UI/UX Design TildaWebflowReadymagWeb designer from Saint Petersburg. I specialize in: web design, landing page design, banner ad, presentation/PowerPoint design. Love to combine functionality and clean & catchy design.
Екатерина ЖгуноваВеб дизайнцена договорная
Max KostinyukPhotoshop Art / Web Design / Vот 700 руб. за час
Hey! I like to design things, I can create sth cool and beautifull ! My Tools are Photoshop / Figma / Illustrator / Cat . I'm always up for the Design community and trends, but I rather stay on my unique art vision:)
Армат ИлимисовАналитикот 100 руб. за час
Меня зовут Армат. Работаю более 2х лет аналитиком, сам по образованию инженер ракетно-космической техники. Ранее не брал работу фриланс. Поэтому готов взяться даже за проекты с символической оплатой или без. При этом я настроен выполнять работу добросовестно и в срок. Очень ответственно подхожу к любой работе. Программирую на языках Python, C и C#, есть базовые навыки SQL, а также продвинутые Excel и Google-таблицы. My name is Armat. I have been working as an analyst for over 2 years. I am...
Валерий ШамшинiOS devцена договорная
Contacts: Telegram: @niexyr Note: Please, consider sending the offer in text first. Links to resume: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01b1fecd1a3aad... https://www.linkedin.com/in/valery-shamshin-229489... General Info: QA Engineer experience: 2+ years (with teaching).iOS Development experience: 3+ years (with teaching).Experience: Projects: Over 35 projects (QA Engineer)Testing course teacher (QA Engineer) (iOS developer):Payment app for schoolVisiting courses appTraveling...
SomeName SomeSurnamePython programmerцена договорная
Freelance is new to me. I can work for very little money.
Даниил ХаритоновБизнес-аналитика, копирайтингот 350 руб. за час
Обследование и описание (As Is и To Be) бизнес-процессов в Mira/Visio/MindManager в нотациях BPMN/UML; • Разработка, внедрение и поддержка регламентов, инструкций в Компании; • Проведение опроса владельцев бизнес-процессов и ключевых пользователей, формирование CJM, User Story, Use Case; • Проведение опросов линейных пользователей для сбора пожеланий к улучшению ИС; • Декомпозиция задач для разработчиков, формирование ТЗ • Ведение внутренних проектов (до 5 человек + фокус группа), контроль...
Юрий ОсиповPythonот 1 000 руб. за час
I’m a software developer with over than 5 years of experience with different technologies including C, Python(Many modules including requests, asyncio, python-valve etc), Lua and many more. I’m a big fan of unix based operating systems, my favorite linux distro is Pop os, but I’m currently using windows due to limitations provided by my current work. I have good experience with server administration of linux and windows servers. I’ve done it for about 6 years. I’ve started from game...
Глеб РябченкоФотодизайнерот 300 руб. за проект
Приветствую! Я занимаюсь редактированием фотографий для чего угодно. Около 2 лет в этом деле. работаю не быстро, но качественно.
Anna BaharyanHTML,CSS,JavaScriptот 2 000 руб. за проект
Hello! I am Anna. Programming is my third profession. I am crazy about this work and I am doing my best to achieve good results. I hope there will be people who will help me and will show me the right way to success. Now I master HTML, CSS,SCSS, JavaScript ,React.js,Redux,jQuerry,MaterialUI,Bootstrap. I am waiting for job offers. You can see my work on my GitHub page/https://github.com/annabaharyan/
GRIMAX web studioДизайн, верстка и созд. сайтовот 1 000 руб. за час
Приветствую, меня зовут Лада, я руководитель проектов веб-студии GRIMAX. Наша компания занимается: Программированием - разрабатываем: - прикладное, мобильное ПО - сайты любой сложности - игры - программы Дизайном - создаём: - логотипы - фирменный стиль - брендбуки - макеты сайта - макеты корпоративных открыток - презентации - буклеты - листовки - каталоги продукции - распечатываемые баннеры - меню В составе команды: * Руководитель проекта * Команда дизайнеров * Fullstack программист C#, С *...
Алексей ИконниковВеб-дизайнерот 400 руб. за час
Привет! Я веб и граф дизайнер! Давно работаю в сфере дизайна, разработки айдентики, логотипов, дизайн сайтов, мобильных приложений и т.д. Если нужно современное или строгое - это ко мне! Мое портфолио https://vk.com/away.php?to=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Ffile%2Fd%2F1RzLdIRk701rnWXpWfhNgcsbo85H7QJi3%2Fview%3Fusp%3Dsharing
Aren KamalyanAndroid Developerот 1 700 руб. за час
Hi, I am Aren. I am in IT sphere for 6 years as Android developer. I am ready to any challenges and can do any project with high quality.
