Managing Quality Control on the project Improving processes of Quality Assurance Improving processes of internaldepartments and distributed team interaction (Development-Business-Design-3-rd party services suppliers)
Mark KurchenkoQuality Assurance Managementот 1 500 руб. за час
Gevor MelqonyanFront End Developerот 100 000 руб. за месяц
I'm a Web developer, living in Erevan, Armenia. I work with Open source HTML, CSS, Jquery, Angular 2+ and Wordpress to build websites for startup companies as well as enhancing existing websites my creativity and prior experience helps me to develop the website professionally, highlighting your corporate image.
Павел АдамТестирование/Разработкацена договорная
Константин ФадеевToolsот 1 500 руб. за час
Python, Qt, SQL, REST etc. Desktop applications with GUI Command line tools Scripts and plugins for 3D software like Maya, 3dsMax, Blender, Zbrush, Adobe Painter etc.
Artur BaltaevSenior Fullstack developerот 2 000 руб. за час
Actual cv: Development of HighLoad SOA projects, API, APP backends (mobile, SPA/ReactJs), daemons and services Ready for: developing from start to end, full-stack, refactoring, audition, high traffic optimization Language: PHP 3 => 7.1, JavaScript, Perl, Bash DB: SQL (DBA, analysis, optimization, mysql, pgsql, Pl/PgSQL), NoSQL, Elasticsearch, Sphinx Frameworks: Laravel, onPHP, Bootstrap, corp Frontend: async SPA, Gulp, Babel, Vue.js, React.js OOP Patterns: SOLID,...
Artem BrunovИнформационная безопасность, Penetration testingцена договорная
Experienced ICT security specialist and penetration tester
Роман ПавловWebsite design and developmentот 60 000 руб. за проект
Виталий АRuby on Railsот 1 000 руб. за час
A skilled Ruby developer with proven expertise in using new tools and technical developments to drive improvements throughout an entire software development lifecycle. Having extensive industry and full life cycle experience in a ruby based software, along with exceptional analytical, design and problem- solving capabilities. Excellent communication skills and able to work alongside support teams and the rails community to define and refine new functionality.
Andrey AndreevichData Scienceот 5 000 руб. за час
I'm a full-time senior data scientist working for B2B service provider for insurance industry in Germany. Building systems and services to help insurances understanding their customers. With focus on unstructured or weakly structured data: deep understanding of invoices, photo images etc.
Artashes ApinyanSenior web developerот 1 000 руб. за час
Hello My name is Artash. Have more then 4 years experience in this area. In that time build more websites, oniline shope,personal, bussines, education . Also doing SEO . Contact me if you need great and optimized website. Thanks Artash
Армен КарапетянFull stack developerот 1 200 руб. за час
Do you need a superb quality website? Or want to get your website issues fixed? Contact me with confidence. I provide top-notch quality website design and web development services. I am a professional full stack developer
Bogdan LotyshUnityцена договорная
Unity developer with strong knowlendge of Unity, C# and OOP rules. Have experience with AR and VR.
Александр ЗелинскийMobile developing, Android IOSот 1 200 руб. за час
Thank you for viewing my profile! I'm a middle android developer with extensive experiences at building Android apps with high quality for 2+ years. I have built Player app, Chatting app(using Firebase), Catalog app, Scanner app, Geo-location app, Reservation/Ordering/Delivery app, Tranning app successfully. I usually build apps using Java on native platforms, and can build using kotlin language. The most important thing for me is to build long term relationships with...
Vladislav SychevРазработчикцена договорная
Have abilities in Perl, JavaScript developing, participated in different web projects, have experience from scrach writing user's cabinet with mojo framework, have good skills in scripting, parsing, integrating apps,rest API. Knowledge relational databases. Have my own developments and solution as (garden community solution). Can do work as full-stack developer.
Sophie IvanovaWeb-дизайнот 500 руб. за час
HELLO! I'm open for new projects and business inquiries. My portfolio Feel free to contact me.
