3.7.x,conda, pipenv, virtualenv, pandas,pip,highcharts,matplotlib,zipline) and statistical analysis to build...

  • R50 79acc6317fb43156971da27d6e38bbf3
    +0 / -0
    Танат Камалов
    Front-end/Back-end разработчик
    от 1 000 руб. за час

    I’m a Software Engineer with more than 10 years experience in building large scale consumer facing UI applications utilizing html, javascript, css and other web-related technologies by applying best UX and a11y principles. Usually I use React.js and Vue.js in development. I have experience in Angular 2+ as well. I also have solid skills in building backend services using Node.js, Python and Golang. In addition to knowledge of IOS/Swift and Android/Kotlin development I use Ionic framework for...

  • R50 5f07164d47629722e60d53a69ac01a34
    +0 / -0
    Maya Potapova
    linux administrator
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    Head of technical Department, isp system administration. Setting up access level switches, maintaining the operability of the communication infrastructure. Reporting on the work done.

  • R50 c8c8f338e526e9b574a410d5a58e1912
    +0 / -0
    Kubanychbek Esenzhanov
    Senior JavaScript Engineer
    от 1 200 руб. за час

    I am web engineer dedicated to learning programming in JavaScript. During obtaining my bachelor degree in International Business, I found programming very interesting for me, and continued learning it on my own. I gained experience firstly from freelance world and then worked closely with an exceptional team of engineers at a company called Instat, developing large scale applications, where I used JavaScript intensively during both my professional life and spare time.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 400 руб. за час

    Currently I am living in Yerevan. I consider myself to be an easy going person, an enthusiastic and a goal-oriented self-learner, who is always ready to study hard and to gain new knowledge. I am fond of the world of programming and technologies.

  • R50 a1602b790db7b5cbb41cf82e99eeb4f7
    +0 / -0
    от 600 руб. за час

    Hello there, thanks for coming to my profile. My name is Anton. I'm a web developer. I have some experience with unique and interesting projects. Based on the results of my work, you will receive the final draft. where visitors will have good impressions after using it. Very comfortable and passionate about adopting ideas and bringing them to life through technology Well-organized with an ability to prioritize tasks Highly drive to meed deadlines Capability to work and flourish in fast-paced...

  • R50 8effe3ad63d8bb45c34e22858354313a
    +0 / -0
    Anton Kharitonov
    LabVIEW developer
    цена договорная

    Professional LabVIEW developer and teacher since 2005 with main experience in industrial and research automation and with many additional experiences in different IT-skills. Doctor of technical science in heating efficiency automation of public buildings.

  • R50 8f75b6c76655cee0d922e73579bb58c3
    +0 / -0
    Дарья Тайчер
    от 200 руб. за час

    Здравствуйте, я профессиональный переводчик по образованию. Английский язык занимает почти всё время моей жизни. Я имею опыт перевода текстов самой разной тематики. Убедиться в качестве переводов, Вы можете посмотрев примеры моих переводов. Также кроме переводов, я занимаюсь дизайном сайтов тоже уже достаточно давно, эта работа для души. Также имеется сертификат о прохождении курсов в этом направлении и также имею примеры своих работ.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Евгений Мельник
    Knowledge of Swift, XCode
    цена договорная

    Professional skills: 1) Experience with Xcode 4x-8x, IOS SDK 6.0-12.0, Interfase Builder; 2) Good knowledge Swift , basic knowledge of C, C++, C#; 3) Knowledge of design patterns, the basics of working with memory, the basics of working with servers, parsers, integration with social networks. Networks; 4) Work with Cocoa, UIKit, CoreData, RestKit; 5) Ability to use libraries, as well as to understand them: 5) English language at the level of reading those. Documentation; Computer skills: 1)...

  • R50 1d2b67413304f2a38db0de16e9519da8
    +0 / -0
    Narek Manukyan
    Android (Java) developer
    от 500 руб. за час

    Programing languages C++\STL Java (OOP, Generics, JUnit, JavaFX, Selenium, JDBC, Collections, PI4J)AndroidPython 3 ( Selenium, Django Framework ) SoftwarePhotoshop, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, AutoCAD, Atom, Web StormMS Visual Studio, MS Office, Sublime text, PyCharm, Adobe,Android Studio WEB technologies HTML, CSS, Bootstrap PHP JQuery JavaScript Other Operating Systems: Windows, Linux DatabaseMySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLiteQA EngineerManual...

  • R50 45ee39eddee19bd9f0ebb606816ffd46
    +0 / -0
    Vahe Stepanyan
    Создание сайтов на Wordpress
    от 130 руб. за час

    I am a front-end developer who has experience in creating websites by Wordpress in any kind of theme. I have experience in creating online shops on Woocommerce including integrating payment gateways.