Toma MelnikovaUI/UX Designerцена договорная
Hi I'm Toma - a junior UI/UX designer, with great responsibility and love for my work. I graduated from the UX Mind school course. My certificate - https://cutt.ly/AKLSl72 My responsibilities: • Prototyping, creating interfaces of web-sites, landing pages; • Interface Design (colors, typography, components, onboarding, registration, illustration, mockups, screens, interface); • Responsive and Adaptive Design • User Flow Design (user goal, task flow, wire flow, user flow, information...
Василий ЖдановАвтоматизированные системы/ботцена договорная
I use modern and powerful technologies to build web applications for client-server environments. Updates functionality based on customer requirements to ensure an excellent user experience. I always improve my skills to move forward only. https://github.com/ByPaprika
Василий Ш.Python / Django Developerот 2 050 руб. за час
An experienced software engineer with strong skills in Python, Django and modern web technologies. I know ways to solve complex problems and make smart decisions to deliver successful results.
Влад Мельникweb designот 200 руб. за проект
First-year student of the Mateja Bela University, completed a web design course at Hillel IT school, I want to start practicing, I will do everything well and without flaws
Tony Hanweb developmentот 2 000 руб. за час
Passionate and skilled Full Stack developer offering 8 years of relevant experience and a proven track record of success in achieving extraordinary results. With a strong attention to detail and accuracy and the important ability to function well in a team setting, I am looking for a full stack development job within a forward-moving company. * Software engineer possessing Comprehensive 8 years of experience as IT Professional * Proven track record of success in achieving extraordinary...
Павел ШуклинWeb-дизайнот 1 100 руб. за час
You can see the portfolio: https://www.behance.net/shuklinp https://dribbble.com/PNBlab Professional designer with 8 years of experience. Scince early years I realized, that practical involvement is a key to success in my work. Acquired skill was appreciated by different companies. Both to young startups and hugest Russian companies i was able to deliver stable level of quality and understanding of business meaning in any piece of work. There are different ways to do design. Mostly it...
Daniil GrahantsevFront-end developerот 1 500 руб. за час
I`m a front-end programmer for 3 years now. I`ve worked as a front-end developer in Fibre Centre which is located in Monkton, Canada. I`ve worked with a huge stack of technologies to write their products. I can help you solve any problem with your websites:)
Stepan RozeFrontend developerот 1 500 руб. за час
I have 4+ years of experience in front-end development. Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS), JavaScript and jQuery. I make a valid (in accordance with the standards W3C), semantic, 100% responsive code. Writing semantic markup that is documented and easy to read means it can be maintained and scaled in the future, and allows co-workers to quickly work with it. My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Bower, and yarn to speed up development. ...
Александр Апоносёнокfrontend developer / верстальщцена договорная
I'm frontend developer with experience in creating SPA using React,Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML & CSS, SCSS . Usualy i prefer tospend my leisure time on studying new technologies. Ready to consider project work and full-time employment. SKILLS: REACT | REDUX JS/ES6+ | TYPESCRIPT AXIOS | REST API REACT HOOKS REACT-ROUTER-DOM REDUX THUNK | REDUX FORM HTML & CSS | SCSS TDD | UNIT TESTS | STORYBOOK GIT | GITHUB MATERIAL UI
Nadzeya LebedzFrontend разработкаот 500 руб. за час
I'm a software developer and working around 2,5 years. The main skills: HTML; CSS; CSS Preprocessing (SASS); JavaScript (including es6); TypeScript; React; Redux (redux-thunk, redux-saga); Redux Form; Material-UI; Git; BEM; Adaptive Layout. Experience with React for about 2.5 years. Worked with Jenkins, Jest, Storybook, NextJS, GitLab, GitHub, Semantic UI. Experience with the application on Electron. I deal with design, develop, code, and test technical solutions collaborating with senior...
Антон БелоусовiOS разработкаот 1 500 руб. за час
Только почасовая оплата! iOS разработчик со стажем в 7 лет. Проекты за последние 3 года. (по более ранним проектам: могу описать опыт работы по необходимости) Coins.tech - Crypto Portfolio. Единый кошелек криптовалют. (помогал в разработке) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/coins-tech-crypto-... Report Advance Analytics for Instagram. Аналитика для Инстаграм (целиком сам) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/report-advance/id1... Colorit - coloring app. Раскраска (разработал сам)...
Артур Эксперт ИТ проектовВеб сайты, Веб дизайн, SEOот 400 руб. за час
Программист/Разработчик Образование: 2016 - 2018 Московский технологический университет МИРЭА (Магистр, красный диплом), Информационные технологии. Работа 2016-2018 Alianse sоftware Group, Москва Full Stack Developer: Разработка Веб сайтов на PHP, WordPress, OpenCart, Верстка- HTML, CSS, JavaScript/JQuery, Базы данных MySQL LabView Программист, “National Instruments” Разработка программного кода для ОС...
Богдан КотовДизайн ui ux; Бренд-дизайнерот 250 руб. за час
Есть портфолио, использую приложения Figma, Illustrator https://www.figma.com/file/aSns7bbKFPvdMvtmr1XHrB/...