Digital designer specializing in industrial, product and fashion design. Development of AR masks, effects for artists and exhibition spaces. Meta-artist.
Александр НикулинDigital Designerцена договорная
Елизавета ШебакпольскаяИллюстраторот 940 руб. за час
I am a Moscow based illustrator and artist highly experienced with watercolour media and minimalist illustrations. I am interested in narration and comics. Prefer working with traditional media but also confident in different software. Have experience in a variety of life briefs in the creative industry, organisation and curating events.
Александр ВасилевскийDesktop, Androidцена договорная
● Strong experience in C++ and knowledge of standard library, STL containers, and algorithms, Boost modules ● Excellent knowledge of C++ templating, C++14 ● Strong experience in Objective-C, Swift for iOS platform and Kotlin for Android platform ● Good experience in using third-party libraries ● Strong experience in using GIT, JIRA ● Good experience in using different IDE like Visual Studio, Netbeans (PHP), XCode, Android Studio ● Strong experience in multithreading programming, cross...
Азат ВаджиповUX/UI дизайнот 1 000 руб. за час
I am UX/UI, Mobile iOS/Android/Web Designer with work experience over 4 years in a diverse range of Digital Media. My designing skills range from User Interfaces, User Experience, Human-Computer Interactions, Information Architecture, Native Mobile Applications (iOS, Android) to Product Design, Human-Centred Design, Data Visualisation, Software Interfaces, Usability, Marketing and Sales. I am a geek of new technologies, beautiful design & marketing of all kind. I use Figma, Adobe...
Анна ФранскевичПрограммистот 1 000 руб. за час
Professional skills: • Languages: HTML, JavaScript (jQuery,react.js), C#(, PHP; • Technologies and Frameworks: CSS; • Tools: MS Visual Studio, phpStorm, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Microsoft SQL Server; 1C-BITRIX; • Version Control: Git; Способность и умение структурировать, анализировать, делать выводы. Работоспособность, желание и умение учиться самостоятельно, умение добывать достоверную информацию, основанное на критичном мышлении. Здоровый перфекционизм. Имеется опыт работы...
Vitaly VitalyFront-end developerот 200 руб. за час
Proactivity Skill to work in team Plan and optimally organize the workflow Learning Ability
Яна КулешUI/UX Designот 300 руб. за час
Graduated from the courses "Adobe Photoshop for web & graphic design" and "UX/UI Design" at Educational Center of HTP "IT Academy". Also I am a 4th year student of BSPU. Specialization: pedagogical psychology (long distance). Portfolio - LinkedIn -
Vagharshak KyaruntsFront End, Data Collectingот 70 000 руб. за месяц
I am an experienced Full Stack Developer who can develop effective user interfaces on a company website and mobile apps released to the public. I have worked closely with web development and software design teams to update the website and internal web tools, and to make them more efficient. I like to create innovative solutions to web design issues, make the website visually more appealing and enhance usability.
Victoria KabanovaWeb developmentцена договорная
We are Leviossa IT - software development company can provide you with the various services - from creating simple landing pages to complex architectural solutions. We have worked with both large international teams and small startups - but the one thing our clients have in common is satisfaction with the excellent result. Our hard skills: ❂ Back-end development with Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Express.js, Python; ❂ Front-end development with AngularJS/2+, React.js, Vue.js; ❂ Database...
Даниил СеврюкПрограммист чат-ботовцена договорная
Всем привет! Я Севрюк Даниил. Имею огромный опыт в программировании на языке Python. Программирую уже более 5 лет. Берусь за задачу, только если уверен, что её выполню. Помимо python, также люблю сощдаватьсайты и заниматься web-дизайном.
Vlad PenWeb and mobile developmentот 1 000 руб. за час
Имею огромный опыт (15+ лет) разработки сайтов, веб и мобильных приложений, сервисов (в том числе асинхронных и высоконагруженных), биллинговых систем, платежных шлюзов, транспортов и т.д. Быстро решаю любые технические проблемы и с кодом, и с "железом".
Nikolai KrasikoviOS разработка (Swift)от 1 500 руб. за час
SKILLS Swift, UIKit AVFoundation, AudioKit, CoreLocation, MapKit, StoreKit Apollo GraphQL CoreData, Realm Firebase (FireStore, Authentication, Storage, Remote Config, Analytics, Crashlytics) Grand Central Dispatch Swinject MVC, MVP, Clean Swift, Coordinators + OOP, SOLID, GRASP, GoF, basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms Languages: Russian (native), English (advanced) EXPERIENCE (since 2019) NDA (since Jan 2021)Trains timetable and tickets booking apps (two flavors of the...