Nataliia Yakymiv.Net developerот 400 руб. за час
I am a .Net Developer with more than 2 years of experience. My main strength is the ASP.NET platform. I have worked on different .Net projects and have experience with ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core technologies. Technologies: • C#/ASP.NET/WEB API/MVC/Core/Web Forms/Entity Framework • HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap • Javascript/Ajax/JQuery • SQL/Microsoft SQL Server/MySQL
Narek DallakyanAndroid Developerот 900 руб. за час
Java/Kotlin Android Mobile DeveloperСпасибо за посещение моего профиля. Я являюсь мобильным разработчиком с сильными навыками Android и имею более чем 3-летний опыт создания мобильных приложений с нуля, а также работы над уже существующими проектами, исправления ошибок и внесения настроек. Вот некоторые из моих навыков: • Core Java OOP, multi- threading • Experience with Android SDK • Application Lifecycle • Strong understanding of REST full api, OkHttp, Retrofit2 • Database: SQLite, Realm,...
Аркадий ПанасянТестирование (QA Engineer)от 500 руб. за час
Занимаюсь тестирование веб и мобильных (Android & iOS) приложений уже более 3-х лет. Тестирую на всех браузерах и современных устройствах. Пишу подробные отчеты, завожу баги с четкими шагами воспроизведения, скриншотами и видео. Есть опыт работы как в компании, так и подрядчиком во фрилансе. Последние полтора года работаю на удаленке и знаю, как важно быть ответственным и дисциплинированным в своем деле. Имею стойкое чувство ответственности и стремление к совершенству. Есть понимание, что...
Antoine PototskyWeb-designот 20 000 руб. за проект
I have been designing for more than three years and do it successfully!I have worked with large enterprises.
Светлана МитюхинаFrontend-разработкацена договорная
Хорошо умею: 1) Работать с HTML5 (семантическая вёрстка, микроразметка): 2) СSS3 (media queries, flexbox, BEM); 3)JavaScript (Drag-and-Drop, API, ES6); 4) Работать с системой контроля версий (Git). Есть опыт разработки приложений на React, активно его изучаю. Заканчиваю обучение в школе веб-разработки WebHeroSchool. Есть непреодолимое желание поработать, открыта к обучению и новым технологиям.
Дэннис АрчаковFrontend-разработчикцена договорная
Имеется опыт разработки проектов с нуля. Разработка RESTFull API для популярных проектов на платформе iOS & Android. При разработке проектов, я использую следующие технологии: Frontend: TypeScript / JavaScript (ES6+)NextJS / ReactJS / Immer / ImmutableJS / Apollo / RecomposeRedux Toolkit / Redux / Redux Saga / Redux Thunk / ReselectReact Hook Form / FormikSCSS / styled-components / CSS Modules / Stylus / PostCSS / vanilla-extractEJS / PugJS (Jade) / HandlebarsMaterial UI / Semantic UI /...
Евгений Гусмановmanual test engineerот 500 руб. за час
Константин МарченкоДесктопные приложения, драйверот 600 руб. за час
More than three years develop work futures like a software and devices behavior and mini projects like tetris, i2c lcd library, cloude kettle, custom car alarm. Worked with Sonos, ZigBee, Zwave, Lutron, Alice, CAN, HTTP, WebSoket, and lot of other protocols, used Codeblocks and VisualStudio, developed for windows, raspberry and stm32.
Tatiana Beletskaya2D-художникот 500 руб. за час
Художественное образование. В игровой индустрии опыт - 10 лет. Профессионально владею программами Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator и др. Изучала академический рисунок, тч рисую от руки на высоком уровне. Рисую в разных техниках и направлениях (от казуальных до пиксельных игр). Главными личными качествами считаю упорство и работу на результат. Ответственная и пунктуальная. Участвовала в таких проектах как: - Множество игр для Big Fish, такие как: Redemption Cemetery, Azada, Gothic...
Hanna KarpovaWeb and mobile solutions, VR and AR developmentцена договорная
Hello! My name is Hanna Karpova. I'm a member of software development company BVG Software Group. BVG Software Group is the software development company with offices in Odessa, Ukraine and South San Francisco, CA. The company delivers solutions to clients across the US & abroad and has expertise in: - Peer-to-peer and sharing economy platforms; - Social networking solutions; - Healthcare diagnostics applications; - Full-cycle development; - Web and mobile app development; - Native...