Anton NechaevJava developerот 1 500 руб. за час
2012 - 2015 Android Developer 2015 - now Java Backend Developer hobby - smart house using raspberry, arduino and nodemcu
Дмитрий СаврицкийРазработка ПОот 1 руб. за проект
Имею опыт работы с JavaScript (React, Redux), Java, C# (Entity Framework, WPF), C++. Использовал в своей работе следующие базы данных : PostgreSQL, MongoDB. Имею следующие сертификаты: Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching: Introduction to Networks, Oracle Commerce Lab Certificate. Вхожу в топ-800 пользователей на Codewars -
Over Prfbackendот 500 руб. за час
backend developer (python, c#) information security education
Anna Bovdaweb developmentцена договорная
Sloboda Studio is a Ukraine based provider of mobile&web development services with 70+ technical experts since 2010 To learn more about our projects please use the link We are well-experienced in a wide range of software domains: - Mobile&Web development- Fin Tech (Finance news analytics, crowd curation)- Data science/machine learning/AI solutions- Booking systems (taxi and real estate, geo-location API connection)- E-commerce (Full featured CMS and...
Назарій Спіхальськийweb-dev, front-end, js, and otот 60 руб. за час
Работал только на не больших проектах с фриланса, которые брал у друзей (фрилансеров), успешно делал лендинги сайтов, многостраничные сайты и даже не большие интернет магазины. Сайт портфолио:
Aziz MirITот 700 руб. за час
I am 23 years old and at the moment I am a foreign student in one of the Korean universities. I study in 2 specialties: Business Administration and Logistics, as well as computer engineering. I speak 4 languages and can talk on various topics.
Gang TanFlutter&Dart | Android | IOSот 200 000 руб. за месяц
I am a hardworking, highly proficient IT professional and an Senior Mobile developer skilled with all the tools required for the art of creating marvelous Apps. - I have a passion to create wonderful and eye-catching Web Apps that appeal to both the users needs and senses. By this time I have learned to tackle various kinds of projects and provide their further development with new versions and maintenance. - I am currently Mobile/Web developer. I have over 7 years of experience in...
Anatolii NesterenkoTranslation, Transcription, Trцена договорная
Уверенный в себе переводчик со стажем. Большинство моих клиентов были американские компании, например eDataFarm, тексты соответственно были на IT тематику Перевожу текст с/на английский, польский и французский языки. На фрилансе относительно недолго. Также как плюс, так как я работаю аудитором мой бизнес английский на высоком уровне.
Альберт РозеВеб-разработкаот 1 000 руб. за час
I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...
Данил БитяевДизайн, монтаж, фотошоп, аналиот 1 000 руб. за час
Business Process Optimization, Intern • Business expansion project in the countries of Armenia and Uzbekistan • Configure the routing of written appeals to Customer Care Center • Configure the routing of oral appeals to Customer Care Center • Project to transfer part of calls to an outsourcing call center • Configure the routing type to transfer part of calls • Creating creating instruction for this process • Training of outsourcing call center agents handlining calls • Participation in the...
Anastasiia NikolaievaUI/UX and Product Designerцена договорная
Я занимаюсь разработкой интерфейсов, а именно UX/UI дизайном в вебе и мобильных приложений. Помогаю моим заказчикам малому и среднему бизнесу, а также стартапам решать задачу, выделяться среди конкурентов при помощи легкого и понятного дизайна. Вам выгодно работать со мной: 1) Не прошу всю сумму сразу. Вы скидываете мне % от стоимости заказа и я моментально приступаю к работе. 2) Я погружаюсь в проект на все 110%, так как для меня главное качество. 3) Ответственность и пунктуальность 4)...
Sargis QalajyanUI/UX & Graphic Desigerот 1 000 руб. за час
With the design and development of web pages, mobile applications or landing pages, I try to contribute to this web world with creative and functional designs, pleasing customer expectations. I consider myself a responsible, creative, agile and punctual person, I welcome the new challenges, with good management of interpersonal relationships, ease of teamwork, I always try to give my best in everything to achieve goals set with work groups or by said agency I specialize in the UI / UX user...
Юлия КабановаSocial Media Managerцена договорная
- Разработка стратегии продвижения бизнеса - Анализ целевой аудитории, анализ конкурентов, - Определение tone of voice - Брендинг - Копирайтинг - Influencer-маркетинг, комьюнити-менеджмент - Таргетинг